Romulus shuffled forward, acutely aware of his battle scars, his coarse tunic and heavy leather caligae. Compared to Fabiola, everything about him was rough and crude. 'Sister,' he said, pecking her on the cheek. 'It's good to see you.' He looked pointedly at the optio.

Taking the hint, the junior officer bowed towards Fabiola and withdrew.

She indicated the chairs by the rosewood table. 'Sit,' she commanded. 'Share my breakfast.'

Romulus waited until they were alone before speaking again. 'You needed time to patch up things with Brutus. That's why I delayed visiting until now.' He picked up a ripe peach and held it to his nose, enjoying its rich aroma. There had been few luxuries like this in Margiana, he thought, trying to shove away the main reason he'd stayed away. Romulus sank his teeth into the fruit, and busied himself with catching the juice. Uneasily, he realised that he was playing a game with his own sister. Waiting to see what she'd say.

Fabiola bestowed him with a stunning smile. 'You are observant. Thank you for giving me some space.'

'Is all well now?'

Now she looked like a cat that had got the cream. 'Better than that. We're happier than ever. Brutus has also complained to Caesar about Antonius' behaviour. He told him about what happened at the Lupanar.'

'Really?' Romulus leaned forward, all ears. 'What did Antonius say?'

'He denied everything, of course. Said that Scaevola was a rogue character, a lone wolf who acted without authorisation.' Fabiola pouted. 'While Caesar chose to believe Antonius, he decided not to renew his position as Master of the Horse. There has been too much talk of his drunken excesses.'

'But nothing more will come of it. Typical.'

'One good thing did,' retorted Fabiola. 'Brutus had a stand-up argument with Antonius, which nearly came to blows. Caesar had to intervene in the end.'

Romulus stared at her, not understanding. 'So?'

'Brutus is aggrieved that Caesar did not believe his account of what had gone on before the attack on the brothel. Basically, Antonius is being shown favouritism, even though he has committed an outrage.' She smiled. 'It's helping to bring Brutus around.'

Romulus' heart sank. There was to be no easy chat about their childhood or how they'd both survived until now. 'To your way of thinking,' he said heavily.

'Yes.' It was Fabiola's turn to bend forward, her blue eyes dancing. 'Brutus isn't convinced yet, but I'll win him over. He'll be able to find all the senators and noblemen we need. There must be plenty who are discontented and unhappy. Caesar's done nothing but ride roughshod over every law in the book since he got back.'

Uneasy, Romulus looked over his shoulder. This was treasonous talk.

'Don't worry,' advised Fabiola. 'Brutus has just left for the Senate, and everyone knows that I like to be left alone here. You can speak without fear.'

His sister's blithe assumption that he would agree with her plan irritated Romulus intensely. 'So you're still planning to kill him?' he whispered.

'Of course.' Seeing his reluctance, Fabiola pursed her lips. 'Will you help?'

'How can you be sure that he's the one?' Romulus cried. 'That he's our-'

'Don't even say the word,' she spat. 'Caesar is nothing but a monster who has to pay for what he's done.'

'Before you murder a man, you need real proof,' Romulus countered. 'Not just a hunch.'

'He tried to rape me, Romulus.'

Romulus' indecision crystallised. 'That doesn't mean he did the same to Mother.'

They glared at each other, both unwilling to give way.

'Is that it?' demanded Fabiola eventually. 'You come back from the dead, and won't even avenge the wrongs done to your own flesh and blood?'

Stung, Romulus got to his feet. 'While you may have been upset by Caesar's advances, you weren't hurt. That's hardly a reason to end his life. Find me evidence that he attacked Mother, and I'm all yours,' he growled. 'But I won't slay someone who might be innocent. I've had to do that too many times before.'

'So you think that you're the only one who has suffered?' Fabiola shouted. 'Did I whore myself with every man in Rome for nothing? All I wanted was to discover where you might be, and who had raped Mother, and I hated every single moment of it. Knowing Caesar is the one, and having you by my side to kill him is surely my reward.'

Horrified by her words, Romulus looked away. What had happened to him bore no comparison to his sister's ordeal. Yet his opinion remained the same. 'Caesar wasn't responsible for selling you into the Lupanar,' he said at last. 'Gemellus was, and he has paid the ultimate price. Let it go.'

'It's Caesar, Romulus, I know it,' she said, pleading. 'He has to pay.'

The raw emotion in Fabiola's words drew Romulus' eyes back. He was shocked to see that she was crying – sobbing, even. Instinctively he moved to reassure her, and she fell into his arms. 'There, there,' he said, awkwardly patting her back. 'It will be all right.'

The tears stopped at once, arousing his suspicions.

'Help me,' she whispered.

Romulus' jaw hardened and he pushed her away. 'No. I can't.'

Unshed tears glittered in Fabiola's icy blue eyes. 'Why not?' she demanded.

'I told you,' Romulus replied, stunned by her ability to change mood like the wind. 'You have no proof.'

Again they glowered at each other.

After a few moments, Romulus broke eye contact. 'I want no part in it,' he said. 'I'm going.'

At once Fabiola looked distraught, like a lost little girl. 'Don't leave. Please.'

Romulus stepped away from the table and bowed formally. 'If you need me for anything – apart from that – you know where I'm staying.'

'Yes.' Her voice was wobbly, but she didn't try to stop him.

He had walked a dozen steps before Fabiola spoke again. 'You won't tell anyone, will you?'

Romulus spun around. 'Is that what you think of me? That I'll go running to Caesar?'

Her face went pale. 'No, of course not.'

'Why ask then?' he shot back.

She did not answer.

Disgusted, Romulus stalked from the courtyard.

Chapter XXV: Conspiracy

More than five months pass… The Lupanar, spring 45 BC Fabiola sat in the reception area, fondly watching Benignus as he instructed a new doorman in his duties. Despite the horrific injuries he had sustained during the battle with Scaevola's men, he had survived. With a host of new scars and a bad limp in one leg, he had insisted on returning to work a few weeks later. Benignus' recovery was in no small part due to Tarquinius' medical abilities, and the last remnants of dust from a little leather pouch, which the haruspex had scattered over the worst of his wounds. Mantar, he called it. Fabiola had no idea what was in the musty-smelling particles, but she would always be grateful to Tarquinius for its power. Without it, Benignus would have died. Without his intervention, so too would Romulus. Furthermore, if the haruspex hadn't warned Secundus and Brutus of the danger she was in, they might never have come to the Lupanar. In turn, this meant that she and her lover might never have been reconciled, a prospect Fabiola dared not think about. For all these reasons, she retained a keen interest in Tarquinius.

Initially, she'd thought that his close friendship with Romulus might provide her with a way of breaking the ice with her brother. After their argument in Brutus' garden, the twins had not seen each other for some time. Fabiola had been so angered by Romulus' refusal to join her that she was not prepared to make the first move. As she had discovered, neither was he. Yet Tarquinius' visits to care for Benignus meant that Fabiola saw the haruspex daily. Long conversations followed, during which she heard much of Romulus' story, which of course she hadn't had the chance to hear from his own lips. While she'd been told about the torturous campaign into Parthia and the horrors of Carrhae, Fabiola had never heard it from someone who had stood by Romulus' side. She wept at Tarquinius' descriptions of the Parthian arrow storms, the arrow-riddled legionaries and of their defeat under the burning desert sun, and sat horror-struck by the details of Crassus' execution, the Forgotten Legion's march to Margiana, and their ordeals against the Sogdians, Scythians and Indians.

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