"The governor will see you now." The words brought him out of his daydream. He turned around to see a short-all the people of this place were of small stature-but well-built man in a crisp green uniform standing before them. He smiled, showing a row of neat white teeth, but his snapping black eyes spoke of the turmoil their visit had plunged his staff into. "Follow me, please."

The scrolled iron gates creaked open and, with the captain at the elephant's head, they began moving up the tree-lined drive. At the wide palace steps they dismounted and were ushered in through two huge bronze doors. Spence heard a loud trumpet behind him, turned and saw Simba, trunk waving in the air, being led away in the care of two keepers with goads.

"Good-bye, old girl," said Spence. "And thanks for the ride."

"I had forgotten that we would have to give her up," said Adjani sadly. "I was growing fond of her."

Spence sighed and nodded. …

THE GOVERNOR, BY CONTRAST with his subjects, was a tall man of princely bearing. Spence found it easy to imagine that he had somehow been transported back in time and sat in the presence of Indian royalty in the time of the Moghuls.

White marble gleamed at every turn, some of it covered with rich oriental carpets; potted palms sat in great beaten brass jars, and the almond-colored walls were hung with animal skins and carvings of jade and alabaster, ivory and teak. The ceiling, also carved with the intricate stylized designs of elephants, lions, and dancing maidens, glittered with gilt and was supported with large serpentine columns of green marble.

In one of the palace's many audience rooms they sat in an alcove formed by a screen that had been carved from thin slabs of yellow marble in the figure of thousands of intertwined roses. Red silk cushions on great rattan chairs made the travelers feel like members of nobility as they sat sipping tea and conversing with the governor. A hamal of the governor's serving staff hovered nearby with silver plates of small nut cakes and sweetmeats.

"I am very distraught over the attack on my minister's party. Nevertheless, I am pleased to have Ambooli, my elephant, returned and to learn of this outrage against my authority. I am grateful to you for this kindness. It shall be rewarded.

"Is there anything else which I may do to show my gratitude? You have but to speak."

"Thank you, Governor, but your hospitality has been proof enough," replied Adjani.

"It is nothing. It would please me to know that while you remain in Darjeeling you will make my home your own. We seldom receive such auspicious guests, and I would enjoy the pleasure of your company." A quick flick of his wrist with fingers extended sent the hamal scurrying away. "You see? It has already been arranged."

"Governor-" began Spence.

"Please, enough of titles. To you I am simply Fazlul." His smile was gracious, charming, and unaccountably reserved-as if he were playing a game which required him to smile, but obviously felt it an imposition upon his true feelings. Spence noticed that the governor's eyes kept darting to the screens around them as if he expected at any moment to leap up and surprise an eavesdropping assassin. On the whole, Fazlul had about him an air of subtle, crafty meanness which he held in check by diplomacy and refined manners.

Their host looked every inch the ruler of old, capable of presenting his guests with a fair daughter's hand, or sewing them up in goatskin bags with wildcats-whichever fancy happened to strike him at the moment.

"Yes, Fazlul," repeated Spence. "We have heard that there are ruins of an old palace somewhere in the hills near here. Would there be someone who could direct us, do you think?"

"Oh, you are an archaeologist? I thought so the moment I laid eyes on you. Of course, you know that these hills hold many secrets. There are many such sites which might interest you: palaces, temples, cave tombs, shrines. This was once the center of the world, you know. And, I would like to believe, it will be again.

"However, I will assign our state historian to confer with you and advise you. He will provide you with a guide and [am sure will wish to accompany you himself. As you will see, you shall all become very popular visitors. I hope your stay is a long one, because I think you will not have time to accept every invitation which is sure to come your way.

"But tonight you will be my guests at a banquet which commemorates the celebration of Naag Brasputi. It is a local festival. Very colorful. I am sure you will find it amusing."

The governor rose and placed his palms together and raised them to his chin. "Namastey, gentlemen. Until tonight."

The three guests stood and bid the governor good day and watched him walk away-shoulders high, back straight, and hands held close to his sides as if wearing the crown and carrying the scepter of his office.

"I feel like I have just had an audience with the King of Siam," said Spence.

"You are not far wrong," said Adjani. "His is an imperial line that goes back centuries."

"He is a proud and ruthless man," remarked Gita. "Even in Calcutta we have heard stories about him. It would be better for us that he did not esteem our company so highly."


… THE GOVERNoR HAD contrived to impress his guests he could not have succeeded more ompletely. They were called from their rooms at dusk-after they had napped, bathed, and changed into new muslin clothes-and were conducted to a great banquet hall which opened at one end onto a vast lawn. People of all types-officials, servants, other guests, and dignitaries -were assembling in the hall, and on the lawn a circus appeared to be swinging into action.

Walking out onto the broad green lawn in the fiery violet-andorange sunset which lit the mountain peaks around them with cool flame, the three saw jugglers, fire-eaters, snake charmers, and acrobats. A man hanging by his heels from a rope swung round and round on a long pole, whirling as he went. Other performers walked tightropes, and everywhere dancers displayed intricate and facile movements to groups of applauding onlookers. Laughing youngsters threw flower petals and splashed perfumed water on all the guests, and strains of exotic music filled the air.

People from the city poured into other palace lawns and soon the noise and revel reached the threshold of chaos, though a gay sort of chaos.

Spence, Adjani, and Gita moved among the crowds and gawked first at one strange sight-a man who drew wide acclaim by swallowing live snakes and then drawing them back out an inch at a time-and then at another-a man who pushed long steel needles through his cheeks and eyelids and the skin of his throat.

Spence found the festive atmosphere exciting and repulsive at the same time. He felt like a country rube who had come to town to see the freak show; it fascinated and amazed, but left a queasy feeling in the pit of his stomach. All of it was utterly beyond his experience, foreign and inexplicably odd. Nothing in his world of books and instruments hinted at the existence of this world he was seeing. He had nothing to compare it to.

Adjani hovered at Spence's shoulder, watching him with keen interest and explaining when he could what they were seeing and something of the significance behind it. Gita also sup. plied helpful explanations, but he was too caught up in the spectacle as a participant himself to count on as a guide. His round form could be seen darting here and there in the crush to join a dance or thrust into the forefront of an audience. He was soon decked in layers of flower garlands. His face shone with boyish enthusiasm; clearly, anyone would have thought that the entire show had been produced for his enjoyment alone.

As the first of the evening stars came out, adding their bright light to the color below, Spence and his companions were shepherded back into the banquet hall where they were seated at an enormous table at the open end overlooking the roistering scene of the celebration.

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