Oenoe hibernates for the first time.


Neotany. Use of childlike neural structures in adults to condition the population to simplicity and trust in their Elders.


Elders overthrown by the Nocturnal Council, night-adapted Nymphs conditioned to acts of terror to maintain peace and order, but who forget their dark crimes by day. (Nocturnal battle-cocoon metamorphosis establishes the basics of Hormagaunt biology.) End of Neotany.


Naturalist Weather Control begins to erode.


Summer Queens. Naturalists begin custom of annual hibernation to avoid winter.


Oenoe is wakened by the Summer Queens during the “Wine of Violence” Crisis to aid in the spread of Wintermind techniques. It is during this time she teaches Del Azarchel the Wintermind techniques. Oenoe hibernates again.


Leeches (early Hormagaunts) found the Yakutsk Analeptic Empire. (Their language continues until 7300.)


Winter Queen Nymphs expand throughout Canada and Patagonia. Widespread use of seasonal hormones to produce battle-frenzy in winter. Winter wars decimate the remaining Nymphs.

Age of Hormagaunts


Leeches corrupted by their victory. Dark Ages. Rise of the Hormagaunts. Asvid, the first nonanthropoid Hormagaunt, created at about this time.


Rise of the Therapeutae in the northern hemisphere (an early form of the Iatrocracy).


Montrose wakes for the Therapeutae, sets in motion the biotechnological revolution that leads to the erection of the Clades, then hibernates. His bio age is 47.


The Therapeutae of the Clades formalize the geriatric “spoils” system into an official register of protocols called the Iatrocracy. Formation of a permanent Donor class. Effective end of the aging process for high-status members of the Iatrocracy, for Hormagaunt or upperclass Clade archetypes. Darwinian code of battle established.


Hemoclysm. 155 million deaths worldwide caused by the Iatrocrat global wars and genocides.


Burning of the World-Forest. Other biomes, including plains and prairies conducive to Clade burgs, become predominant. Large-scale industrialized warfare rather than Bronze Age champion combat becomes the norm. The Darwinian code abandoned.


Atrocity of Yap Islands, Micronesia. Hermeticist Order carries Clades to Mariana Trench to be reverse engineered. The crime is hidden from Pellucid by the white noise of the Hemoclysm.


During this period, Reyes y Pastor suffers a crisis of faith. Soorm hibernates.


Using Montrose’s Clade science, Coronimas creates the Locusts, in an effort to achieve world peace. Early-period Locusts, altruistic and pacifistic, are decimated.


A Locust scientist called Seir redesigns his race to a warlike nature. These Second Locusts are called Seers or Svartschrecke.


Hormagaunts are able to maintain a space program. (Actually, this is an extremely rare Locust-Hormagaunt cooperative venture.) Beginning of the Fourth Age of Space Travel.


Anti-Locust riots. Beginning of the genocidal Locust Wars.

Gload hibernates.


For three hundred years, Hormagaunts and Clades attempt worldwide extermination of Locust population. Locusts endure in hiding; they colonize and partially terraform Mars. Beginning of the Triage system of population control. First Tendrilless Locusts created.


Crile hibernates.


First Interplanetary War. An atomic exchange between Earth and Mars ends the precarious colonies on Mars, and reduces the technology level on Earth to pre-industrial levels. Diebacks. End of the Fifth Age of Space. Many Locusts enter the Tombs. Locust Wars enter a period of armistice.


Reindustrialization. Imposition of genetic uniformity ends the Clade system. World reunified under the leadership of Ceto (a Tendrilless Locust serving Coronimas). Locust data passthrough volumes dramatically increased. Founding of the Noösphere.


Establishment of the First Mental Configuration; Ceto grants Locusts legal rights. Effective end of the Locust Wars.


An advance in Locust neural technology allows for Hormagaunt-Locust mental interface. Many Locusts re-emerge from the Tombs.


Locusts lose individualism. These are the Third Locusts, or Scorpions.


Age of the Scorpions. Rival groups attempt total extermination of nonconformists, also attempt to destroy the Tombs housing each other to prevent their reawakening. Coronimas leads a worldwide effort to seize control of all Tomb sites, so that he can control the waking-to-slumbering population ratio.


Coronimas introduces pain-broadcast mechanisms to all Locust Clades. Triumph of the Noösphere Configuration.


Montrose wakes to hunt down and murder Coronimas. It takes him two years to find him. His bio age is now 50.


Elton Linder, a Nymph scientist released from the Tombs, redesigns the Locusts toward altruism, creating the Fourth Locusts, or True Locusts. Beginning of a seven-hundred-year period of Utter World Peace and Total Conformity. Linder releases Inquiline Codes into the Noösphere.

Age of Locusts


Global cooling begins. Fifth Locusts or Onyx Men (a smaller version) guide Hormagaunts gently to demographic insignificance and then extinction. Noösphere degenerates badly, and develops inquiline groups, including Simplifiers, in reaction to the Linder virus.


Jubilee. Public business suspended. Individuals re-arm.


Noöspherical Cognitive Order dissolved. Violent shattering of the Configuration into eight local organizations called Confraternities. Linder’s protocols break down; Wars of Extermination. Rise of the Sixth Locusts.


Confraternities introduce cellular thought-control mechanisms, the so-called Helot Code. Simplifiers and other Inquilines retreat to rural areas. The Seventh through Fourteenth Locusts exist during this period, driving each other into extinction rapidly. Illiance hibernates.


The Grays rise to prominence. They are an Inquiline group of Tendrilless Locusts detached from Confraternal control who are attempting a return to Linder’s original principles, seeking the reestablishment of the Noöspherical Cognitive Order. Infrastructure supporting Locust Confraternities fails regionally, then globally, with shocking swiftness. Fifteenth Locusts arise, now called the Fifteenth Mental Configuration.

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