Seibel: So if you changed jobs and went somewhere where theyprogrammed C or Java in a different style than you prefer, would you say,“Well, I’ll switch and I know that after a little bit, I’ll be happy to see thisstyle”? Or would you just not take the job?

Crockford: Maybe that’s something that people should look at—what isthe house of style here? Are we on the left or the right? And maybe not gowork at a place that gets them on the wrong side. It does take on a Dr.Seuss quality where you get really upset about whether you’ve got a star onyour belly or not. Ultimately you have to embrace the house style and youhope that the people who put the house style together knew what theywere doing. They probably didn’t; maybe it doesn’t matter. It’s moreimportant that everybody be on the same page.

Seibel: So when you’re reading code you start with a typographicalcleanup, how deeply or dramatically do you refactor things?

Crockford: I’ll rearrange code so that everything is declared and set upbefore it’s called. Some languages give you a lot of flexibility around that soyou don’t have to. I don’t want that flexibility.

Seibel: So you want no forward references?

Crockford: Right, or if there is a forward reference, I want it to be explicit.I don’t want code to come in any random order unless I’m doing a literateprogramming thing in which I’m explicitly breaking the code in terms of apresentational order rather than the order that the language wants, and Ilike that a lot. But unless you’re actually using literate tools, you shouldn’tbe doing that.

Seibel: In one of your talks you quoted Exodus 23:10 and 11: “And sixyears thou shalt sow thy land, and shalt gather in the fruits thereof: But theseventh year thou shalt let it rest and lie still” and suggested that everyseventh sprint should be spent cleaning up code. What is the right timeframe for that?

Crockford: Six cycles—whatever the cycle is between when you shipsomething. If you’re on a monthly delivery cycle then I think every half yearyou should skip a cycle and just spend time cleaning the code up.

Seibel: So if you don’t clean up every seventh cycle you may be faced withthe choice of whether or not to do a big rewrite. How do you know when,if ever, it’s time for a big rewrite?

Crockford: Generally the team knows when it’s time. Management findsout a lot later. The team is getting beat up pretty regularly, making toomany bugs; the code’s too big, it’s too slow; we’re falling behind. They knowwhy. It’s not because they became stupider or lazier. It’s because the codebase is no longer serving the purpose that it needs to.

It’s a really difficult thing for management to see, particularly managers whoare not programmers. But even programming managers have trouble withthis because you’ve seen that you’ve invested so much time to get to thispoint. And starting over means we’ve got to go all the way back to thereand bring it up. And in the meantime we’re not going to be going forwardon anything else and it’s just impossible. No, we go forward with what wehave.

The fallacy is that it’s going to take that amount of time again, though thereare counterexamples. You’ve got the second-system problem where peoplewho’ve had some success are given a blank slate and allowed to dowhatever they want. Generally, they will fail because they’ll be tooambitious, they won’t understand the limits. And you get nothing out ofthat. You have to have extreme discipline to say, “It’s not a blank slate; it’sreimplementing what we had here; it’s doing what we knew.”

Part of what makes programming difficult is most of the time we’re doingstuff we’ve never done before. If it was stuff that had been done before we’dbe reusing something else. For most of what we do, we’re doing somethingthat we haven’t done before. And doing things that you haven’t done beforeis hard. It’s a lot of fun but it’s difficult. Particularly if you’re using a classicalmethodology you’re having to do classification on systems that you don’tfully understand. And the likelihood that you’re going to get theclassification wrong is high.

Seibel: By “classical” you mean using classes.

Crockford: Right. I’ve found it’s less of a problem in the prototypal worldbecause you focus on the instances. If you can find one instance which issort of typical of what the problem is, you’re done. And generally you don’thave to refactor those. But in a classical system you can’t do that—you’realways working from the abstract back to the instance. And then makinghierarchy out of that is really difficult to get right. So ultimately when youunderstand the problem better you have to go back and refactor it. Butoften that can have a huge impact on the code, particularly if the code’sgotten big since you figured it out. So you don’t. So you keep bundling thesenew things on top of it to try to patch the problems that were in theoriginal hierarchy and it gets cruftier and worse.

Seibel: But you do think that refactoring can work, if you take everyseventh interval to do it? You don’t have to end up needing a big rewrite?

Crockford: I think it can work. Throw it out and start over should only beconsidered in the cases where you didn’t do that or you did it badly orsomething went wrong and you’ve got a code base that has becomeunworkable. And you can make a reasonable judgment that it will be fasterto replace it than to fix it.

Seibel: What about the risk that you don’t fully understand what the codeyou want to rewrite actually does. Because any piece of code contains bitsof embedded knowledge—little bits of cruft that are hard-won functionalitythat you don’t think of when you say, “Oh, we can just rewrite this.”

Crockford: That is a real problem. One of the reasons that we’re in themess that we’re in is that the Web is so poorly specified. The specificationswere incomplete and were largely misinterpreted and many of thosemisinterpretations have become part of the canon. So these systems areway more complicated than they should be due to those historical reasons.Working at that level, yeah, I have huge sympathy for that, that there is a lotof undocumented knowledge that is reflected in the code base.

Microsoft has a similar problem with their operating systems, in that theyshipped crap for too many years and then they had to remain compatiblewith all the bad stuff that was based on the bad stuff that they had done.And so the constraints that puts on the design of their next system are justhorrendous. So it’s really hard going forward with that. Ultimately they mayfind that they can’t go forward anymore either.

Those sort of specification errors are really, really hard. And we have themin the Ajax world. Most of our problems in the Ajax world are due to thedifferences at the browser level. Doing the cross-browser stuff is muchharder than it should be because the Web is not specified well and becausethe implementations are so variable.

We’ve gotten a lot better at that over the last few years, particularly withthe advent of the Ajax libraries. Most of them do a very good job—not acomplete job yet—but a pretty good job of boosting the level ofprogramming that you do. So we’re not having to deal directly with thebrowser guts; we have a sort of virtualized application layer that we canwork on that is fairly resilient and pretty portable. We have one group hereat Yahoo! which is primarily responsible for dealing with the pain that thebrowser causes. And when they do their job right, it makes it easier for allthe other developers here. So that’s good.

Seibel: On the other hand, rewrites don’t always work out. You justmentioned the second-system effect and in one of your talks, you describedseeing it in action as “heartbreaking.” When was that?

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