He licked her nipples and she sucked a breath, arching into his mouth as his hands found her hips and held her just where he wanted her to be.

He nibbled and licked as she was helpless to do anything but hold on. So she did.

“I need you a whole lot right now,” she managed to say. “I want you inside.”

He pulled back enough to look into her face. “Hands and knees.”

She rolled and got into position. Once he got behind her, she leaned into his thighs because that’s how he liked it. He thrust into her pussy so fast she nearly choked when she sucked in a breath.

He kept a pace that pleased him. He wanted to pull out and make her suck his cock before he let her come. He wanted to come on her tits and make her finger herself to orgasm. So much. But she’d opened herself up, told him some things that left him sure he needed to keep those things on deck for another time. That night he wanted to possess her, to let her know she was his to protect and cherish. It’s what they both needed.

She was so tight and wet around him as she thrust back in the small amount of space the position allowed. She essentially bounced back on his cock, her ass against his thighs.

“You’re so sexy.” He ran his hands all over her back and hips before he reached around to take her breasts in his hands. Pulling and pinching those nipples wearing the hoops he’d given her.


He smiled as he leaned forward to kiss her shoulder. “Make yourself come around my cock,” he whispered against her skin.

She whimpered, changing her balance to slide a hand between her legs. He felt the brush of her fingertips where he thrust into her cunt. A feather of a touch before her hand moved up to her clit. She tightened around him, making him see stars for a brief moment.

He nibbled over her back. Nipping here and here. Hard enough to leave a mark where only he would see. Their secret. She arched on an indrawn breath.


She raced to climax as he tried to hold his own back. He wanted a long slow fuck but she took it to a frenzy because he needed her with such an intensity he couldn’t see straight. He sped up his thrusts and she pressed back against him, taking him even deeper.

Her inner walls began to ripple around him, her cunt squeezing, super heating, so fucking wet as she finally exploded. There was nothing he could do but go with her, follow her into climax as he whispered her name and took her to the bed, wrapping his arms around her and whispering that he loved her. 


She hated the way the hospital smelled. It was more than the general antiseptic of a regular hospital. There was something else. It made her sad.

They had gone through two doors, acquired special visitor passes, had emptied their pockets and their belongings had been placed in a plastic bag to be kept at the nurse’s station. They’d told her the day before to leave her purse at home, so she had.

Her hands shook, but Jonah just reached out and took one. “You okay?”

Raven shook her head. “No. But I’m better off than she is.”

They went through another set of doors and were led into a room with a few pieces of furniture. There were big windows, but they were safety glass and bars held anyone several inches away from their surface.

“I’m going to go get Lena. Do you have any questions before I go?” The orderly who’d accompanied them was a pretty big guy, probably in his forties.

“Is there something I should avoid talking about? I don’t know what to say.”

He smiled. “You’re her daughter. She’s been talking about it all day long. She’s having a good day today. Just tell her about your life. Everything will be all right. I’ll be here the whole time. Over in that corner. If she gets excitable, and I don’t think she will, but if she does, I’ll step in and if we can’t get her calm again, I’ll take her back to her room.” He paused. “The medications she’s been on . . . she’ll most likely be heavier than you last remember her. She also has some tremors in her face. Namely her mouth. The older drugs had more side effects than they do now. I just wanted to let you know. She’s not in pain or anything.”

They sat at a table, Jonah at her side, and they waited.

It wasn’t long before the door on the far side of the room opened and the orderly led her mother in. Raven hoped she hid her shock well. Her mother was still recognizable, but she was heavier, yes. Her once glorious deep black hair was short now, shot with gray.

Raven stood and moved toward her mother.

“Beautiful Raven-Haired Baby Girl.” Her mother used Raven’s full, given name and then she opened her arms. “Got a hug for your momma?”

She went into the hug and tried very hard not to cry. And failed.

“Shhh. Everything’s gonna be all right now.” Lena patted her arm and they walked over to the table together. “Sit now and introduce me to your young man.”

Jonah stood and took Lena’s hand, kissing it in chivalrous fashion. Lena blushed.

“Ma’am, I’m Jonah Warner. Not so young, but certainly Raven’s. I’m very pleased to meet you.”

“You’re alive. My lord, girl. For so long.” Her mother had to stop speaking, dabbing her eyes with a handkerchief. Raven made a mental note to buy her mother some more and send them. They had said she could send care packages.

“I know. But I’m here now. I missed you so much.”

“Dolly, I’m sorry. So very sorry I wasn’t there. I’ve been sick a long time. I kept losing my way. Heard voices. I was afraid I’d hurt you. I got arrested and they put me in a mental ward. That’s when they finally found out about the schizophrenia. And then I tried to get better. Sometimes the pills worked. But before they’d let me out, they wouldn’t work no more. And then my sister Lorene came and told me you were dead! I lost myself for a long time. Can’t say I cared much about getting better then. And those nice people came. Mike and Bonnie. They told me you was alive and that my sister lied. I can’t imagine why she did that, Raven. My goodness, you’re a beauty. Like Mama Eula in her day.”

Eula was Raven’s great-grandmother. “She sure did love you. I think they lied to her too, Momma. I don’t know why they did it either. But I’m going to go down there and find out. Lorene is still alive and living in Happy Bend.” And she was due a reckoning.

“She ain’t worth your time. Don’t you let her get you all worked up.”

“Answers need to be had. But never you mind. Now that I got you back, I’m not getting worked up.”

Lena looked to Jonah. “You be sure of that. I don’t want her down there near my people alone.”

Jonah nodded, solemn. “Yes, ma’am.”

They talked for the entire hour allotted for the visit and Raven promised to return the following day for another visit. She could stay a week or so and she planned on it. And on her way back home she was going to pay a visit to her aunt in Happy Bend.

Jonah walked her out, an arm around her shoulder.

“I figure I can visit her once every two months or so. Write her. They said I could. I’ve been without her a really long time. It’s strange to think I have a mother. I was so used to being alone. And now I have her. And you. God, next thing I’ll start being nice.”

He laughed, pulling her closer. “Well, let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”

“I know you need to get back to Seattle.” She moved around their suite, putting things away, organizing them. He’d figured out some time before that it had to be connected with a childhood of total chaos. She liked things where she knew they’d be. Wanted to know they were in their place.

So he tried to make that easy for her, though he had to admit to being messy at times to watch her get grumpy and then smooth out as she worked. It made them both feel better, to click. She needed to fix things just like he did. So he gave her things to fix and when she did, it fixed him too.

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