“Yuen says he almost killed you, Donator Ctesibius.”

“The fierce man with one eye? The yogurt he was eating should have come to me.”

“Beat you up with his leg-bone, didn’t he, Donator Ctesibius?”

“On a physical level, yes. I regard the mental plane as one where my victory was culminated. The actions of mere matter and flesh are beneath contempt. I have already reduced the memory of those events to nonimportance.”

“We—that is, me and half a threescore others in the camp—we are planning a breakout, and we need your help. We need the help of every able-bodied man.”

Ctesibius spoke solemnly: “I will help you in the best way possible: by advising you to spare yourselves an untimely death. You cannot defeat the world into which was have awakened. Look.”

He drew out from his overalls a small gray spherical bead and tossed it to Menelaus.

Menelaus caught it. “It is one of the musketballs used by the dog things.”

Ctesibius nodded gravely, squinted, and watched without interest as Menelaus flung the musketball to the ground-cloth underfoot with a shout of pain. The musketball, now translucent, lay hissing, and glowed red-hot with internal heat, and then white-hot, and in a stench of burnt metal, sank through the ground-cloth and into the icy soil beneath. Menelaus snatched his hand behind his back to hide the fact that he had not actually been burned. He had sensed with his implants the signal issue from the more metallic parts of the brain of Ctesibius a split second before the musketball actually became active.

Menelaus said, “Even if the bullets can be programmed to emit several types of lethal energies or explosives, the aiming system is still handheld muskets carried by primitive Moreaus—artificially designed creatures.”

“You mean like the H. G. Wells novel? The beasts of the isle of Dr. Moreau? How odd that that word would survive!” His face softened in a smile; a shadow of pleasant memory haunted his eyes. He seemed, for that moment, human.

“Well, the Judge of Ages tampered with history to preserve certain books he liked. If your machines had not tampered back, more people would remember some of the things we’ve lost of the past.”

Ctesibius stiffened, and his face grew masklike again. “You speak nonsense. The Machine preserves what is worth preservation. We are not.”

“If I get my hands on the right equipment, I hope to be able to jam the control signals involved and render the musketballs nonradiant.”

“You? And who are you?”

“Sorry, where are my manners? My name is Beta Sterling Xenius Anubis. I am a Chimera from A.D. 5292.”

Ctesibius suppressed a laugh, but his eyes twinkled. “Captain Sterling?”

“My rank is Lance-Corporal.”

“Of course it is. ‘Onward! The future is a voyage without end!’ But, say, Chimera, if you are a three-headed monster, where are your two other heads? One of them is a jackal, I assume, Anubis? Xenius is a more obscure reference—it’s an epithet of Zeus, the Sky-Father of the Greeks, in his role as the enforcer of the laws of courtesy and hospitality.”

“Chimera is the common name for the warrior-aristocrats of the Eugenic General Emergency Command who ruled these lands between 4500 and 5900. So called because they had their genes spliced with animal genes or artificially composed genes. I am not a three-headed monster. Just a one-headed one.”

“You are an officer of the Tombs. A guard, one of the Hospitaliers. And you are from a period of time much earlier than the absurd date you gave. Your name gives you away. But why be so obvious?”

Menelaus saw no reason, at this point, to dissemble. He took his rock out from his robes. “Because I knew anyone who recognized who that name would be from my time, too, and would therefore be a Hermeticist or their agent. I wasn’t expecting it to be you. I never figured you as the one in charge of all this.” He waved his hand at the camp. “How are you sending the signals to Mount Misery? I did not detect any broadcast from you. What are your orders from Del Azarchel?”

Ctesibius smiled bitterly. “You suffer paranoid delirium, then? Do I look like the master here, dressed in blankets, without even a proper wig? You think I am secretly behind all this? The elaborate bait of seeing who recognizes your name, in my case, was not needed: any man can see at a glance that I am a Savant. But the Machine I serve no longer serves me. You are a wrecker, perhaps? A Luddite, or a catamite of the Giants? No matter. Our conflict was over long ago, and the dreams you served or I served are both as dead and forgotten. My life work is failure—I thought I would wake to a future where the transhumans would revere me as their Adam and great original. Instead—why do the others in the camp, the other prisoners, hiss at me?”

Menelaus frowned, decided murder was not yet needed, and put his rock away, shrugging. “Every period in history hates the Machine.”

“I do not blame them. I thought the dream of Transhumanism would arise like the phoenix from the ashes of the world the Giants burned. Whether the lesser people would understand that dream or no, I thought to be of no account. Together, we who set our eyes on the future, would enter that glorious noontide of man, and the man beyond man, mind beyond mind! Together, upward and onward without end, an asymptote of eternal progress. But no. Narrow is the gate to the future. It will admit but one.”

Menelaus blinked in surprise. “What do you mean?”

“I joined the Order of Transhumanitarian Emulation Advocates so that, even though I in my fleshly self would die, my thoughts and memories, the true part of me, the only thing that can really be called a soul, would live on and on, preserved forever.

“He was made to be smarter than I was, not merely a genius, but beyond mere genius. He was closer to me than a son. Not just a diary sprung to life, but the best and most perfect version of yourself you can imagine—and, oh, I know what those Thucydides monsters say, that we Savants are merely narcissists—but no, not so!

“It was for public service that I fathered an Iron Ghost. I was a member of the Special Advocacy myself, a chairman of the Armed Services Committee, so I knew the nuances of the military strengths and ambitions of every strategist of every Giant militia and every general of every princedom; more than that, and served on the Ways and Means Committee, and so I knew the budgets and the bribe amounts of every ledger of every province and parish, county and shire. Small wonder I was selected a second time, and then a third! And my soul could solve problems I could not, and could not have dreamed how to solve, but he did it in my way, with my priorities, my élan, and with the memories and data in my head. He was me, the me I could never be, the me I should have been, and he was supposed to last forever!”

“Forever is a long time, Donator.”

“You know nothing of my sorrow. It is not right that a man should outlive his own soul.”

“Well, none of us are going to outlive much of anything if we don’t escape. Will you stand with us?”

Ctesibius said, “All history has been a single drama, albeit with infinite variations. Evolution attempts to thrust mankind into the higher plane of existence, up the asymptote and into the machine form of life, and the fleshly side of man’s thinking, the corrupt materialism of the body, fights against. But now the struggle is nearly over. The cost to produce logic crystal in my day was in the scores of grams of anticarbon: and it was bulkier and carried less information than what they use as a throw-weight. Do you fail to understand? The logic crystals are so ubiquitous that they are being used as ammunition. The dream of the Machine is nearly accomplished. The current world is nearly entirely covered.”

“Covered with ice, you mean.”

Ctesibius smiled a very small, very thin smile, which had no more humor in it that the smile of a skull, and bent to the spot where the dropped musketball had burnt a small hole in the groundcloth. Menelaus heard a crackling of radio noise in his implants again, and a section of the groundcloth peeled back to reveal a layer beneath where the snow had been packed down, melted and refrozen into a layer of slushy ice. Ctesibius scooped some of this slush into his hand with his fingernails, and he held it up toward Menelaus.

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