She rested her hand on his chest. 'You just wait. There's an awful lot you need to say to a great many people. But you need to be very careful exactly what you tell them, and you're not in any condition to make those decisions right now.

'Okay. He knew she was right about that.

'You also saw poor Sergeant Chae's soul. If you thought you were famous before, you won't believe what you are now.

'I thought I hallucinated that part.

'Thanks to your gifting, the Pythia herself spoke with his soul as it departed. You don't get a more believable witness than that.

She's been waiting to talk to you about what she's calling your "Lady-blessed connection to the spirit world". We're to inform her immediately you've recovered, Kristabel said significantly.

Edeard instinctively gripped the sheet tighter, drawing it up a couple of inches. He was only wearing a baggy nightshirt underneath. So who undressed me?

Kristabel gave him a lofty glance. 'I sent my maids in to prepare you for your rest.


She burst into giggles. 'The doctor and the Novices attended you.

'Oh. Not that it made the idea much more tolerable. Novices!

Kristabel hugged him. 'Thank the Lady, you're still my silly Edeard.

'What about my friends?

'Waiting outside. Very impatiently. Causing a lot of trouble for the staff. And they're all fine. Before you ask: the gang members are under arrest and awaiting trial in the cells under Parliament House. Their 'constable-killer' guns were recovered; and you'll never guess where they came from.

'Where? he asked eagerly.

'The Weapons Guild.


'Yes. Apparently they're a secret type the Guild holds safe in case the city is ever attacked. The design dates back centuries. Owain is furious. He's ordered a full inquiry into how they were taken out of storage. Nobody was supposed to know about them apart from the Guild's most senior Masters.

'That's got to be damaging to Owain in council.

'I expect so. Daddy was really cheerful when he told me.

'Thank you, he said softly.

She gave him a breezy smile. 'What for?

'Being here.

'You're welcome, Waterwalker. She kissed him again. A more sultry embrace this time, containing a great deal of promise. 'I'll call them in. I know you want to see them. Don't worry, the doctor already instructed them to be quick, and not to stress you.

They came in as one group. Kanseen anxious until she actually saw him awake and sitting up in bed, then she became quite emotional. Boyd nervous, almost shy. Dinlay boyishly eager, holding a big basket of sugared fruits. Macsen however had a huge grin on his face. 'Nanitte, he whooped gleefully, finger jabbing at Edeard for emphasis. 'I told you so!


Despite its size, there were few people in the Malfit Hall as the junior Cleric escorted Marius across the jet-black floor. Those who were there gave the Higher mistrustful glances as he glided along effortlessly. It was nothing personal, they simply didn't enjoy non-believers being in this hallowed place.

He passed into Liliala Hall, whose ceaseless storm played out across the ceiling. As he walked beneath the apex, lightning bolts arched between billowing clouds, searing narrow gaps in the vapour to reveal the bland Mars Twins. At the far end an arching door let them into the Mayor's suite of chambers. Ethan was waiting in the oval sanctum. It had been restored to its original state, the way the Waterwalker had arranged it while he was Mayor. Chairs and the desk were carved from muroak, and polished with natural wax, giving off a faint lavender scent. The three high diocletian windows on the wall behind the desk provided its occupant a splendid view out across Outer Circle Canal and the western corner of Golden Park, with the lazy green undulations of Low Moat filling the gulf to the crystal wall beyond.

'Thank you for coming, the Cleric Conservator said genially. He was sitting behind the desk, the hood of his white robe pulled forward. Even with the loose folds of fabric concealing the side of his head, the semi-organic modules were visible adhering to his skin.

Marius bowed respectfully. 'Thank you for seeing me, Conservator.

Ethan's hand fluttered in dismissal to the assistant Cleric.

'I trust you are almost recovered, Marius said as he stood in front of the desk. The air in his wake was tainted by wispy shadows from his shimmering black toga suit.

'Almost, Ethan smiled thinly. His hand rose to indicate the nodules. 'Only three remain, and my doctors tell me they will be removed before the end of the week. It is amazing how the human body's powers of recuperation can be bolstered by good news.

'Good news?

Ethan hesitated, wondering if the representative was trying to taunt him. 'A human has passed into the Void, with the help of the Second Dreamer.

'In an attempt to negotiate a rejection of your Pilgrimage.

'I doubt any ANA representative will comprehend the most basic tenet of the Void. It exists to embrace life, to elevate us to the highest pinnacle our poor spirits can aspire to.

'Indeed, Marius said, with a deliberate irony.

Ethan caught the implication, and smiled gracefully. 'With respect, I hardly consider you comparable to Justine Burnelli. From what I've seen, you remain firmly rooted in the physical aspects of the universe.

'I will accept that in the spirit I believe it was intended.

'Thank you, Ethan sank back in his chair, eyeing the representative curiously. At the start of his campaign to become Conservator he had been cautious about accepting the man's help. Like every aspirant for high office in history, he had used his aide to make the first exploratory contacts. Phelim had returned animated by the possibilities available. Ethan had agreed to listen. Politically, the assistance Marius provided was subtle and invaluable, allowing Ethan to build alliances within the Council and among the Clerics of the Orchard Palace, propelling him to a position where he could put himself forward for election with a great deal of confidence. Included with that was the offer of ultradrives for the pilgrimage ships, a gift that would generate a near-certain success. All of this had been given freely because their 'objectives' were complementary. And in all that time, Marius had never hinted what his Faction's objective actually was. Ethan knew it wouldn't be long now; it would be interesting to see what the price could possibly be.

'However, hasn't the Void itself demonstrated Justine's essential humanity by its response to her thoughts? Marius asked the question as if it was some easily dismissed oddity.

'One small dream, Ethan said. 'A fast glimpse of her predicament. She certainly hasn't found the Heart, or even a Skylord. As her eagerness to reach that star shows, she is concerned only with the physical.

'Yet she demonstrated the mental abilities available to the Waterwalker.

'She hardly has his strength.

'She was only awake for a few days of the Void's timescale, and she appeared to be acclimatizing comfortably.

'This too serves to reinforce our doctrine. The Void will become our salvation. The Second Dreamer will lead us to our destiny as the Dreamer Inigo always intended.

'I think we both know it wasn't the Second Dreamer who provided this latest glimpse from within the Void.

'Yes, Ethan conceded.

'Does Living Dream know who received Justine's thoughts and vision?


Marius smiled; on his round face with its thin nose, the gesture was unpleasant. 'Yet another Dreamer, Conservator? They seem to be coming quite commonplace.

'Three Dreamers in two hundred and seventy years is hardly «commonplace». But I do consider it significant that two have appeared so close together at this particular time. Events are coming to a climax, in accordance with the Dreamer Inigo's vision.

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