Witch isn’t really an accurate term for what she does.”

“Sorry,” Derek nods. Then he turns to me. “Voodoo queen. What brought you two together?”

I gesture to my best friend. “Elaine used her psychic connections.”

He touches my nose. “Seems you don’t need me at all.”

“Oh, you’re wrong,” Mariska jumps in. “You’ve become a critical piece in the puzzle.”

“How so?” he looks at her amused.

“It seems your little…” She waves her hand between us. “Exchange last night uncovered a potential fix.”

Derek clears his throat, and glances down. “You told them?”

“Told us what?” Patrick looks up from where he and Elaine are sharing a private tête-à-tête consisting of smiles and soft laughter.

“My friend got a little hungry last night.” Elaine gives him a wink, but his expression turns fierce. If she weren’t blocking him, he’d be on his feet grabbing me.

“What the fuck?”

Derek extends a strong arm. “Take it easy. It doesn’t concern you.”

“Fucking concerns me if you end up dead and drained.”

“Oh god,” I whisper. “I’m sorry.” Turning in my seat, I have a straight shot for the door, and I take it.

I’m down the short flight of stairs, out on the flagstone sidewalk, when Derek catches me, cornering me between a white stucco column and a curtained window. His large body shields me from the street traffic.

“Where are you going?” A smile is in his voice, but I’m on the verge of tears.

“He’s right. I can’t risk your life like this.”

“It’s my decision, and I want to help you.”

Holding his arms, I can’t stop a shiver. “If anything happened to you. If I couldn’t stop—”

“You will. You controlled it last night. You’ll control it again.”

Shaking my head, my fingers tighten on his biceps. “You have no idea how hard it is to control.” His nearness, his breath against my skin sends desire racing to my core. “I can barely control it now.”

His head lowers, his breath a warm whisper at my cheek. “What are you feeling right now?”

Lifting my chin, I take a deep inhale of his masculine scent. My nose just touches his collarbone, following the line of his neck higher. My insides clench, and I feel his muscles respond to my nearness, beckoning me on. His pulse is just beneath his skin. A whispered moan exhales through my lips as they part, allowing me to touch him with my tongue.

With a hiss, I realize my fangs are out. I’m on the street, in the middle of a mercifully overcast day, on the edge of biting him again. My hand flies to cover my mouth, and I see desire burning in his navy eyes.

“Oh, god, Derek.” I can barely speak between my changed features and my hand.

He shocks me when he only grins. “Glad I’m not the only one who can’t hide how attracted I am to you.” A shift of his hips, and I feel the erection nudging my thigh.

It’s exactly what I needed, because a little laugh chokes out with my frightened tears. He pulls my face to his chest while we both attempt to regain control.

“Deep breaths, my love. I’m not going anywhere, and you’re not going to hurt me.”

I’m clinging to his arms when I hear the sound of sandals on flagstone. Elaine’s voice joins us over my shoulder.

“Here you are.” Her tone is apologetic. “Patrick’s sorry. His response was instinctive. Won’t you come back inside? We do need to plan.” Derek’s holding me in a protective stance, but my best friend’s eyes fly wide. I know she sees the sharp white tips of my teeth.

“Oh, god, no!” Tears are in her eyes, and her chin drops. Just as fast, she shakes her head rapidly. “I’m sorry. I can handle this.”

My heart breaks because I know she can’t. I know how badly I freaked out the first time I saw myself changed. Derek’s embrace tightens.

“Just give us a minute,” he says in his deep, calming voice. “We’re coming back.”

I see the tremor in my friend’s hand as she nods. “I’ll let them know.”

Without looking at me again, she spins on her heel and heads back into the restaurant. I rest my head against Derek’s strong chest. She’ll most likely spend every night with Patrick for the duration.

“She’s afraid of me,” I sigh.

“She loves you,” he says, smoothing my back with his large hand. “She won’t turn on you.”

My body relaxes at his words and his touches, and I can’t help remembering my words to him last night, my realization of how attached I’ve become. Pushing those emotions aside, I feel my body has returned to normal and step out of his arms.

“I’m ready to go back.”

He gives me a little smile, touching my cheek. “Let’s figure this out.”


Change of Plans Derek

Patrick’s expression is smug when we return to the restaurant. While I appreciate his overprotectiveness, I’m irritated by how much it upset Melissa. At this point, only Elaine and I know how much this change is torturing her.

Mariska cuts the tension, returning us to our previous discussion. She’s a pretty girl, and while she might not possess her grandmother’s power, she’s eager to learn.

“So the side-effect of Melissa ingesting shifter blood via your blood is our cure becomes more tolerable.” She smiles brightly.

I can’t hide my surprise. “You know of a cure?”

“I’m sure you know the easiest solution is to kill her maker.”

That earns a grimace from Patrick. “It’s hardly easy.”

“Compared to the alternative,” she frowns right back at him.

“Which is?”

“Shifter blood mingled with verbena root in a draught. She drinks it, and it burns the maker’s blood right out of her system.”

Melissa’s face goes pale, and I take her hand. “You’re right,” I say. “We have to kill her maker.”

“But Derek,” she whispers. “Mariska said you could be killed.”

Warmth stirs in my chest for her. I give her a smile, smoothing her hair off her cheek. “What do you think I did last night?”

Mariska nods, “You’re very skilled. But what if we found another way to free her that doesn’t require any pain or hand to hand combat.”

“Go on,” I say.

“If we can go through you—get the shifter blood into her through you—it cuts the pain factor.” The girl bounces a little in her seat. “And we can track how much she needs to flush him out.”

Memories of the pain I experience taking shifter blood only briefly passes through my head. I’d gladly take Melissa’s pain. However… “How would we do it?”

“I have an idea,” she says. “You’re the only vampire hunter who takes regular shifter transfusions. You’re also the only vampire hunter who’s asked to be bitten by a hybrid.”

I see Melissa’s discomfort and try to move things along. “Never mind what I do. What’s the procedure?”

“From what I’ve read, traditionally, the mixture of the verbena root and shifter blood is drunk as a potion.” She pauses, thinking. “If we do it this way, I suppose we would need to hook up a constant transfusion of shifter blood into your veins while Melissa drinks from you.”

Melissa and I exchange a glance. Having Stuart and Patrick in the room while we’re in the orgasmic throes of her bite is not an option.

“We need another way,” I say quickly.

“What the fuck?” Patrick is suddenly with us. “Why the hell not? At least that way I can keep an eye on her.”

Melissa’s face reddens, and I glare at him. “The experience is… private. We don’t want an audience.”

Mariska blinks fast as she formulates another plan. “Okay…” Her full pink lip slips beneath her front teeth. “What’s the most shifter blood you’ve ever taken?”

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