Marduk had just wrenched itself loose from the world.

Everybody would die. Every unsecured body and piece of furniture were flung against the ceiling. Diamond hit hard and lay on his back looking at a floor swept clear of desks and books, but not blood. People were bleeding and hurt, pinned to the ceiling, and nobody had the energy to cry out. Tar`ro was still beside to him, shouting something about waiting, and Good clung to his boy, and Diamond started turning his head, trying to find the Master.

Tar`ro said, “Wait.”

Far below, Marduk’s branches pushed into the canopy that still held it on three sides, and then the largest limbs were grabbed by the surviving neighbors, and the tree’s plunge suddenly slowed.

Bodies and desks rained down on the floor again.

Diamond stood. He wasn’t sure when he stood or how, but the half-repaired body knew what to do. Seldom was beside him, stunned and limp. Diamond dropped the coral gun and picked the boy up and ran to the window, and he shoved Seldom onto the walkway and then did the same with Elata.

The police blimp was dropping back into view, both engines running full.

Tar`ro got behind Diamond, put a hand on him to shove him onto the walkway, but Diamond slipped sideways and ran to the big desk. The desk was again where it belonged, and Nissim was behind it, on his knees and bloody hands, fighting with his legs to stand.

Marduk hadn’t stopped falling. Branches exploded beneath them and the big limbs dropped to new perches where they would slow again, and each time the floor fell out from under them for a moment and then jumped up again.

Diamond tried to help the Master stand, but the boy wasn’t strong enough and they helped each other find their feet and run.

Tar`ro grabbed Diamond and threw him onto the walkway.

“When we break, grab hold,” he shouted.

Those words meant something, but he didn’t know what.

A web of soft rope and handholds was laid over a skeleton of boards, and the walkway was covered with scrambling bodies. But there were people still left in the room. They were classmates and little kids and a few adults, and Karlan. Not one day of Diamond’s life would pass without those faces and those voices coming back to him, calling to nobody but him, hands rising to where they always seemed within reach—some days thousands of hands wanting this single boy to rescue them—and his sorrow and the fierce anger would always make him fall quiet, if only for an instant.

Diamond crawled out onto the walkway.

The blimp started to lift higher, engines screaming, as if the machine was gamely attempting to hold Marduk still in the air.

Then Nissim and Tar`ro were behind Diamond, kneeling, fighting with the release mechanisms. The pressure was relentless. Worse, Tar`ro wouldn’t drop his gun and Nissim’s bloody hand had to be weak. Nobody could get past the two men, and nobody on the walkway could help. Pulling free was all that mattered. Ropes creaked sharply and the great tree picked up its velocity and then slowed once more, for the last time, and then somebody yelled, “Catch her,” as a tiny girl flew up at the two kneeling men.

In reflex, Nissim grabbed Prue before she fell into the open air.

Then Karlan emerged from the crowd, slapping the gun out of Tar`ro’s hand and pushing all three of them back up the walkway. That nearly grown man was huge and dangerously powerful, and he had no trouble winning a patch of terrain where he could turn, reaching down with both hands, one grand tug finally causing the releases to trip, saving all of them.

Then the walkway broke free, hooks and the blue school and the doomed tree left behind, and the man who had saved everybody looked up the walkway, smiling at them, shouting, “Hold tight you shits! Hold tight!”


Only powerful noises could reach across the Creation.

King’s father was a ripe example. Nothing about that human was physically impressive. His skeleton was a collection of narrow bones draped with weak pink muscle. Small eyes and small teeth and a youthful, inconsequential face made for a forgettable presence. His brown hair held no special tone. His skin was pale enough to look sickly. On social scales, the man was neither charming nor energetic, and despite a life spent in public realms, he had never told one joke worth its breath. Father’s most famous feature was a high-pitched voice, like a bird’s cackle pushed through some boy’s wet throat. When he laughed, he giggled. He would use the smartest, most reasonable words when addressing an audience, yet everything they heard sounded small, nearly weightless. On those very rare occasions when the Archon shouted, the voice had a nasty habit of shattering in embarrassing ways, threats emerging as sharp, silly daggers that left his enemies grinning, ready to mock him as soon as they were out of earshot.

Father had many, many enemies.

“Which is a mark of strength,” he often told his adopted son, using the quiet voice that both of them preferred.

Powerful noises didn’t need to be loud. One smart whisper delivered by the right mouth, inside the proper moment, would make the entire world shiver, and that whisper could only come from his father:

A frail, tiny creature named List.

Father’s enemies were King’s enemies. Each was a coward hiding in some other room, preferably straddling a distant tree. Their foes teased Father for how he sounded and for everything that he said. They mocked him by calling him a bureaucrat, or worse, a lowly clerk, and even more insulting, they claimed that every success in his father’s life was earned by stupid good luck. Yet no enemy ever dared speak that way directly to List, and that held true long before he had a monster for a son.

One day, King told his father, “I can always hear them talking about you.”

Smiling, the Archon said, “Your ears are better than mine.”

“And there’s more of them,” said his son.

“I was making a joke,” Father said.

“And you aren’t a funny man. That’s what everyone claims.”

King had studied many topics, including human politics. There were nine Districts with outlier communities haunting the surrounding wilderness, and each district had its strengths and its own Archon. An Archon rose to his office or her office through angry contests called elections, and sometimes luck was involved, but most victories came from careful hard and nearly invisible work.

The District of Districts hung above the world’s center. Bloodwoods were the ruling trees. Giants compared to all others, they were vast pillars wearing short stocky branches and spear-like blackish-green leaves. Bloodwoods weighed surprisingly little for their volume, yet they were strong enough to reach far deeper than the world’s lesser forests. The heaviest rains washed over them with the morning, and the strongest sunlight made them creak and roar as they grew. The bark was thick and as dark as the leaves, while the flesh inside had many colors. The “blood” in the name came from the countless splinters, huge as well as miniscule, each one sharp enough to pierce the heaviest leather. Every finished bloodwood plank was said to carry at least a few ruddy drops—traces of the foresters and millers and carpenters who sacrificed flesh to make their livelihoods.

King lived at the Archon’s palace, inside giant rooms made from corona parts and polished, heavily waxed bloodwood.

Alone in the world, his armored body had nothing to fear from sharp lumber.

In this world, King was a species of one.

Strong and tall and still growing, the Archon’s adopted son had always appreciated his nature, each day offering up new lessons underscoring how special he was.

Humans had only two ears, while King had ten.

Humans were immune to most sounds, but King could hear the highest notes inside a bird’s song, and even more impressive, he could listen to the clattering clicks of the tiniest leatherwings—the flying rats that came out only in the night, filling the forest with their bug-hunting voices.

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