Janet specialized in women gone wrong. She portrayed Lady Macbeth with such pleasure and malevolence that Janet herself, seated beside Hutch, was chilled. (Watching acquaintances in the classic roles added an extra dimension to the experience, provided they were good. It all depended on the energy level and passion that one could provide to the mix.) Janet was also the scheming Mary Parker in Roads to Rome, and Katherine in Bovalinda. "You have a taste for power," Carson remarked while she was seizing control of a metals consortium and simultaneously plotting to murder an uncooperative husband.

"Yeah." Her face glowed. "Damn right."

Hutch discovered something about herself during the evening they watched Things That Are Caesar's. There is an all-out, no-holds-barred love scene in a rock pool within an abandoned monastery. And it was with an uncomfortable stirring in her breast that Hutch saw George, her George, close in on Maggie for a long aquatic grapple. It wasn't really George, of course, any more than it was really Maggie. It wasn't even their bodies: the subjects had supplied only fully clothed images and personality ranges; the computer had generated the rest. But Hutch felt a rising heat all the same, and she could not avoid a sidewise glance at Maggie, who was enjoying herself. As was George, sitting with a silly smirk.

Beta Pacifica was somewhat smaller than Sol, and slightly cooler. The radio source was located fifteen AUs from the star. "We should materialize within fifty thousand kilometers of the target," said Hutch as they began waiting for Navigation to signal that a jump was imminent.

"We won't hit it, will we?" asked Janet.

"Chances are thin." Hutch grinned. "Fifty thousand kilometers is a lot of space. There's a better chance that both Hazeltines will fail."

"That's not necessarily reassuring," said Janet. "You're assuming it's a station. What if the source is on a planet?"

"There's no appreciable probability of that," said Carson. "Anyhow, the mass detectors would pick up any significant gravity well and cancel the jump. Right?" He looked toward Hutch.

"Right," she agreed.

Carson brought up a star chart. "We're back in our old stomping ground," he said. That was approximately true: Pinnacle, Quraqua, Nok, and the Beta Pac system were all located along the rim of the Orion Arm.

"Party time's over," said Janet as they closed to within a few hours of their ETA. "Time to go to work."


(Scene 221 from Things That Are Caesar's: Ann Hol-loway is carried by the giant monk, Brother Thaddeus, through an underground passage into a rock chamber. She is stunned, and only begins to recover consciousness as he sets her down. She is wearing an evening dress, but it has been partially ripped away, exposing a shoulder and the upper curve of one breast. Brother Thaddeus, in obedience to his vows, shows no interest. He removes his sash and uses it to tie her wrists. When he has finished, he drags her across the stone floor toward an iron ring in the wall.)


(Starting to secure her to the ring) No need to pretend, little one. I know you are awake.


(Stirring, confused, most of the fight now out of her) Please don't.

(Looks around wildly.) Jack? Where are you?


He is past helping you, child. He is past helping anyone.

(Opens a panel in the wall, revealing a switch. Zoom on switch.)


(Tries to cover herself) Let me go. Let me go, and I'll tell no one.


I'm not afraid of what you can tell, Ann Holloway.

ANN Then why kill me?


(Pulls the switch. We hear the sound of running water.

A stream begins to gush into the chamber from above.) I have no intention of killing you. It is your past that condemns you. Your long nights of illicit pleasure cry out for atonement.

ANN No! It's not true. You're crazy.

THADDEUS (Sounding genuinely sorry; water gushes over her.)

Have courage, child. God's cleansing waves will save you yet. It is your only path to paradise.


(Strains at the chain. The torn blouse falls open, revealing still more, but she is well past worrying about it. Camera in close as she struggles.) Jack—


(Pauses at the entrance to the chamber, prepared to close the heavy stone door.)

Pray, my dear. It will ease your passage.

(She screams. He begins to close the door. Water pours into the chamber.)

The peace of the Lord be with you. (Bows his head. Camera in close. He hears something behind him, turns. Camera looks past him, down the passageway. Jack stands silhouetted in flickering torchlight.)


Where is she, you madman?

THADDEUS (Surprised to see him.) Hancock? Do you really still live?


(Desperate) Jack! I'm in here.


You should have accepted the grace the Lord gave you, and stayed away.


(Advancing) Hang on, Ann.


(Closes the door behind him, sealing off Ann, and blocking the passageway.)

You cannot help her. Best prepare for your own judgment, which is very close. (Touches the crucifix which hangs on a thin chain about his neck.)

The wicked are like the chaff which the wind drives away. The wicked shall not stand.

(Moves forward. They close in combat, and Thaddeus' greater size gives him an immediate advantage. He quickly forces Jack back, removes a cord from his robes, and loops it around Jack's neck. Meantime, cutaway shows water rising rapidly in the chamber. Ann struggles, etc. Holding Jack temporarily helpless, Thaddeus hauls him back along the corridor until he reaches the torch. Here, there is a lever in the wall. He pulls it, and a pit opens at their feet. A few rocks drop into the dark, and it is a long time before we hear them land. He drags Jack toward the edge of the pit. Jack breaks free, and the struggle rages while the water rises around Ann.


For you, O God, delight not in wickedness; no evil man remains with you; the arrogant may not stand in your sight.

(The water passes Ann's waist. She is thoroughly drenched, of course, and thoroughly revealed. Outside, Jack seizes the torch and uses it to break away. The men struggle at the edge of the pit. Ann's shoulders go under, and her screams fill the chamber. Jack is down on one knee, forced relentlessly into the pit.)


Ask forgiveness, Hancock. This is your last chance to save your immortal soul.

JACK You crazy son of a bitch.


Then I ask pardon in your name. The Lord forgive you.

(Secure in the knowledge he has won, Thaddeus releases the pressure on Hancock's windpipe, and clutches his crucifix. The water is now cutting off Ann's screams. Jack sees his chance, and seizes the crucifix, ripping it free. He jams it into Thaddeus' groin, and the giant folds up in agony. He seizes Jack and both fall into the pit. We hear a long scream, and then we see a hand rise over the edge of the shaft. Jack climbs painfully out, unbars the door, and casts the bar aside. Theme swells as water pours out of the chamber, and he moves quickly to rescue Ann. He turns off the water, cuts her bonds, and lifts her, choking and gasping, into his arms.)


Jack, thank God you got here. He said he killed you.

JACK I think he missed. You okay?


Sure. Dragged up a few flights of stairs. Punched out a bit. Half drowned. Otherwise, I'm fine.

JACK Good. Because the evening's young.

"How long?" Carson watched the mist drift past. He pushed back in his chair, trying to look calm, dispassionate, but he was excited. Damned near ecstatic.

All gauges on the jump-status indicator had gone to a bright amber. "Coming up on three minutes." Hutch began to divert power to the fusion plant. "The jump should be smooth. But buckle down anyhow."

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