He felt drained and weary. He set himself for two hours of sleep, stripped, and lay down.

When he woke he was as tired as before. That was unusual. He decided to give himself another hour of rest, and closed his eyes. But in a short while he was interrupted by the chime of the telephone. Turning toward the screen, he saw Lilith Meson. Sleepily he made the Krug-be-praised sign at her.

She looked somber. She said, “Can you come to the Valhallavдgen chapel, Thor?”


“Now, if you can. It’s tense here. The Cassandra Nucleus thing — we don’t know what to think, Thor.”

“Wait,” he said. “I’ll be there.”

He put on a robe, set the transmat coordinates for the Valhallavдgen cubicle, and jumped. It was a fifty-meter walk from the cubicle to the chapel; transmats were never installed inside a chapel. A feeble, strained dawn was breaking. In the night there had been a little snow here too, Watchman saw; the remnants of it fleeced the deep window ledges of the old buildings.

The chapel was in a ground-floor flat at the corner. Some fifteen androids were there, all alphas; the lower classes rarely used the Valhallavдgen chapel, though they were free to do so. Betas felt uncomfortable in it, and gammas preferred to worship in Gamma Town, far across the city.

Watchman recognized some of the most distinguished members of his kind in the group. He acknowledged the greetings of the poetess Andromeda Quark, the historian Mazda Constructor, the theologian Pontifex Dispatcher, the philosopher Krishna Guardsman, and several others who were among the elite of the elite. All seemed ragged with tension. When Watchman made Krug-be-praised at them, most of them returned the gesture halfheartedly, perfunctorily.

Lilith Meson said, “Forgive us for breaking your rest, Thor. But as you see an important conference is in progress.”

“How can I help?”

“You were a witness to the slaying of Alpha Cassandra Nucleus,” Pontifex Dispatcher said. He was heavy, slow-moving, an android of dignified and imposing bearing who came from one of the earliest of Krug’s batches. He had played a major role in the shaping of their religion. “We have somewhat of a theological crisis now,” Dispatcher went on. “In view of the charges raised by Siegfried Fileclerk—”

“Charges? I hadn’t heard.”

“Will you tell him?” Pontifex Dispatcher said, glancing at Andromeda Quark.

The poetess, lean and intense, with an elegant reedy voice, said, “Fileclerk held a press conference last night at AEP headquarters. He insisted that the killing of Alpha Nucleus was a politically motivated act carried out at the instigation of—” She could barely say it. “—Krug.”

“Slime of the Vat,” Watchman muttered. “I begged him not to do that! Fileclerk and I stood talking in the snow half an hour, and I told him — I told him—” He knotted his fingers. “Was there a statement from Krug?”

“A denial,” said Mazda Constructor, who for four years had with Watchman’s surreptitious aid been secretly compiling the annals of the androids from Krug’s dead-storage date file. “An immediate response. The killing was called accidental.”

“Who spoke for Krug?” Watchman asked.

“A lawyer. Fearon, the Senator’s brother.”

“Not Spaulding, eh? Still in shock, I guess. Well, so Fileclerk’s been spewing filth. What of it?”

Softly Pontifex Dispatcher said, “At this moment, chapels everywhere are crowded as your brothers and sisters gather to discuss the implications of the killing, Thor. The theological resonances are so terribly complex. If Krug indeed did give the order for the ending of Cassandra Nucleus’ life, did he do so in order to show His displeasure over the activities of the Android Equality Party? That is, does He prefer our way to theirs? Or, on the other hand, did He take her life to register His disapproval of the ultimate goals of the AEP — which of course are roughly the same as our own? If the former, our faith is justified. But if the latter, you see, then possibly we have been given a sign that Krug totally rejects the concept of android equality. And then there is no hope for us.”

“A bleak prospect,” croaked Krishna Guardsman, whose teachings on the relationship of Krug to android were revered by all. “However, I take comfort in the thought that if Krug struck Alpha Nucleus down to show His dislike of the equality movement, He did so merely to oppose political agitation for equalitynow , and was in effect reminding us to be more patient and await His grace. But—”

“We should also consider a much darker possibility,” said Mazda Constructor. “Is Krug capable of evil? Was His role in the killing a wicked one? If so, then perhaps the entire foundation of our creed must be reexamined and even rebuilt, for if Krug can act arbitrarily and immorally, then it follows—”

“Wait! Wait!” called an uneasy voice from the rear of the group. “No such talk as this in a chapel!”

“I speak only figuratively,” Mazda Constructor said, “with no blasphemies intended. We are trying to show Alpha Watchman the range of reactions now being demonstrated around the world. Certainly many of us fear that Fileclerk’s charges are correct — that Alpha Nucleus was put to death for her political views — and that has led to a consideration of the possibility that Krug has acted improperly. It is being discussed in many chapels at this very moment.”

“I think we have to believe,” said Krishna Guardsman, “that all acts of Krug are by definition good acts, leading us toward our ultimate redemption. Our problem here is not to justify Krug’s deeds but simply to quiet the unhappy suspicions of Krug’s motives that this Fileclerk, who is not even a member of our communion, has stirred up in those that are. We—”

“It was a sign from Krug! It was a sign!”

“The Vat giveth, and the Vat taketh away!”

“Fileclerk said that Krug showed no remorse whatever. He—”

“—sent for the lawyers. A civil action—”

“—property damage. A tort—”

“—another test of our faith—”

“—she was our enemy, in any case—”

“—killing one of His children to warn the rest of us? That makes Him a monster!”

“—in the fire of His crucible are we smelted—”

“—revealing an unsuspected capacity for murderous—”




“Listen to me,” Thor Watchman cried, amazed and impatient. “Please. Please listen!”

“Let him speak,” Mazda Constructor said. “Of all of us, he is closes to Krug. His words have weight.”

“I was there,” said Watchman. “I saw the whole thing. Before you destroy yourselves with conflicting theologies,listen . Krug bears no responsibility for the killing. Spaulding, the secretary, the ectogene, acted on his own. There is no other truth but this.” In a cataract of words he told of Spaulding’s blustering attempt to force his way into the construction-site chapel, of the ectogene’s rising tension in the face of the resistance of the chapel’s guards, of his own ruse to draw Spaulding away from the chapel, of the unhappy result when Spaulding discovered Krug beset by the AEP agents.

“This is deeply reassuring,” said Mazda Constructor when Watchman was done. “We have been misled by Fileclerk’s accusations. This is not an issue of Krug’s actions at all.”

“Except in the deeper sense that Krug must have constructed the entire sequence of events,” Krishna Guardsman suggested.

“Can you seriously maintain that His will underlies even the secular events of—” Pontifex Dispatcher began.

Mazda Constructor cut him off. “We can debate the intricacies of His will another time. At present our task is to communicate with all other chapels, to transmit Thor’s account of the events. Our people everywhere are in unrest; we must calm them. Thor, will you dictate your statement so that it can be coded and transmitted?”


Andromeda Quark handed him a message cube. Watchman repeated the story, after first identifying himself, explaining his relation to Krug, and swearing to the authenticity of his version of the events. A terrible fatigue hammered at him from within. How eager these brilliant alphas were, he thought, to engulf everything in a mist of theological disquisition! And how quick to accept Fileclerk’s lies. In thousands of chapels just now, hundreds of thousands of devout androids were agonizing over the question of why Krug had allowed an alpha to be shot to death in His arms, whereas if they had merely waited to learn the truth from someone who had been present—

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