“What do you say, gorgeous? Be mine and only mine. If you want out, you only have to say it.”

She licked her lips, her pupils still so huge they nearly swallowed all the color in her irises.

With his free hand he reached up to slide his knuckles down the column of her throat. “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. Vivid. Headstrong. I know you want me.”

She still held the needle machine but had turned it off. His back was cool and slightly sticky where she’d been working.

“Take a leap, Raven. I’ll catch you.”

She sucked in a breath. “I’m not good at this.”

“At what?”

“At monogamy.” Her voice trembled and this uncharacteristic outward vulnerability tore at him. He wanted to gather her up and hold her close. But he needed to break this stubborn refusal to let him in first. Once he’d done that, he’d show her the gentleness she deserved.

“You’ve never tried it.” Because no other man had ever demanded it of her before. But he wasn’t any other man. He’d have all of her and prove she was right to make that decision.

“You’re a very nice man. I really don’t want to ruin this.”

“Have you so little faith in yourself? Hm? If you come across a sudden, unquenchable desire to get laid, call me. I’m ten minutes away. I’ll come to you and quench it.”

But it wasn’t that. He knew it. She hadn’t committed before because she needed to be fucked and had no self-control to stop herself from getting it from whomever she could.

“It’s not that.”

He smiled. “I know. But still, the offer is open.”

She smiled back. Victory hovered just out of reach. He forced himself to wait, outwardly patient.

“I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Is this about Brody? Are you still in love with him?”

She laughed then and the worry he’d pretended he never had faded altogether.

“I love Brody. He’s very special to me. But not like that. Even when we were together it wasn’t . . . Anyway. But I hurt him. He’s a good man and he expected things from me that I couldn’t give him. I told him. But he . . .”

He took her chin. Gentle, but firmly enough that she couldn’t look away. “You weren’t meant for him.”

Raven sighed. “All right. I’ll agree. You and only you while we’re together.”

Oh, she thought she could do that little disclaimer and give herself an out. Delightful.

It would be such a pleasure to gentle this woman to his touch.

“All right then.” He kissed the hand he’d been holding. “Get back to work.” He turned, knowing she probably needed some time to get herself together. God knew he needed that too. 


She couldn’t avoid it any longer. She didn’t want to work on him any more that night. She’d gotten a lot done, but she’d worked on his back for nearly three hours and though he hadn’t complained, she knew he was going to be sore and tired, and she sure was.

Their conversation had left her sort of off balance, but he’d given her his back and had left her alone with her thoughts for a long while before starting in on small talk again. She’d agreed to monogamy. She hoped like hell she wouldn’t fuck it up because she really liked him.

She cleaned off his back. “I think that’s enough for tonight. Want to look before I cover it up?”

“Yeah.” He stood stretching, his arms above his head as his back cracked a few times.

He checked her work in the mirror, nodding his head. “I like it so far.”

“Thanks. Come back so I can get it covered up. You’ve done the tattoo thing before so you know it’s going to itch and you need to keep out of the sun, that sort of thing. I brought a tube of stuff for you to put on it. But then it’s on your back.”

She covered the tat and he turned slowly, a smile on his lips. “Then it looks like you’ll be the one to help. It comes with the service, right?”

He was so . . . much.

“Hm. You promised me food and a martini.”

“I’m ordering in. Once that’s done I’ll get us some drinks.” He pulled her in, surprising her. “First I need a kiss.”

She held on, careful to avoid his back, as he lowered his mouth to hers, taking it, owning it, and she gave over, opening up on a soft sigh. He tasted so good.

His tongue, sure, as sure as he was, swept into her mouth and a memory of his mouth on her pussy flashed through her brain. She squeezed her thighs together to ease the ache, but it only made things worse.

He nipped her bottom lip and then took a fistful of her hair, yanking her head back to expose her throat. Something warm washed through her as her muscles loosened. His lips cruised down her throat as he nibbled at the hollow, on her thundering pulse.

His skin was hot and hard as he held her tight, one hand in her hair, the other sliding down to take a handful of her ass.

She moaned and he made a sound, nearly a growl.

“Food. Drink. Then I’m going to fuck you.”

He stepped back, licking his lips as she struggled to gain her composure. And failed.

Jonah flustered her. She wanted him. That he wanted her with such avarice thrilled her. Her body didn’t give one tiny fuck that she was supposed to be annoyed with his caveman-type ways. Her clit and nipples thought it was pretty fantastic actually.

She watched as he swayed to the phone. Broad shoulders led to a narrow waist and a spectacular ass. It was just as hot with his jeans on as it was when he was naked. And that was pretty fucking spectacular.

Raven busied herself by putting her gear away. She put aside the tools she’d need to run through the autoclave before using them again. Secured the inks. She cleaned off the chair where they’d been working and put the stool she’d been sitting on back.

When she’d finished she’d found some measure of peace, but when she turned back to see him in his kitchen, pulling martini glasses out, she couldn’t stop a wistful sigh.

“I like that you wore a red shirt.” He pushed a glass to her. “Olive or onion?”

“Olive.” And he’d shown a preference for red after all. And she had a million T-shirts, many of them red, so it wasn’t like it was a big deal.

He dropped in an olive and clinked his glass to hers. “To beginnings.”

She tipped her chin and sipped. He had not exaggerated his skill.

“This is a very fine martini.” Nice and dry.

“Food will be here in about half an hour. Come sit in the living room.”

She followed him. He sat, putting his feet up and patting the couch next to him.

Raven drank slowly, not quite trusting herself to say much.

“I did ask about you to your friends. Does that bother you?”

She thought about it and he didn’t press.

“Maybe. A little.” She shrugged.

“I wasn’t trying to dig up dirt. I like you. I’m interested in you and I wanted to know more. Daisy likes you. She’s a little in awe, I think, which is interesting given how fierce my brother’s girlfriend is.”

“Well, at least one of you has good taste.”

He smirked. “What do you mean by that?”

“Do you think I haven’t heard about your sister-in-law? The one who thinks Daisy is a dirty gold digger out for your family fortune?”

He sighed heavily, draping an arm over her shoulder, hugging her close, and to her surprise, she liked it.

“Gwen. Goddamn, she must give head like nobody’s business. It’s really the only thing I can think of that would blind Mal to her many faults.”

“Is that the key then? Cocksucking?”

“You do well with the cock and the rest is sort of easier.”


“What’s this mysterious hm you do? What does it mean?”

“Any and all manner of things at any given time.”

“Should you be harboring any ideas that I’m only here with you because of your cocksucking skill, though you’ve got it, you’re not easy.”

He was . . . blunt. Surprising. She didn’t quite know how to take the things he said.

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