“I’m not afraid of you,” she insisted.

“That is an untruth, woman. You tremble beneath my hand.”

Shanelle closed her eyes. She tried to relax. If it was just a matter of that damn trembling, she’d will k to go away. But his hand on her was bothering her, and she was afraid of him now.

“You must let me show you that you have no reason to fear me,” he continued. “I will not shame myself again. This I swear to you.”

She glanced at him suspiciously. “What are you saying?”

“We must join again.”

“Not… on… your… life!”

Fear gave her enough strength to shove his hand off her and roll away from him. But too easily his long arm stopped her and drew her back. And now he held her against him, held her against that hard body that had hurt her, and she couldn’t get loose.

“No, please, Falon, I can’t. Not again!”

“Shh, kerima. It must be, but it will not be now. Your fear unmans me.”

His hands were soothing on her back. His heartbeat was steady beneath her cheek. She stopped trying to push away from him. She needed this comforting. She would prefer to receive it from someone else, but she still needed it.

It was a while before she tried again to leave. “Falon, I’m all right now. And I really do have to go. My friends will start to worry if I don’t show up soon.”

“You may go do you promise to return this moonrising,” he told her.

“I can’t tonight. I’ve already made other-”

“Then on the new rising.”

“All right,” she agreed, willing to say anything to get out of there.

Freedom came with that answer, his arms opening so she could move away. She did so immediately, but her aches returned to remind her to go slowly.

She’d just reached her clothing when Falon said, “I feel you do not mean to keep your word to me, woman.”

A word given under duress? Of course she wasn’t going to keep it. But she wished he hadn’t figured that out. Farden hell. Couldn’t he have waited until she’d got her clothes on to mention it? Then she could have simply run like hell.

She tried not answering, but that merely encouraged him to say, “Do you fail to come to me, then must I come to you. This I will do.”

She swung around to look at him, anxiety returning with a vengeance. “Why? You knew this was only temporary, Falon. You understood that, even complained about it. There’s no… point…”

The words trailed off when what she was looking at finally got through to her panicked senses. The man was lying there completely naked, completely relaxed, and still so sensually appealing he took her breath away. She simply stared at him-until she realized what she was doing and whipped around again, then had to bite her lips to hold in the gasp the sharp movement caused.

Good. She obviously needed the pain to remind her that he was now off limits. But she was appalled that she did need reminding. It wasn’t normal to still find him so desirable after what he’d just put her through. What it was was dangerous. And the only way to avoid that danger was to get out of there and never cross paths with him again.

She had her skirt and blouse on in record time, despite her aches. She was bending for her belt when she was grasped and straightened and drawn back against a rock-hard chest. It did no good to pull away. The hands on her upper arms weren’t hurting her, but were nevertheless locked steel.

“I understand you are not mine to command, woman, yet must you understand my need to mend what I have wrought, which goes beyond rights. I have given you a fear of joining that you lacked before, which now must be removed. You gave me a gift beyond price. I cannot repay you by leaving you with this fear.”

His voice was soft, breathed by her ear, but there was a determination in it that increased Shanelle’s fear. Prevaricating just wasn’t going to work with a man whom only plain speaking seemed to reach.

“You’re not. I don’t fear sex-sharing,” she told him, hoping that was true. “What I fear is you. You’re too rough for my taste, and I’m not just talking about the last of what happened, but everything. I wasn’t feeling it all because I was so caught up in specific feelings, but I’ll damn well feel it later when the bruises start appearing.”

“I have sworn-”

“I don’t care,” she cut in, turning to face him so she could stress her point. He allowed it, but his hands merely changed arms, and that annoyed her enough to add, “You lost control, damn it! It can happen again whether you want it to or not.”

His face darkened considerably. He really didn’t like hearing that, and too late she realized she had probably insulted him with that swearing business. Men tended to take such things pretty seriously. But his hold on her didn’t tighten to painful. She’d hate to find out what he was like when he got mad, but it wasn’t going to happen now.

“A woman must frequently be shown a thing to know it is so,” he said just before drawing her closer.

He was kissing her again. She hadn’t been expecting it, wasn’t prepared for the heady taste of him, or for the careful way he gathered her in to hold her against the length of him. A kernel of desire was actually coming to life, swiftly, so swiftly… Shanelle mentally stomped it to death and shoved out of his arms.

“That-that isn’t the part that got out of hand, Falon. Look, I know you mean well and I appreciate it, I really do, but there isn’t anything to mend or prove. I wanted you, or I wouldn’t be here. I had hoped something more per-” She stopped, horrified by what she had almost told him after he himself had admitted to such frustration in not knowing of a way to have her permanently. If he knew that all he had to do was convince her father instead of her… “But I don’t want you anymore,” she continued quickly. “It’s that simple. There isn’t going to be a second time.”

“This is your final word on the matter?”

Was he actually going to be reasonable? she wondered. “Yes.”

“Then hear mine. You will remain here after all, until the new rising.”

She just stared at him while all the implications of that statement ricocheted through her mind; then she wailed, “You haven’t listened to anything I’ve said, have you?”

“Indeed I have, and what I hear is your fear. It is you who have not listened.”

“Well, here’s some more fear for you,” she said with rising panic. “If you touch me again, Falon Van’yer, I’ll farden well scream my head off. I’ll have every warrior in this park here in a matter of moments.”

She’d do no such thing. She didn’t want the stubborn man to die, just to let her go. But he wasn’t being reasonable. Not even a little. He wasn’t even being rational. He ought to know he couldn’t get away with keeping her against her wishes, even for a short time. Had he lost sight of where he was and what laws governed here?

His next words answered that question and said he didn’t care. “Does it become necessary to fight for you, woman, this I will do.”

That utterly infuriated her. “That’s right! Be civilized about this, why don’t you? For once I almost wish you were a warrior, when that is the last kind of man I’d want. But at least they don’t fight over women unless it is to protect them-and what the hell are you grinning about?”

“You have a temper.”

Again she stared at him. Her temper amused him? Was there no avenue for reaching this man, then, not even anger?

Shanelle took a deep breath and tried calm reasoning. “Look, you had your fun, Falon. Why can’t you just let it go at that?”

“Is it your thought that I took pleasure of your unconscious body?”

“Well, didn’t you?”

“No, I did not.”

He sounded offended now. Shanelle was merely horrified by his answer. She’d thought all that turbulent emotion of his had been expended, released within her body. She had the aches to say it should have been. But he’d been deceiving her with his calmness. That intensity was still there, hidden, just waiting to finish her off.

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