Sir Guy—His Excellency Grandmaster Emeritus Guiden von Hompesch zu Bolheim [A.D. 2509]


Ctesibius—Glorified Ctesibius Zant, Endocist of Three Donatives, Servant of the Machine [A.D. 2525]


Trey—Third or Trey Soaring Azurine (tentative) [A.D. 2537]

Soaring Azurine, her aeroscaphe


Bashan—Dr. Bashan Christopher Colligorant Hugh-Jones [A.D. 3033]


Mickey—Melechemoshemyazanagual Onmyoji de Concepcion, Padre Bruja-Stregone of Donna Verdant Coven from the Holy Fortress at Williamsburg; his true name is Mictlanagualzin of the Dark Science Research Coven [A.D. 4733]

Fatin—Fatin Simon Fay, a maiden from the Simon Families period [circa A.D. 3300]

Fuamnach—a crone of the Whalesong Coven

Ajuoga—a crone of the Stone Telling Coven

Lilura—a crone of the Clear Green Coven

Louhi—a crone of the Self-Esteem Pro-Choice Coven

Lorelei—a mother of the Mystic Crystal Revelation Coven

Drosselmeyer—a Warlock of the Old Iron Dreams Coven of Detroit

Crowley, Castaneda, and Twardowski of Wkra—other Warlocks

Heron—Heron of the Automaton Workers Coven Local 101, a factory hand from the Butlerian Restoration [A.D. 4455]

Parnassus—Parnassus of the Golden Golem Coven of Lake Superior, an apothecary from the Nameless Empire period [A.D. 4490]

Various mundanes (lower-caste Witches)—12 Demonstrators (their warrior caste), a hunter, a farmer, a vintner, a mason, a factory hand, and an alchemist


Daae—Alpha Captain Varuman Aemileus Daae of Uttarakhand, Osaka, Bombay, Yumbulangang, and other actions in the South China Theater; the Varuman blood derives from the Osterman, from the Homo sapiens, and Canis lupus [A.D. 5402]

Yuen—Alpha-Steadholder Extet Minnethales Yuen of Richmond, Third and Second Manassas, Antietam, and various actions against Pirates; the Yuen are of the Original Experiment Set, from Homo sapiens and Puma concolor [A.D. 4881]

Grislac—his weapon

Arroglint the Fortunate—the named weapon of his lineage

Anubis—High-Beta Sterling Xenius Anubis of Mt. Erebus Dependent College, 102nd Civic Control Division, attached to the Pennsylvania 3rd Legion; genetics unknown, line unknown, possibly Crotalinae; the “Virginianized” version of this name is Ir-Beta Sterlingas Xeniopater Anupsu-phalangetor Erebumontsangil [A.D. 5292]

Rock—his weapon

Phyle—Gamma Joet Goez Phyle of Bull Run, lineage discontinued

Ivinia—Alpha Lady Mother-of-Commandant Wife-of-Captain Ulec Nemosthene Ivinia nee Echtal; her victory title is Septimilegens

Callixiroc the Dark—the named weapon of the lineage of Ivinia

Vulpina—a young Beta women’s auxiliary [A.D. 5316]

Suspinia—a young Beta women’s auxiliary; originally named Handmaiden Seven of the Suspiring Nature Coven of Nome [A.D. 4812]


Larz—Kine Larz Quire Slewfoot of Gutter [A.D. 5950]

Franz, Ardzl, and Happy—other Kine


Oenoe—Oenoe Psthinshayura-Ah of Crocus with Clover and Forsythia [A.D. 6746]

Aea, Daeira, Ianassa, and Thysa—other Nymphs

Celaineus, Argennos, Aegicoros, and Omester—He-Nymphs, also called Satyrs


Soorm—Archormagaunt, also called Asvid the Old Man; originally, a Satyr named Marsyas of Saffron, with Oakwhite, Oleander, Rocket, and Mandrake [A.D. 7466]

Gload scion Ghollipog—Hormagaunt [A.D. 7520]

Crile scion Wept—Hormagaunt [A.D. 7810]

Prissy Pskov and Zouave Zhigansk—Clade-dwellers

Toil, Drudge, and Drench—Donors


True Locusts (Onyx Men)

Crucxit, Axcit, and Litcec of Seven Twenty-One North Station [date not given: anywhere between A.D. 7480 and A.D. 10000, most likely circa A.D. 8000]

Inquiline Locusts (Blue Men)

Illiance—Illiance Vroy, a Locust Inquiline of the Order of Simplified Vulnerary Aetiology (the Simplifiers, aka the Blue Men); his false-mother-name is Lagniappe [A.D. 8800]

Ull—Ull Ynglingas, Illiance’s Mentor

Orovoy, Naar, Yndelf, Yndech, and Ydmoy—Preceptors; Naar is the machinist

Saaev, Aarthroy, and Unwing—Blue Men of lower dignity: an Invigilator, a Docent, and a Bedel

Aanwen—Aanwen Leel, a Blue Widow; her dignity is Preceptrix

22 others, names not given

Tendrilless Locusts (Gray Men, also called Linderlings)

Keir and Keirthlin—Linder Keir Laialin and Linder Keirthlin Laialin of Northeastern Region, Fifteenth Configuration [A.D. 8866]


Eie Kafk Ref Rak—a canine Moreau (Irish wolfhound)

Ee-ee Krkok Yef Yepp—(a stately Doberman Pinscher)

Ktatch-Ee Yett Ya-Ia—(a Collie)

Rirk Refka Kak-Et—a Great Dane

196 others, names not given


Alalloel—Alalloel u lal rir Lree, also called Alalloel of the Lree, Eighteenth Configuration [A.D. 10100]

Legion—Alalloel when compiled and updated to the standards of the Final Stipulation of the Noösphere Protocols; also called the Finality, these are Melusine openly loyal to Del Azarchel


Anserine—Alalloel of the Anserine, a Paramount of the Second Humanity, of unlimited mental configuration; occupying the same nervous system as Alalloel, the exact nature of her continuity of persona is subject to debate


Small-scale Time Line

Dates whose events are portrayed in the text are in bold font.

Note: to calculate by the Chimerical Military calendar, merely subtract 1737 from A.D. to derive AUCR

Preposthuman Era ( Count to a Trillion )

Genocide Century


The Great War, the effective end of monarchy in Europe. Invention of the aeroplane; mass-production of the automobile.


Economic Theory Wars. Socialists lose open conflict in 1940s, make immense gains through indirect means. British Empire lost. United States of America rises to world predominance. Sexual pathologies erupt in the West, become commonplace. Period of rapid intellectual decline: poetry ceases.


First man on the moon.


The Crazy Years. Collapse of the Socialist Empire in the East. The Holiday from History. First world infosphere.

Century of Faith Wars


Little Jihad. Jerusalem, Tehran nuked. Economic collapse and civil war in China.


Indian Summer of Liberty, also called the Age of the Sovereign Individual. International banking system subverts and overthrows remnants of the Old World Order and establishes a semilibertarian plutocracy.

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