End of the Starvation Years.


At age 11, Menelaus vows enmity to Darwin, imaging him to be a cartoon villain.


Counterreconquest. Texas annexes Aztlan.


From ages 15 to 16, Menelaus sees service in the Counterreconquest. Sam Feckle dies on campaign against Utah.


India lands an expedition on the moon, explores and restores the long-dead Tycho Base. With the resumption of manned space travel, this year is accounted the end of the Little Dark Ages.


Spain and India cooperate on a space program, including an interstellar expedition.


At age 22, Menelaus is already an attorney and duelist (who has fought four men, killing two). Mike Nails is his third kill. Menelaus is frozen for fifteen months; his calendar and biological ages are no longer synchronized.


Menelaus attends Soko University in San Francisco, at that time one of the Japanese enclaves of California, owned by the Sumitomo Zaibatsu.


Launch of the NTL Hermetic. At age 25cal/24bio, Menelaus boards the punt for NTL Hermetic. An experiment with a mind-augmenting neuropharmaceutical renders him unfit for voyaging. He is biosuspended.


Reign of Queen Gloriana of the United Kingdom.


Rise of Azania. Ultradeep robotic mining techniques (later used to bore the depthtrain system) lower cost of extracting South African uranium, diamonds, oil. Discovery of the motherlode of uranium in Pretoria.


Pacific War. Called “the Pacifist War” because peace protestors swing the victory to the Japanese in their territorial disputes with Texas for control of the West Coast.


Greater Texas makes territorial gains in California, Baja California, and the Pacific Northwest.


NTL Hermetic arrives at the Diamond Star V886 Centauri.


Leonidas (76cal/76bio) enters biosuspension, hoping to live until Montrose returns.


Hermetic crew erects radio-laser of sufficient power to narrowcast to Earth.


The Irish Catholic Movement, the so-called Gaelosphere.


Denmark is made a possession of the British Crown during the Second War of Jenkins’ Ear (so dubbed by journalists for the artificiality of the causus belli against Spain).


End of the Indosphere dominion. Spain, supported by South American technocracy, emerges as a dominant power in Europe. Hispanosphere Collective.

Concordat Century


Rania born.


Sinosphere–Anglosphere conflicts in the Pacific spread from Australia to California.


Rania is 6bio when mutiny breaks out. Eight of her nine fathers are killed.


Hermetic, under de facto command of Ximen del Azarchel the mutineer, departs from V886 Centauri. Rania is 10bio, and is the de jure Captain.


Thucydides Acumen Montrose, later Father Montrose of the Society of Jesus and Pope Sextus VI, born to Patton and Athenodora Montrose.


Hispanosphere erects the Beanstalk (Torre Real de Estrellas).


The Germanosphere (that is, the Boers of Azania) enters the Sinosphere–Anglosphere conflict.


Yellow War. Japanese outposts in California treated with sickening brutality by Boers. The Reunited States suffer a constitutional crisis.


Japanese home islands invaded. Members of the Imperial Family placed in biosuspension.


First narrowcasts arrive from Hermetic: revolution in mathematics has implications in biotechnology, cybernetics. Universal Logical Syntax “the Notational Logic” developed, Unified Field Theory, Uniform-to-Manifold Genesis Theory, Automata Cell Theory. German superiority in mathematics allows this language group to exploit the new knowledge more extensively than others.


Rise of the Germanosphere, led by the Boers (Azania) of South Africa, to world dominion. They enforce medical purity laws in order to combat diseases left over from previous wars, particularly venereal diseases. They ally with the Xi Mandarins in Manchuria and the Coptic Christians of Greater Egypt, and form the Purity Order.

During this period, the Reunited Confederate States of America lose power and prestige; Kansas, a haven of Azanian technology, breaks away. America is balkanized.


Japan becomes a client state of the Purity Order.


George Edge of Hong Kong writes an influential series of essays on the relaxation of moral discipline due to virtuality addiction. The philosophy is called Condemnationalism.


Japanese nationalists thaw the Imperial Family survivors from biosuspension. Emperor Mikohito officially embraces Condemnationalism (abstinence from neural implantation) as proper to the Japanese national spirit. Cyber-Shinto becomes the first religion to define neuralimplantation as ritually impure. Certain Christian denominations also condemn the practice, but on moral grounds. Condemnationalism becomes the official doctrine of the Copts, later of the whole Purity Order.


Mandatory Health Assurance system in South Africa makes genetic “designer babies” mandatory. Azanians rendered immune to all known natural diseases.


Signals from the incoming Hermetic persuade the Purity Order to shoulder the vast expense of launching a spaceborne braking laser, in order to slow and intercept the wealth-laden Hermetic. (Leonidas, as per his instructions, is thawed from hibernation, 148cal/76bio.)


The Hermetic arrives in the solar system, is attacked, defends herself, destroys the navigation satellites of the Purity Order. Rania persuades the Purity Order to surrender. (She is 60cal/19bio—the speed of the return voyage was higher, due to abundant antimatter fuel, and hence there was more severe Lorentz-Fitzgerald contraction. Only nine years shiptime passed.)


A political-economic worldwide or “Tellurian” Concordat, devised by Rania using Cliometry, is established, with the Hermetic Order as its informal head. Rania is placed in suspension soon thereafter, allegedly due to maladaptation to Earth conditions. The Hermetic is retired from active service, but kept aloft allegedly as a floating museum; actually to tend the contraterrene satellites.


Leonidas (150cal/78bio) meets Rania (61cal/20bio), and is present when she thaws and examines Menelaus, who is incurable and returned after a month to biosuspension. Rania is commanded to return to biosuspension by the Hermeticists. Leonidas, heartbroken, dies. Fr. Thucydides Montrose, S.J. (38cal/38bio) administers the Extreme Unction. True to the last wish of Leonidas, Thucydides also enters biosuspension.

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