“Can you set out the bowls and plates?” I said to Mary, keeping my voice level and calm.  I went to the fire, removed the two birds, then set the food on the tables.

Outside, a chorus of growls rose loud and fierce.  Because I was near the window, I automatically looked up.

Thomas strode from the woods.  He focused on the wolves crouched near the door.  I glanced at them as well.  Anton, Bine, and Gregory surrounded them.  Both sides eyed each other warily, with the strangers growling and casting glances at Thomas.  One of the wolves looked back at the window and caught me watching.  He stared at me.  He shifted his position slightly, angling himself more toward the window.  His muscles bunched.  Would he really try to get to me through the window?

Quickly looking away, I focused on Thomas.  He saw the wolf watching me, and his face twisted in rage.  Instead of walking or running the last few yards, he jumped.  As he flew through the air, he shifted from man to wolf and landed right in front of the one watching me.  The newcomer twisted at the sound of Thomas’ landing and growled.  Thomas dove for him.

Mary tugged me back.  “We need to go upstairs.  Now.  Winifred’s orders.”

“No.  Tell Winifred, I will keep you safe.  I need to know what’s happening.  I thought they were here to be Elders.”

“Winifred says their actions show their selfishness.  None of them would have passed.  Two have already challenged Thomas for leadership.  The three will fight.  The last one standing commands the pack.”

I turned to look out the window.  It seemed that the two challengers had decided to help each other.  One taunted Thomas while the other tried to sneak behind him.  Thomas was too smart for the move.  He carefully kept himself positioned so he could see both of them while he slowly backed away from the building.

One of the wolves looked back at the two who still hovered near our door.  Anton, Gregory, and Bine moved to block them from joining the fight.  The two outsiders shifted back into men, crossed their arms, and widened their stance.  Gregory nodded his approval, and the three turned back toward the fight.

One of the outsiders glanced at the window and grinned at me.  While still meeting my gaze, he edged closer to the door.  His companion remained close, guarding the movements of the first man so they wouldn’t appear obvious.

“Mary, tell Thomas not to worry about us and to stay focused on his fight, no matter what.”

I stepped away from the window and waited.  It didn’t take long for the latch to move.  As soon as the door opened, I swung out.  Leave.

This time the man and his companion flew backward, out into the yard.  One knocked into Bine and almost brought him down.

Anton, Gregory, and Bine immediately shifted into wolves.  They surrounded the men, their snarls and poised positions keeping them where they lay.

I stepped out into the rain and looked down at the fallen men.

“You are no longer welcome.  Leave,” I said, pointing to the trees.  They rose, growled at me, then turned and ran.  Anton and Bine followed them to the edge of the trees while Gregory stood in front of me.

Their retreat distracted one of the wolves fighting Thomas.  Thomas used that opening to lunge forward.  He clamped down over the other’s muzzle.  If the wolf bled, the rain washed it away before I could notice.

A wolf ran from the trees a distance from where Bine and Anton still stood.  I didn’t take my eyes from the fight.  However, from my peripheral, I recognized Grey.

Thomas shook his head, maintaining his hold and knocking the other wolf off balance as Grey raced across the clearing.  The second wolf noticed Grey, too, and hesitated.  He turned sideways to watch Grey’s progress and the fight.

Halfway across the clearing, Grey shifted.  I, at first, thought he meant to join the fight.  Instead, Grey stopped just in front of me, shielding me.  Gregory tried to nudge me to the door, but I tapped him on the nose in annoyance, and he didn’t try again.

Seeing that Grey and Gregory had no intention of interfering, the second wolf launched himself at Thomas, trying to clamp down on his neck.  Thomas twisted, keeping himself free while continuing to subdue the first challenger.

I didn’t see how two to one fighting was a valid challenge for leadership.  What kind of leader would the pack have if he needed help to fight his battles?  The thought stopped me.  A leader shouldn’t jeopardize his people when he wasn’t willing to jeopardize himself.  But a good leader would accept help when needed, too.  Whether Thomas asked or not, he needed help.

I watched Thomas finally let loose of his hold on the first challenger.  The wolf’s muzzle bled profusely, but he paid it little attention.  Instead, he worked with the other challenger to circle Thomas.  They managed to maneuver until one stood before Thomas and the other at Thomas’ hind leg.  The one at Thomas’ back coiled, ready to spring.

“Can’t either of you take Thomas on your own?” I asked, loudly.  The second wolf hesitated to attack again.  “If not, what kind of leaders will you make?”  A snarl arose from those in Thomas’ pack.  “I think you’ll find yourselves challenged by others in his pack.”  I gently lay a hand on the backs of both Gregory and Grey.  “You’re both attacking him at the same time because you know he’s special.  He has the loyalty of his pack and even if you defeat him, what will you have gained?  Gregory will Claim Mary in an instant to protect her, and they will leave, as will the rest.  You’ll be the leader of nothing.”

The one hesitating growled at me.  I didn’t stop speaking, though.

“If you want to be part of something great, then stop fighting.  Concede to Thomas and join his pack.  Don’t try to lead it.  You were never meant to.”

A group of men stepped from the trees, distracting me from the fight.  I recognized the man who strode ahead of the rest.  He’d been the one who’d attacked me several days before...the man who’d pushed me to the ground and scraped my face.

“It is our right and our way to challenge for control,” he said, anger lacing his words.  “You have no right here.  After Thomas finishes with these two, I challenge for pack leadership and rights to this land and these buildings.”

That the group had remained close was concerning.  That they’d chosen to challenge Thomas immediately after he finished his current one concerned me even more.  Thomas obviously fought well, but for how long?  He would tire eventually.

The two wolves attacking him seemed to think the same thing.  They both launched at Thomas.  Snarls and growls filled the air again as Thomas twisted to avoid teeth and claws and feinted to try to score either of the pair.  One got lucky and raked Thomas’ head.  His ear bled.

Thomas jumped, landed on the back of the one with the torn muzzle, and used his back legs to tangle with his opponent’s.  The move brought the wolf down and exposed its throat.  Thomas dove for the opening, and a gurgle cut off the wolf’s startled yelp before I could look away.  The focus cost Thomas, though.

The second wolf sprang forward just as Thomas lifted his head, exposing his own throat.  I gasped.  Thomas twisted, looking away from the attacker.  Teeth tore the side of his neck instead of his throat.

Thomas pushed backward into his attacker.  The challenger lost his footing and fell onto his back.  The fight ended for him just as quickly and in the same manner as his partner.

I lifted my hand from Gregory’s back and wiped the wet hair from my face.  Thomas stood over the second wolf, head down, and chest heaving.  The two fallen wolves were slowly reverting to their human forms.

The man who’d issued the last challenge stepped forward, obviously ready to begin.

“Stop,” I said.

The man turned to me with thunder in his eyes.  “Do not interfere.”

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