“We were visible only a few seconds—”

The canyon wall exploded. Shards and chunks of rock rained down. The windshield proved to be better than that. Cliff jerked his head up at the wham of impact and saw a rock larger than his head fall, tumbling, then sag into the field shield and bounce off.

Aybe threw the yoke forward and they accelerated, a meter above the rough ground. The car jittered as the magnetics dealt with the onrushing shelves of rock in the canyon floor.

Carl heard somebody’s breath rasping in and out. He had heard it before. It was his. The others were hanging on as Aybe made a hard left into a narrow side cut. What if this is a box canyon? Cliff thought but decided not to say. It was too late. They rounded the sharp curve and another wham behind them threw rocks and gravel against the magcar. Cliff looked up but could not see the plane. Aybe took a hard right into a passage that angled steeply up so only a sliver of sky showed.

Irma said, “If we get trapped in here—”

“We’re not running, we’re hiding,” Aybe said flatly. “I don’t think they can see us this far down in a crevice.”

Terry said, “You decided that without a word?”

“There wasn’t time. They threw missiles at us so fast, I could barely stay out of their view. They’d catch us eventually.”

Irma said, “You’re right. Or anyway, we have to stick with this now.”

Terry hunched down and twisted his mouth skeptically. “What if they just use bigger warheads?”

“I doubt they can. Punching away at the understructure of this Bowl is risky,” Cliff said. “I’d bet they don’t use heavy ordnance.”

“Let’s hope,” Terry said.

So they sat. They kept the screen up, which in turn muffled outside sounds. They sat so they could watch in all four directions, including up at the crooked line of blue sky. That soon went white from clouds scudding in. They could hear no sounds of the plane or the colossal balloon creature, and neither crossed the crack of sky.

Purple clouds slid across the narrow slit above. For a moment they drew down the windscreen and listened. A breeze stirred the sand nearby but they could hear no odd sounds. “We’d better just stay here, lie still, draw no fire,” Aybe said.

So they waited a long hour. Then another.

Terry got impatient. They dropped the screen again, and everyone got out to pee. Cliff squatted in a side passage and had just finished up using the paper tree bark to clean himself when suddenly big raindrops smacked his head. More spattered down as he ran back, getting soaked. By the time he got there, torrents were hammering on the magcar and bringing a prickly tinge of ozone as lightning forked and crackled. He was last and they all got more wet when Aybe dropped the screen to let Cliff in.

They sat and watched noisy water splash down the rock walls. Streams rushed by, gathering force and lapping at the car.

“We’d better get the hell out of here,” Terry said.

Aybe scowled skeptically at the rushing water. “Okay. I’d rather get caught than drown.”

“If water gets drawn up into our undercarriage—” Cliff stopped. “Never mind, we don’t really know how this thing works anyway.”

This had been bothering him, but it did no good to say so now. You learn more with your mouth shut, he thought. Amazing, how often that’s the right way to go. No one said anything as streams slid down the screen, blurring the view.

“Somebody could come up on us here and we’d never know,” Terry mused. “But movement draws attention,” Terry added.

Cliff recalled his father saying, The early bird may get the worm, sure, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

“We can’t just sit here,” Aybe said adamantly. “That living balloon will come looking, use a search grid.”

Irma nodded, her hair bedraggled. Aybe tried the controls and got a comforting hum from the floor. He lifted them above the muddy, frothing waters. Gingerly he found a side channel and went up it. After cautiously following that for minutes, Aybe paused to see if any danger lurked. A broad canyon yawned ahead, ghostlike in the sleeting rain that blew by in gusts. “This is a real break,” he said, looking back at the others, who were still wringing water out of their clothes. “Looks like a long valley. I think I’ll make time up that canyon so that air whale can’t find us.”

“Unless they can look through rain in nonvisible wavelengths,” Terry said. “Then we’ll be a nice fat moving target.”

Irma said, “And we are a target. Aybe, don’t worry—you won’t get caught. They’re shooting to kill.”

Silence as this sank in.

“Um,” Aybe said. “I’ll hug the walls, then.”

“Might help,” Terry said, “but—” He glanced up at an angle, saw nothing through the hammering downpour. “—we don’t know where that sky whale is.”

“And we won’t know,” Cliff said. “That’s our problem.”

Aybe grinned. “Indecision may or may not be my problem.…” They all laughed, breaking the tension.

Out they went. The canyon snaked a lot and through the screen looked like dim blobs. Without saying anything, Aybe turned up the speed, elevating another meter for safety. At a speed Cliff judged to be at least sixty klicks an hour, the driving rain seemed to miraculously go away. Water swept around the sides and Cliff realized this was from the speed, clearing the view far better than wipers could.

They sat and pretended not to worry, which only lengthened the silences between them. Cliff realized that while they had been running from aliens for long weeks now, the odds had changed. The birdlike aliens were trying to kill them now. If cornered, what should he do?

He knew he wouldn’t beg. That would be an insult to all humanity. He felt this immediately, without thinking.

The others were probably thinking about this, too. He could see the strain in their averted eyes, the sagging lines of fatigue in Irma, who was still futilely trying to wring out her hair. How much longer could they take of this?

Aybe concentrated, flying them past rock walls, which zoomed by like ghosts that slid out of the storm, flashed by, and then fell away into mist. Cliff realized that rain was the only cover they or any living thing had here. No creature could take advantage of darkness, ever. He saw some animals running nearby and wondered if they, too, were repositioning themselves. Or using the rain as cover to mate?

“Y’know, maybe it’s no accident that most people have sex at night,” he said suddenly. “Or at least indoors.” He had to get them out of this funk, if only because he had to get out of it.

“What?” Irma shot him a sharp warning look.

So he told them in roundabout fashion. Start with fear of attack while coupled, so do it in the dark and under shelter. Then frame it as really important to everyone. Give social signals, so nakedness implied you were willing to have sex—why else were people so embarrassed to be seen nude, as though they had revealed some deep secret? Set up tribal rules so couples don’t get disturbed then. Make it important, not just a quick jump-on in the dark. It was a contrived theory, made up on the spot, but it did its job.

As he had guessed, Aybe made the first joke. It wasn’t a very good one, but Terry followed that with a real groaner. They got to laugh and sport, and the lines in their faces faded. Talk came fast, short, punchy, delicious. Their group training came out unself-consciously—how to lift the mood, knit up the small abrasions of working together.

Cliff knew he had droned on during the long times they were sand sailing, and now in the mag car for days, so he made use of that history.

After the laughing, he went on just to distract them from the danger they were in and could take only so much of, and still stay steady and focused. So he told them what he thought about this strange huge place. He noticed that there were flowers, pretty unsurprising as a convergent evolution—but here they always bloomed. Trees didn’t drop leaves unless they were dying, since no chill was coming, ever. Animals had no downtime—so burrows where they rested were large, and guarded. Small animals defended their nests ferociously since they had to have a sheltered spot in near darkness to rest, recuperate, and, of course, mate.

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