“So you took the next step,” she says. “What does that mean?”

Mariska quickly corrects her. “It’s different, actually. She can…” glancing around, she lowers her voice. “She can do it to him. He can even do it to her—”

“He can?” I don’t mean to sound excited. They both glare at me, and I blush, looking down again. “Sorry. It’s just… it’s a powerful experience.”

Elaine presses her lips together in a disapproving way and turns back to Mariska. “But how is that possible? Mel did it and look at her.”

“She’s not a vampire yet.” The young woman lifts a spoon of gumbo to her mouth. I fork one of my shrimp thinking about what that means.

“I’ve been reading everything I can get my hands on,” Mariska continues, glancing up at me. “Drinking your blood might be a good idea. It will give him extrasensory abilities, enhanced libido, strength. It quickly flushes out of his system. It’s only temporary.”

“Sounds like their ritual before a hunt,” Elaine says, nodding. “Patrick told me about it last night. Or I saw images of it, and he explained what I was seeing.”

Something inside me quickens. A light seems to flicker on. “What ritual?”

Elaine’s just taken a bite of spicy provolone and cheese, and she nods as she tries to get it down. “It’s like a transfusion. It allows them to communicate telepathically when they’re doing jobs. They did it yesterday evening.”

“Oh my god, Elaine!” I lower my fork. “That’s what happened!”

This time Mariska looks at us confusedly. “Catch me up.”

“You mentioned a cure involving shifter blood and verbena root?”

She nods. “I have a vial of verbena serum for you here.” She digs in her purse a moment before pulling out a small glass container on a leather strap. “Wear this around your neck. It’ll protect you from your maker. Don’t spill it on yourself, though.”

Cautiously, I reach for the little vial of bright chartreuse liquid. “Thank you,” I whisper.

Elaine bounces in her seat as she continues. “Derek had shifter blood in his veins last night! You have shifter blood in you now! It’s how you were able to sleep—it’s why you’re not hearing his voice!”

Mariska’s jaw drops and she studies me a moment. “How are you feeling? Are you in pain?”

“No.” I shake my head, remembering last night, remembering the first night when I stole his blood. The foreign element, the burning I couldn’t understand. “At first, right after I did it, I felt a strange sensation. It only lasted a little while before it dispersed.”

“You were able to stand the pain?” Mariska’s head cocks to the side, and I can tell she’s calculating. “Your pain tolerance must be very high.”

“More like Derek’s not a real shifter,” Elaine says. “What you got was diluted by his blood and then further diluted by yours.”

Mariska grabs Elaine’s arm. “We need to meet with your shifter. Can you get him here now?”

“No!” I almost shout. They both glare at me, and I quickly explain. “I can’t be around him. It makes me violently ill.” Not as violently as the new one, but it’s still unbearable.

My phone buzzes, and I pull it from my clutch without thinking. I’ve been waiting all morning, and the moment I see the face, a huge grin splits my cheeks. It’s Derek. Where are you? Want to see you now.

“Wow,” Elaine mutters. “Somebody’s got it bad.”

“You’re one to talk,” I tease. “Miss Imprinted.”

“You imprinted?” Mariska looks up fast.

Elaine’s eyes cut to me. “It’s actually the other way around. Patrick imprinted on me. But I’m very happy with the arrangement.”

The girl’s shoulders drop, and she pulls away. “That’s nice for you,” she says in a voice that sounds like she means the opposite. “I mean, if you’re happy with the situation.”

Elaine is frowning at her now. “I’m very happy with it. Patrick is perfect for me.”

Mariska only nods. “He would be perfect.”

My best friend and I exchange a glance. She’s giving us a peek at her own fantasy, whether she realizes it or not. I only hope Elaine’s not offended. Mariska clearly had additional plans for our shifter besides helping me break the vampire curse.

“He is, and you want me to call him here?” My best friend’s tone tells me she’s not at all worried about Mariska’s disappointment. I’m hastily replying to my text as she continues. “I guess you’re heading out to meet Derek. Will you even finish lunch?”

I’m finishing my text telling him where we are. “If Patrick’s coming here, I won’t be able to eat.”

Mariska is thoughtful again. “I’ll see if there’s an antidote to dull your vampire blood’s reaction to him.”

Her words almost make me feel embarrassed. “I’m so messed up,” I mutter.

At once my hand is in Elaine’s grip. “Don’t do that! I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen you happy. Hold onto that. Look how much progress we’ve made!”

A bustling at the entrance causes the three of us to turn. I immediately recognize the tall form of Derek silhouetted in the doorway, and a riot of butterflies swirls through my insides. Images of last night flood my brain, and when he smiles at me, my face heats along with my entire body. As he gets closer, however, I’m aware of a dull cramping in my stomach.

“Sorry I had to leave this morning.” The sound of his voice erases the pain, and I slide out of the booth to greet him.

He moves to kiss my cheek, and I see the reason for my discomfort. Patrick is right behind him, smiling curiously at me.

Elaine notices and touches my hand. “Are you okay?”

I pause a moment, waiting before I answer. “Just a slight irritation.”

Mariska evaluates the two males before hopping out of the booth. “You’ll want to sit by Elaine,” she says, touching Patrick’s arm.

He gives her a wink before scooting in beside my friend. Elaine glows like the sun as he drapes an arm over her shoulder and pulls her into his side.

“It’s not him,” Mariska says softly before turning to me. “You’re not having a reaction?”

“No,” I shake my head, glancing at Patrick and back at her. “A little discomfort, but not like before.”

Derek’s large hands move to the top of my shoulders. “What’s making you uncomfortable?”

I study the front of his golf shirt, stretched attractively across his chest. “Remember how I told you being around Patrick made me ill?”

“Hey!” His partner calls out, and I want to smile.

Derek’s brow quirks. “It’s not happening now.” The way he says it, I’m sure he’s putting the pieces together. My suspicion is confirmed when he leans down and says, “Were you okay last night… with me?”

“At first it burned some, but it went away fast.”

His eyes soften, and he reaches up to slide a thumb over my cheek. “I’m sorry I hurt you.”

“You’re forgetting what it felt like when we did it.”

“No, I’m not.” The sexy tone in his voice spreads heat through my lower stomach.

“You’re making me wet,” I whisper.

His eyes darken. “Should we visit the restroom?”

Elaine’s loud voice cuts the growing tension. “Are you two joining us?”

He leans back, and the look that passes between us could launch a rocket. “I suppose we should join them.”

Nodding, I follow him to the table. Elaine has introduced Mariska and explained her role in our situation.

Patrick greets me with a casual tease. “You’re the lady having vampire troubles?”

Even though it’s a joke, I can’t help feeling embarrassed. “I hate to pull complete strangers into my mess.”

Derek’s arm goes around my waist. “We’re not strangers.”

Blinking up at him, I manage a smile. “You’re not,” I say softly.

“I don’t feel like a stranger,” Mariska jumps in. “And I’m happy to help. It’s exciting!”

He looks at her. “And you are?”

“Mariska.” She’s on her feet. “My grandmother is Demeter. From Algiers?”

“The witch.” His eyebrows rise. “I know her by reputation.”

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