“Two of your kind just died.  Allow a few minutes for those who might know them to remove them and grieve.  That’s not interference.  It’s respect for your own people.”

He snarled at me but nodded.  A few men stepped forward and walked to the fallen pair.

“Thomas, Mary is worried about you.  While they are grieving, can you speak with her?”  I knew better than to say I was worried or to ask him inside to clean his wounds.  His opponent would most likely not allow me, the interloper, any kindness nor Thomas any quarter.  But Mary was one of his own.  Plus, I knew she would be worried, too.

Thomas trotted toward me, bumped me with his nose to indicate I should go first, then followed me inside.

Once inside, he reverted to his human form.  He bore a cut near his left eye and bled too much from his neck to see the exact extent of the damage there.  He had a nasty bruise forming on his right shoulder and a cut high on his thigh.

I nodded toward the table, pretending he wasn’t standing there naked.  He silently sat and waited as I quickly retrieved a cloth then began to clean his neck.  Someone had managed to bite him if the four punctures in his skin was any indication.  But, they weren’t so deep that the teeth between the canines had marked him.  He was lucky.  I hurriedly doused his skin with alcohol.  My purpose wasn’t to disinfect as much as to make him taste bad and deter further biting.

While I helped Thomas, Mary emptied the cooked rice onto several plates and refilled all our pots with water.  We would need it.  She set as many as she could on the stovetop and the remaining two by the fire.

No one spoke as we worked.  I knew too well those outside probably listened, and I didn’t want them to know just how bad Thomas was.  I gently touched his torn ear.  It needed to be stitched, but I knew there wasn’t time for that.  Hopefully, the next fight wouldn’t take long.

When I made a move to step back, Thomas’ hands wrapped around my waist, anchoring me.  Our gazes met; his reflected weariness.  He exhaled heavily and leaned his forehead to my chest.  My stomach somersaulted.  I stayed still for a moment, staring down at his dark hair, before I set the alcohol aside and lifted a hand.  I touched him gently.  His hair, his undamaged ear, his bruised shoulder.  I tried to give him the kindness he wouldn’t find when he walked back out into the yard.

Someone pounded on the door.  “It’s time.”

Thomas lifted his head and stood.  He didn’t let go of me, though.  A blush heated my cheeks as his hips bumped against mine.  It was an unintentional result of him standing without letting go, rather than a lustful move.  Yet, we both stilled.  His gaze held mine, and he lowered his head.  My heart thumped heavily, and I lifted my lips to meet his.  My chest felt too tight the instant before our mouths touched.  The heat spread, relieving an ache I hadn’t recognized until it was gone.

I lifted my hands to his chest to steady myself.  He tilted his head and pressed his lips more firmly against mine.  Then he was gone.

My breathing was quick and short, and my eyes strayed to his backside.  He stopped before the door and shifted back into a wolf, hiding his injuries with fur.  The door opened.  Grey held it for Thomas.  When he saw me, he winked.  Thomas trotted out, leaving Mary and me alone in the main room.

“For a Claim that didn’t work, you sure seem interested,” Mary said in a hushed tone.

I gave her a sidelong glance but remained quiet.  I’d been interested in many things throughout my life—I thought of the hair ribbons I’d outgrown—but nothing lasted forever, and part of me hoped my interest in Thomas was one of those things.

Mary and I walked to the window.  We couldn’t see much as too many men stood around the fight.  But we could hear the snarls and growls.

“I can’t stay in here,” I said, moving to the door.

“We can’t go out there,” Mary said, grabbing my arm.

Deep down, I felt I was meant to be here, that I was meant to help these people.  I was certain Winifred thought that way, too.  Without Thomas or a similarly sympathetic wolf in charge of the lead pack, I’d find myself removed from their lives.  I couldn’t let my fate solely rest on Thomas’ shoulders.  But, what did I think I could accomplish by going out there?  I couldn’t use my powers again.  It was too risky.  There had to be more I could do.  I had to be worth more than just my abilities.  If there was a way to help Thomas, I would find it.

“Mary, please.  Let go.”

She shook her head but let go as I asked.  I opened the door and stepped out.  Grey and Gregory, still wolves, guarded the door and moved with me as I walked forward.  A few from the crowd turned to look as I made my way toward the circle.  Men moved aside for me, some with growls.

Thomas and his challenger already bled.  Thomas conserved his movements, letting the other circle him between attacks.  I watched silently, inwardly cringing at the injuries both received as the fight wore on.

Finally, Thomas’ opponent made a mistake that exposed his throat.  Thomas had the wolf on its back within a heartbeat and dove for his neck.

“Wait,” I said, stepping into the circle as Thomas’ teeth closed down.  Thomas didn’t remove his hold, but he paused.

“Winifred said your kind is dying.  Since I’ve been here, I’ve witnessed three maybe four deaths.  You’re killing each other because you have different beliefs regarding the future of your people.  But you’re forgetting your common belief, that your kind does have a future.  Stop killing.  Show tolerance and mercy.”

“Thomas wants to know what you propose,” Mary said.  I hadn’t realized she’d followed me out.  She stood beside Gregory.  It made sense, I supposed.  If Thomas had failed, Gregory would have Claimed her.

“Ask him to join your pack,” I said.  “Spare his life if he consents.  Give him a chance to understand your beliefs while giving yourself a chance to understand his.”

“Thomas understands the pup’s beliefs well enough,” Mary said.  “They were the same beliefs he held until he met you.  This whelp has already met you and still will not open his eyes to see what’s before him.”

“And what’s before him, Thomas?”

Mary spoke for him again.

“Certain death.  Whether by me or a future without Mates, his way leads to death.”

“I can’t promise there are more like me out there,” I said.  In fact, I felt certain there weren’t.  “But I want all of you to think on this: Your women are scattered and in hiding for their protection.  It makes it hard for you to find and meet them.  If we made this place into a true sanctuary, more women like Ann might come.  If they can have their children here, and those children grow up here, the Mates you so desperately want will be more accessible.  But only if you protect this place and that idea.  Sanctuary for your kind.”

No one moved as the challenger shifted from wolf to man.  Thomas didn’t shift or adjust his hold on the man’s throat, and empathy welled at the sight of the blood running down his neck.

“I consent to join your pack...for now,” the man rasped.

Thomas growled in response.

How foolish could the man be to throw a half-promise at Thomas like that?

“I will not leave your pack because your pack will fall apart on its own,” the man said.  “You and I both know you’re already holding eight to you.  How many more do you think you can hold?  So, I accept.  I’m sure there are a few others who would like to join as well.”

The man sounded too smug.  I wanted to ask Mary what he meant about Thomas’s hold and the pack falling apart but couldn’t in front of everyone.  So I waited with the rest, watching Thomas.

Thomas’ gaze met mine briefly.  Then, he released his hold.  He stood on the man’s chest and looked down at him until the man turned his head aside.  Satisfied, Thomas trotted away.  Another man stepped into his path.

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