Cohl said, “There are lots of ways in. You could track one of the Baby’s arms, for instance. Even so you’d have to take some kind of cover.”


“Other ships. Rocks, even.” She glanced at him. “Not everybody is going to get through; you have to take enough companions with you to make sure that somebody makes it. It’s a question of statistics, Pirius.” She rubbed her chin. “Of course the navigation would be tricky. You’re talking about finding your way through all that astrophysics, and keeping a small flotilla together…”

He saw she was losing herself in the technicalities of planning such an ambitious jaunt. But technicalities were not uppermost in his own mind.

After a while she noticed his silence. “You’re not happy about this, are you?

“Am I supposed to be?”

She said, “It won’t make any difference, you know. To them. Whatever we do.”

“To who?”

“To the dead ones.”

Pirius looked at her. “I thought it was only me who had thoughts like that.”

“You ought to talk about it more. You’ll just have to make up your own mind about the mission, Pirius. But I’ll follow you, whatever you decide.”

He was moved. “Thank you.”

She shrugged. “What’s to thank? Without you, the Xeelee would have fried me already — twice. And as for the guilt, maybe you should go talk to This Burden Must Pass. He’s always full of philosophical crap, if that’s what you need.”

That made him laugh, but it seemed like a good idea. But when he went to find Burden, Nilis had got there before him.

Virtual Nilis, reluctantly fulfilling the nominal purpose for his projection here at Quin, was interviewing Burden in his small office.

Pirius wasn’t the only visitor. Perhaps a dozen cadets and privates had gathered outside the office’s partition walls. They sat on bunks, or storage boxes, or just on the floor, and they stared into the room with steady longing.

Nilis seemed relieved to close the door on them. “They’re coming in relays,” he whispered, shocked.

“That’s military training for you,” Burden said dryly. He was sitting at ease in one of the office’s small upright chairs. Unlike the Commissary, he seemed quite relaxed.

Nilis whispered, “I don’t know what they want.”

Pirius grunted. “That’s obvious. They’re here because they think you’re going to take Burden away.”

Nilis, bustling clumsily around the room, flapped his hands. “I’m here to analyze, not to condemn. Even Commissaries are pragmatic, you know; if this quasi-faith helps the youngsters out there keep to their duties we’re quite willing to turn a blind eye. But we do have to be sure things don’t go too far. Of course, by showing such devotion to their, ah, spiritual leader, those cadets are actually making it more likely, not less, that sanctions will have to be applied.”

Burden said, “Commissary, maybe you should go out there and talk to them about it. They’re the ones who are affected by my ’sermonizing,’ after all.”

“Oh, I don’t think that would be appropriate — no, no, not at all.”

Pirius thought that was an excuse. How could the Commissary possibly do a proper analysis of Burden’s faith if he didn’t talk to those actually affected? Nilis seemed afraid, he thought: afraid of Quin, or of the people in it, which was why he clung to this little room.

Pirius sat down on the room’s only other chair. Nilis, with nowhere to sit, flapped and fluffed a little more; then, with a sigh, he snapped his fingers to conjure up a Virtual couch. “Not really supposed to be doing magic tricks, you know,” he said apologetically. “Against the rules of an avatar!”

Pirius asked, “So, Commissary, has he converted you to a belief in the Ultimate Observer?”

“How comforting it would be if he had,” said Nilis, a little wistfully. “But I know too much! Religions have long been a theoretical interest of mine, which is how I was able to wangle this assignment — and intellectually is the only way I can respond, you see.

“That’s not to say there isn’t some merit in this new faith. Consider the Friends’ beliefs. A Friend worships her descendants, who she believes will far surpass her in power and glory. That’s not such an irrational belief, and guides behavior in an unselfish way, as any worthwhile religion should. The old legend of Michael Poole has entered the mix too. Like some earlier messiahs, Poole is supposed to have given his life for the future of mankind. Of course that’s an example always to be admired. Quero’s faith is crude and somewhat shapeless, but it does have some moral weight. And it is interesting, academically, for its novel setting…”

Most human religions, said Nilis, had originated on Earth. Once carried to the stars, they had mutated, adapted, split, and merged, but they had generally retained the same core elements.

“A religion born on Earth will have archetypes derived from planetary living — where the sun must rise and set, where seasons come and go, where living things die but are renewed, without the intervention of humans, but dependent on the cycles of the world. So you find a worship of the sun, and of water, often sublimated into blood; you find a fascination with the figures of mother and child, and with the seed which, once planted in the ground, endures the winter and lives again. Many religions feature messiahs who defeat death itself, who die but are born again: the ultimate sublimation of the seed.

“But here,” he said, “you have a religion which has emerged, quite spontaneously, among a spacegoing people. So new archetypes must be found. Entropy, for instance: to survive in an artificial biosphere one must labor constantly against decay. You can’t rely on the world to fix itself, you see; there are no renewing seasonal cycles here.

“And then there is contingency. Back on Earth, FTL foreknowledge is understood — it is an essential strategic tool — but it doesn’t affect people, which made the arrival of your FTL twin, Pirius, something of a nine day wonder. Out here, though, everyone knows that the past is as uncertain as the future, because you see the future change all the time, as those ships come limping home from battles that haven’t happened yet. It happened to you, Pirius! Here, the notion that all of this suffering may be washed away by a history change is an easy one to sell.”

Pirius said, “You make it sound almost reasonable, Commissary.”

“Well, so it is! Religions will always emerge, even in a place as emotionally sterile as this; and religions will naturally exploit elements in their environments. It would be fascinating to see how this new faith develops in the future.”

“But you don’t seem to have anything to say about why the cadets need Burden’s teaching in the first place.”

Nilis folded his fingers over his ample virtual belly. “Soldiers have always been superstitious,” he pronounced. “Something to do with a need to take control of one’s destiny in a dangerous and out-of- control environment. And the ordinary troops have always championed the Druz Doctrines. We have come so far from home.” He flexed his fingers before his face, almost curiously. “We still have the bodies of plains apes, you know. But nothing else of our native ecology has survived: nothing but us and our stomach bacteria and the rats and lice and fleas… Now we have come to a place so lethal we have to dig into bits of rock to survive. There is nothing left of our origins but us — and all that holds us together is our beliefs. Lose them and we will become shapeless, flow like hot metal.

“I think the ordinary soldier intuits something of that, and has clung to the Doctrines as a result. But the Doctrines are too severe — inhuman, lacking hope. If you were going to devise a consoling religion you wouldn’t start with them. Druz would not even have us commemorate the dead!”

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