Moving On Melissa

The beaches of home are as warm and soothing as they’ve always been. I lucked up finding a beachfront condo in Wilmington I could afford. It’s part of an abandoned development consisting of little beach cottages scattered across the hills leading down to the surf. A community-style development that folded after the housing market collapsed.

My realtor was so excited, you’d think we’d found hidden treasure. In a way, I suppose we have. Only it isn’t the lost treasure I long to possess.

Elaine’s older brother Marcus helped me move in, teasing the entire time how I’d achieved the dream. He’s especially dear to me. He was my date to every high school dance. He gave me my first kiss. For a long time everyone assumed we’d marry, but those days are so long ago. He lives far from here in Chicago now, and my heart is miles away in Princeton.

Tonight, as I sit on my screened-in side porch, my fingers go to the delicate gold heart floating at the base of my throat. The beautiful necklace Derek gave me.

Our feelings were so new then. We were both stealing little pieces from each other. I guess in my case, the pieces were slightly more significant. Either way, this little treasure never leaves my neck. It’s the only thing I have holding him to me, my one everlasting shred of hope we’ll be together again. His heart.

The breakers crash just a little ways from here, over the hill of sea oats. My laptop is balanced on my knees, and I’m reviewing a rollout for one of my favorite clients, a little baker who lives in Baltimore. She was my first client in that city. An established downtown business, her shop started losing money when the newer office buildings came in.

A few well-placed ads, a few well-timed cupcake samplings, and we managed to detour the foot traffic a few blocks south to her door. As a result, her business is booming. Aunt Bea, as everyone affectionately calls her, is happy as a clam, and I’m rewarded with free cupcake samples any time she tries out new recipes.

Actually, her special “care packages” now that I’m back in Wilmington have given me the idea for taking her business online. I’ve spent the day updating her website, drawing up a business model, and preparing a very basic, user-friendly outline that won’t overwhelm her.

Now, as the sun has set, and the noise of the ocean promises to lull me to sleep, I can’t resist what has become my regular nightly indulgence. Three clicks, and I’m at the cached Alexander-Knight LLC website.

Scooting down further on the small sofa, I pull the blanket tighter around my shoulders as I click on the “About us” tab. The page changes, and a thumbnail image of him appears on the screen. Warmth radiates through my chest, flushing my cheeks with heat.

It’s a professional photo from when he was a private investigator who only secretly delved into the paranormal. His dark, wavy hair is combed back from his face, and his blue eyes glow from beneath his dark brow. That delicious scruff lightly covers his cheeks, and of course he’s in a suit and tie—charcoal grey suit, scarlet tie. So gorgeous.

In spite of myself, I exhale a little sigh. Everything about him radiates raw sexuality. I can’t imagine how he’s feeling now. If only he would let me be there for him. His final words drift back to me like a dream… I want you so badly, I can’t promise what I won’t do.

Closing my eyes, I allow my thoughts to replay our first night, the first time I saw him. I’d been captivated by him, which doesn’t take much for a young vampire hybrid. The only thing different was how he responded to me. As soon as our eyes met, he was on his feet, heading in my direction.

He took me in the alley. I barely even remember following him the short blocks, around the corner, through the tiny passageways. My back pressed against the damp bricks, his firm, hard body rocking between my thighs. My lip catches between my teeth as my fingers slip beneath my skirt, sliding my panties aside.

The memory of his mouth, pulling and sucking, his hands grasping and moving me up and down his enormous cock. “Oh!” I breathe a little moan as my orgasm builds. So much desire, so much need.

Even now I remember how my gums burned with hunger for him. Skipping ahead, I remember the night I stole a taste, pulling his essence into me. I remember the explosion of pleasure as he filled me.

“Ahh!” my orgasm breaks through my thighs, leaving me shuddering in its wake. I slide down to my side on the couch, lowering my laptop to the floor. My knees are bent, and I’m curled in a little ball savoring the afterglow of my memories.

It’s bittersweet, and a little tear runs down my nose. “Please come back to me, my love.” It’s a broken cry in the night. “I’ll take whatever you can give me.”

I don’t move as I lie curled in my blanket dreaming of him, wishing with everything in me I had his strong arms to hold me. Praying one day I’ll have him again.

The school parking lot is empty when I arrive for my meeting with the principal. Elaine is an eighth grade teacher at one of the top private schools in the state, and she insisted I make an appointment to meet her administrative staff. No amount of arguing they don’t need my help mattered.

“I can’t be best friends with a genius marketing expert and not have her consult with my business!”

I’d only laughed at her exaggeration and agreed to make an appointment. I’ve never worked in school promotions, but I figure how different can it be?

Making my way through the parking lot, digging in my bag like Mary Poppins, I don’t see the solid wall of man before I walk right into it.

“Whoa!” Patrick laughs, catching my arms to prevent my fall. “You should really keep your eyes on the road, there.”

“Patrick!” I gasp. For whatever reason, he’s avoided me since Derek left me in New Orleans. Of course, I knew he and Elaine were still together.

“What are you doing here?” I say.

He’s dressed in loose khakis and a polo (untucked, of course), and his sun-kissed light-brown hair moves with the breeze. He looks like he just stepped off a surfboard—or he’s on his way to step on one.

He squints. “Visiting Elaine?”

“Are you asking or telling me?”

That makes him laugh, and his green-hazel eyes sparkle. “I’m telling you. I just… didn’t want to rub it in your face.”

“You are not rubbing it in my face. I couldn’t be more happy you and Elaine are together.”

“Right.” The hand moves to his front pocket, and he seems uncomfortable.

I can’t help it, I have to know. “H-how is he?” Shaking my head, I look down. “I mean, I’m sorry. You don’t have to tell me. I’m not trying to make you spy or be disloyal—”

“He’s doing okay, I guess.” His voice is thoughtful, serious. “He’s not seeing anyone, naturally.”

I can’t even begin to express how happy that little revelation makes me.


And with one word, he sends it all crashing down. “Still?” My voice is barely a whisper.

“He’s so lonely for you.”

The case I’m carrying drops to the pavement. Instinctively, my arms wrap around my midsection as the ache of longing pulls me so hard. I lean against the car behind me.

“Oh, Patrick.” It’s all I can say. Every heartbeat sends pain through my insides. “I miss him so much.”

I’m instantly pulled into a hug. The sunny warmth of Patrick is actually very comforting, and for a moment, we simply stand there. When the wave of emotion has passed, his arms loosen, and he steps back.

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