Peter spoke up while Scott was distracted. “I think you’ll both be in some of the anatomy classes next semester, Gabby. If you want a study group, you should let Rachel and I know. I’ve already been through them.” He gazed admiringly at Rachel. “And since you’re graduating in spring, I know you have, too.”

“Thank you, Peter, but I really do study best on my—”

“That’s a great idea,” Scott said. “We should start now so the class won’t be so hard later. What do you think about Tuesday nights?”

“It’s a good idea to get a head start,” I said ignoring Clay’s insistent bump against my leg. “But I’m so swamped with classes and homework now that I don’t even have time to take poor Clay for walks.”

I reached over to pat Clay reassuringly, but stopped when I noticed Scott’s gaze drop to my chest. The cowl neck had dipped away and revealed a little glimpse of the shadows within. Scott’s eyes went from glassy fixation to glazed obsession. This was getting ridiculous.

Turning back to my dinner, I stuffed a few bites in my mouth to prevent me from needing to converse. Unfortunately, Scott took the opportunity to try to slide his chair a little closer. Thankfully, Clay didn’t give an inch.

“What’s your dog’s name?” Scott asked, looking down at Clay.

“Clay,” Rachel answered after seeing my mouth full.

Clay, I noticed, didn’t look up at the sound of his name. Instead, he tensed and laid his ears back. Time to go.

“Nice name,” Scott said, but I could tell he didn’t care. “Let’s bring him home after this and go out to a new club that opened downtown.”

“Rachel?” I looked at her pleadingly, hoping she’d know that I wasn’t begging to go out dancing. Her perceptive gaze locked on Scott.

“I see it,” she said with a serious expression.

“See what?” Peter said. His gaze bounced between the three of us.

“Exhaustion. She’s been studying like crazy.” She waved over the waitress and asked for boxes and the check for the two of us.

“And she needs rest, not a night out. Although, I am really glad we came.” She looked at Peter with a smile.

My weak smile didn’t cover my gratitude at her diplomacy.

I reached for my purse which I’d hung on the back of the chair. Desperate, Scott moved to grab my hand. Clay stood abruptly. He successfully knocked Scott’s hand out of the way but also bumped the table in the process. Peter reached out to steady his and Rachel’s drinks, and I hurried to pull a twenty from my purse.

The waitress returned with the bill and the wrapped up leftovers. Since Rachel was still digging in her purse, I just handed the waitress the twenty after a quick glance at the bill. I was willing to pay for Rachel if it helped us leave faster.

“I better drive her home,” Rachel said to Peter. “You have my number. Give me a call if you want to do something next weekend.”

I stood, and Rachel shadowed me, ready to go. Clay bumped into me, knocking me off balance so I had to grab Rachel for support. I looked down at him and noticed Scott stand and hand the waitress his portion of the bill.

“Rachel, you can stay with Peter. I don’t mind taking Gabby home,” Scott said. Oily enthusiasm dripped with each word, and I didn’t even need to look at Rachel for her to decline.

“No, Scott, I think we’re done for tonight.” She waved to Peter and grabbed my hand.

Poor Peter looked at us all, bewildered. His night out with Rachel had fallen apart fast, and I truly felt bad about it.

I went with Rachel, relieved to escape before Scott’s recklessness grew. An “oof” sounded behind us, and I panicked, realizing I’d forgotten Clay. I spun around in time to see Scott hit the ground. He’d tripped over Clay in his hurry to catch me. I suspected Clay had done it purposely to slow Scott down.

Clay wasted no time. He ran to me and bumped his head against my back to get me moving before Scott could pick himself up again. There wasn’t yet enough distance between the table and us to mute Peter’s next words.

“What the hell is wrong with you, man? You come on too...” What he still had to say faded as we quickly walked away.

“I’m sorry,” Rachel said. “You told me, but I didn’t really get it. Even the men sitting around us were eyeing you.”

I’d been too busy keeping an eye on Scott and Clay to notice. We continued to speed walk to the car.

“No big deal. You should see me in some of my classes. ‘No’ is the most common word in my vocabulary. Scott’s reaction was worse than most because he already considered me his date. If you say ‘no’, consistently and to everyone, it doesn’t get so bad.” I handed Rachel the keys when we reached the car. “You really can drive.”

She nodded, and we got in. Clay climbed into the back and stretched out so his head lay on the console between the two front seats. Rachel wasted no time backing out and leaving.

Halfway home, she pulled into a gas station. “Tonight’s an ice cream night. Be right back.” She jumped out and strode into the convenience station with the determination of a girl on a shopping spree.

Laying my head back, I sighed, and my hand found its way to Clay’s soft fur. I pet his head and ears. He exhaled loudly, but stayed still so I figured he didn’t mind. I was just glad he wasn’t rubbing in that it’d been a disaster of a night out.

I looked out the window, watched traffic zip past, and allowed myself just a small amount of self-pity. I’d wanted normal so badly. No werewolves. No second sight. No weird pull on men. Yet, I knew I would never be normal. I would never have a normal date. I kept trying to mold myself into something I could never be. Why?

Clay lifted his head under my hand, and I reigned in my emotions, knowing he could sense my melancholy.

“I’m fine,” I said as I met his gaze. “How are you doing?” He scooted forward to lay his head on my lap in response. Yeah, that was pretty much how I felt.

The door opened, startling us both.

“I got double fudge brownie for each of us,” Rachel said as she slid in behind the wheel and handed me the bag. “Sorry, Clay. Chocolate’s poison for dogs. None for you.”

She made me smile.

When we got home, I went straight to my room to change. Clay stayed with Rachel as she praised his good behavior and good sense to trip Scott when he’d started to follow us. No doubt, he’d get the other half of her burger before I finished. Tossing the shirt into the closet, I vowed never to wear it again and pulled on the comfortable clothes I slept in.

Shaking off my mood, I walked into the kitchen.

“Where’s my chocolate?”

Clay moved to my side, and I patted him again. I’d asked a lot of him tonight, and he deserved a real reward. He’d been surviving on sandwiches and leftovers from Rachel. Tomorrow, we’d go to the store, and I’d buy him a big steak.

Rachel handed me my pint with a spoon standing in it. She’d already dug into hers. After eating another spoonful with a blissful groan, she set her container of ice cream on the table.

“I’m going to go change. Want to watch a movie or something?” Rachel stripped out of her shirt on her way to her bedroom.

I looked at the wall clock and savored another spoonful of ice cream. It was only seven, but I was tired. I put the lid back on and tucked my container in the near empty freezer.

“What do you think?” I asked Clay, noting he watched me and not the striptease Rachel had unknowingly put on or the chocolate ice cream she’d left unguarded. “Stay up and watch a movie, or go to bed early? Lead the way.” I waved him forward, and he trotted through the living room to my room.

“Rach, we’re just going to go to bed early. ‘K?” I leaned against the wall in the living room, waiting for her answer.

“It’s okay. Go ahead,” she said, appearing again. She wore short shorts and a tank top for bed. “I won’t keep you up with a movie, will I?” She glided past me and flopped on the couch.

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