There’s this marvelous talk that James Gosling gave called “The Feel ofJava,” in which he said you need three real uses before you put anything in.You don’t put anything in just because it’s neat.

But people just want to put stuff in. What do engineers do? They writecode. And if they are writing a library or writing a language, they want toput their stuff in. You need some presence, some guiding voice, to give yousomething that works well together and has made the right set of trade-offsbetween what you do and don’t put in. Because there’s simply more stuffthat you could put in than you should put in to any given language. Doesthat mean that any of this stuff is bad? No, it doesn’t. It just means that youmake your choices and certain things shouldn’t be mixed.

Seibel: I was reading Java Puzzlers and Effective Java and it struck me thatthere are a lot of little weird corners for a language that started out sosimple.

Bloch: There are weird corners, yes, but that’s just a fact of life; alllanguages have them. You haven’t seen a book called C++ Puzzlers. Why not?

Seibel: Because it’s all puzzlers.

Bloch: Yep. It would take up a shelf. In Java, the puzzlers are worthcollecting precisely because you think of it as a simple language. Everylanguage has its corner cases and Java has few enough that they’re for themost part fun and interesting.

Seibel: Is there anything that you’ve learned about programming specificallyfrom working on Java and thinking about its design?

Bloch: I’ve learned an awful lot of things. One thing I’ve learned—I wroteabout this in the “Nearly All Binary Searches and Mergesorts Are Broken”blog entry—is that even writing small programs correctly is incrediblydifficult. We’re just fooling ourselves if we think our programs are, by andlarge, free of bugs. They’re not. For the most part, we’ve written programsthat are free enough of bugs to approximate the jobs that we want them todo.

I learned that, given how hard it is to write correct programs, we need allthe help we can get. So anything that removes potential bugs from our plateis good. That’s why I’m very much a believer in static typing and in staticanalysis—anything that can remove the possibility of a certain class of bugsfrom our plate is a very good thing. Anything that can make our jobs asprogrammers easier is a good thing.

My belief in the importance of good API documentation has beenreinforced. Javadoc is one of the lesser-appreciated reasons for the successof the platform. Good API documentation has always been a part of Java’sculture, and I believe it’s because Javadoc has been there from day one.

My natural tendency to believe that simple is good has been reinforced.Over and over I see additions that are more complex proving themselves tobe detrimental in the long—or short—run. When I’m designing stuff, I payclose attention to my “complexity meter:” when it starts bumping into thered zone, it’s time to redesign stuff.

I’ve occasionally run into people who just don’t believe that, who just say,“Well, you’re stupid, Josh, you just don’t get it; this is the right way to do itand I’m sorry if you don’t understand it.” I just don’t buy that. I think that ifthings start getting complicated, there’s probably something wrong withthem and it’s probably time to start looking for an easier way to do it.

There’s a brilliant quote by Tony Hoare in his Turing Award speech abouthow there are two ways to design a system: “One way is to make it sosimple that there are obviously no deficiencies and the other way is to makeit so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies.”

The paragraph that follows is equally brilliant, though it isn’t as well-known:“The first method is far more difficult. It demands the same skill, devotion,insight, and even inspiration as the discovery of the simple physical lawswhich underlie the complex phenomena of nature. It also requires awillingness to accept objectives which are limited by physical, logical, andtechnological constraints, and to accept a compromise when conflictingobjectives cannot be met. No committee will ever do this until it is toolate.”

Seibel: Do you expect that you will change your primary language again inyour career or do you think you’ll be doing Java until you retire?

Bloch: I don’t know. I sort of turned on a dime from C to Java. Iprogrammed in C pretty much exclusively from the time I left grad schooluntil 1996, and then Java exclusively until now. I could certainly see somecircumstance under which I would change to another programminglanguage. But I don’t know what that language would be. I think it may notexist yet. I think the world is ripe for a new programming language but I alsothink that the inertia of a platform is so much higher now than it used to be.A modern platform isn’t just a language and a few libraries; it’s got loads oftools, a virtual machine—it’s an enormous thing. The prospect of creatingan entire new platform is much more daunting than it ever was before.

I don’t know what’s coming next. But I’d like to think that if changing myprimary language was the correct thing to do, I could still do it. I want tokeep my mind open to the possibility. I want to play around more withother languages. I haven’t had the time to do that recently, but I want totake the time.

Seibel: What’s your short list of ones you want to play with more?

Bloch: I want to try Scala, though I have some doubts as to whether it willbe the next big thing. I have great respect for Martin Odersky. I think there area bunch of neat ideas in the language. But I also think it may be too complexand too oriented towards academics to succeed in the world at large. I haveno right to say that, though, because I haven’t learned it yet.

I should also play with Python. A real old one I want to play with is Scheme.I think that it would be fun to just take a couple of months and work myway through Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs with my son.Everybody says it’s such a great book. I bought it—that’s the first step. Butit’ll take a while to do. I guess that’s my current short list.

Seibel: These days lots of people are worrying about how we’re going towrite software that takes good advantage of the coming multicore CPUs.Java is notable as the first mainstream language to provide built-inmechanisms for multithreading; do you feel like Java’s approach is viable in amulticore world?

Bloch: I’m going to go one step further. I think it is the best approach ofany language out there. It’s funny because it seems very popular to talkabout Java being dead now. I see it as histrionics, basically. But I think thatright now the best existing multithreaded building blocks are in Java. I thinkJava is poised for a little resurgence. I’m not saying it is where we’ll beheaded for the next 20 years; that it is the best way to take care of thesemulticores. But I think of what’s available today, it’s head and shouldersabove the competition.

Seibel: What do you see as the competition to Java?

Bloch: Well, I’m thinking C++ and C#.

Seibel: What about things like Erlang or Software Transactional Memory?

Bloch: So far as I know, STM doesn’t yet exist in a practical form in anymainstream language. If STM proves to be worth its salt, I suspect it willappear in Java at about the same time it appears elsewhere.

Erlang’s approach to concurrency is actors, and if they prove to be a bigwin, they can also be implemented in many languages. As you know,Odersky and company have already implemented them in Scala. I’m notconvinced that actors are the best fit for multicore parallelism, but if theyare, I suspect that someone will implement them in Java soon enough.

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