Peter looked adoringly at Rachel, and I knew we’d be going to the bistro bar.

“Let me grab my shoes. I’ll follow you guys in my car just in case I need to leave early.”

“I’ll let Scott know about the change in plans.” Peter pulled out his cell and started tapping the screen.

“I’ll let Clay out.” Rachel got up, walked to the back door, and called to Clay. Clay looked at me imploringly but, after what he’d just pulled, I had no pity.

“You know the drill. Go do dog business.”

He left the room without a backward look. I went to the hall closet to search for my black flip-flops, the best footwear I had to offer the outfit, and grabbed a light jacket.

“You talk to him like he’s a person,” Peter said.

“I tease her for it all the time,” Rachel said with a smile as she rejoined us. “You should hear her scolding him at night for taking up too much room on the bed.”

Annoyingly, I started to blush. “Well, he’s huge. Most of the time I have to sleep curled up. But, I’m sure I’ll appreciate him more in winter.” I slipped my feet into the plain flip-flops and made my way into the kitchen where I grabbed my keys.

I locked the back door while Rachel and Peter left via the front.

Clay already sat in the passenger seat when I turned toward the car. It meant he’d switched into his skin to open the door. I shook my head, got in, and started to buckle up.

“You’re going to be seen doing stuff a dog shouldn’t do. That or someone’s going to call the cops because a naked man keeps popping up in my backyard.” He didn’t laugh this time. I turned to look at him while I started the car.

“You okay?”

Clay met my eyes, but I couldn’t tell what bothered him now. I wished I could read him better.

“Fine. No growling, no biting, no barking. Pretty much no anything but acting like a passive, well-behaved dog,” I said, laying down the rules as I backed out of the driveway.

I followed Peter’s red compact through traffic with ease.

“I’m really nervous about this and don’t want to worry about you, too.” I sighed and started to doubt my decision. Although Clay had witnessed how the man who’d sold me the car had acted, he didn’t know how guys acted around me in general. Maybe this wasn’t a good idea. He would flip out when someone started to hit on me.

“Clay, you should make me uncomfortable because of the way they act around me. They usually start flirting or ask me on a date. Most girls would be flattered, but if you really pay attention, there’s something unnatural about it. It’s like they can’t help themselves. And sometimes, after I tell them no enough, they walk away with...”

I groped for the right word, but came up blank.

“I don’t know...a look. Like they’ve been caught doing something they’re ashamed of. I just want to try for normal tonight, okay? It’ll be hard enough being in a public place. You’ll see. I just need to know you’re not going to make it any harder on me.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him turn to look out the window and reached over to ruffle his fur gently.

With increasing frequency, I caught myself touching him as if he were a dog. If I didn’t think about him as a guy, petting him comforted me.

“Does it bother you when I pet you?” I asked, keeping my eyes on the road. I knew his answer when he contorted his large body to lay down with his head against my leg so I could reach him better. I laughed, feeling lighter than I had in a long while.

“Okay. If I start annoying you with it, just move away. I promise I won’t pester you.”

Peter considerately picked a parking spot with a free space next to it for me. Clay unwedged himself as I parked. I grabbed the leash and snapped it on. He watched me exit, hopped out after me, and stayed close to my side as we walked.

Rachel and Peter politely included me in their conversation. It helped distract me from my nervousness about meeting Peter’s friend. I knew what to expect even if neither Rachel nor Clay fully understood. Peter’s lack of reaction had pleasantly surprised me. But, his response wasn’t the norm. I just hoped Clay would behave.

Scott waited for us at one of the outside tables. He stood and flashed a welcoming smile when he saw Peter. From a distance, I saw several female patrons at nearby tables cast speculative glances Scott’s way. Fit and tall, with light brown hair and a carefree smile, no doubt his good looks warranted it. But, something about the way he held himself bothered me. It sent off an insincere vibe as if he’d practiced his pose.

His smile turned secretive and cunning as his pale blue eyes fixated on me. The subtle change probably escaped everyone else’s notice, but not mine. Depressed, but hiding it well, I rested a hand on Clay’s back. Whether in comfort or restraint, I couldn’t be sure.

“Scott, this is Gabby,” Peter said when we stood next to the table.

I smiled a tentative greeting but didn’t offer my hand.

“A pretty name you don’t hear often,” Scott murmured, pulling out a chair for me.

Taking the chair he offered would put me across from Rachel and force me to sit between the two guys. Clay wouldn’t like that. He didn’t like the comment about my name either, but other than a twitch I’d felt with my hand on his back, he behaved.

“Would you mind if we switched spots, Scott? That way our dog won’t be so close to people walking by. He’s very friendly, but big. I don’t want anyone to be intimidated by him.”

“No problem.” He gave me a reassuring smile and pulled out his own chair for me.

Loosely holding Clay’s leash, I moved to the chair next to Rachel. Scott politely pushed the chair back in as I sat. Then he leaned close to move his drink. Clay quickly went to lie between my chair and Scott’s. He nudged Scott’s chair further away before Scott could sit. I pretended not to notice.

We made small talk while we perused the menus. I felt Scott’s gaze continually return to me but refused to look up.

After we ordered, each of the more experienced students shared their knowledge of the university. Scott offered—twice—to take me on an official tour when I admitted I didn’t know many of the campus locations they mentioned. As soon as I declined the second time, he looked less like the nice guy I’d met and more like a guy who would give me problems. I looked down at Clay. He still lay next to me, head on his paws. Only the twitch of his ears indicated his attention to the conversation.

“Why not have a drink with us, Gabby?” Scott asked, pointing at my water.

He hadn’t worried about what I drank until I’d turned down his invitations for a tour.

“I’m a bit younger than the rest of you.” I glanced at Rachel and saw her studying me. Crap! Was she noticing? Was she getting mad? I should have stayed home. Folding my hands in my lap, I tried to play it cool.

“Really? How old are you?”

“Eighteen. I’m not much of a soda drinker either, so water works.” I tried to turn the conversation off myself. “How much longer until you graduate?”

“It depends on how far I want to go,” Scott said, his intense smile relaxing a little. He nodded toward Peter. “Peter told me he declared his major freshman year and has never changed. I, on the other hand, have changed twice. I like what I’m learning now, so I hope I won’t change it again, but you never know. What about you?”

“I’m going for massage therapy. So, I won’t be here as long as the rest of you.”

“Massage therapy? I hear they ask for volunteers to come in for those classes.” He leaned closer with a fascinated smile on his face. “If you ever need someone to practice on, let me know. I’d be happy to come in.” He reached over to pat my hand. The timely arrival of our food saved me from having to avoid his touch.

Clay nudged my leg with his surprisingly warm and dry nose, and I glanced down. He stared at me a moment then shifted his gaze to Scott, who was moving his drink for the waitress. Clay returned his glance to me and pulled his lips back in a silent snarl. Without the growl, it looked more like a scary, crazy wolf smile, but I got his meaning. Scott was getting on Clay’s nerves, and Clay wouldn’t put up with too much more.

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