Without the increased power, they would struggle to accomplish any of their goals, including rescuing Amber and her friend. Flight would remain unbearably painful for Claire, their current tracking ability was weak compared with their pressing need, and even if they somehow found the extinction weapon, Lucian wouldn’t have sufficient power to take Daniel on.

But she recalled Lucian’s greatest fear: that in embracing the full potential of his power he would become like his father.

She met his gaze, knowing he had a tough choice to make and that only he could make it.

His lips turned down, and his gray eyes darkened. “I know the Hawaiian system. No one can get in. The disguises are beyond anything I’ve ever seen, maybe even beyond your current power, Claire. And that system is far away. I couldn’t even fly you there without causing you a shitload of agony all over again.”

She looked deep into his eyes and saw everything there, the totality of his determination and how much he would sacrifice, just as she would. And here was a trait they shared in common, something that might be even more binding between them than the blood-chains. Each would sacrifice. Each would do what had to be done.

She had to do this.

So did Lucian.

She might not understand all his reasons, but hers were simple: She knew Amber and she knew Amber’s mother. She couldn’t let this happen to either of those women, not when Zoey had been lost to her family for the past two years, maybe even forever. The household had endured enough suffering with Zoey’s kidnapping. But even beyond Amber’s abduction, there were thousands of young women in the same kind of jeopardy.

And Daniel Briggs was behind it all. From what Rumy and Lucian had said, Daniel led the way when it came to sex slavery. And all roads seemed to lead back to him.

She began to understand the impact the extinction weapon could have on her world as well. Once Daniel had full control of the vampire world, he could expand his vile sex-slavery operations so that more and more human women, just like Amber and Tracy, would fall victim to him. More than ever before, she saw the absolute necessity of making sure that Daniel’s plans failed.

“Lucian, I want you to know that I’ll do whatever it takes to help you stop Daniel. He’s set the worldwide stage for this level of sex trafficking. He has Zoey in his power and now his organization has abducted Zoey’s sister and her friend. I don’t think I really connected all the dots before, but none of this will change until he’s brought down.”

He closed his eyes, a frown never far from his forehead. She felt how upset he was that the very thing he’d promised himself never to do looked like the only way he could save his world from calamity. Saving Amber would be a side trip, though a critical one. But becoming an Ancestral in order to get the job done would accelerate their efforts on all fronts.

Lucian turned and faced her fully. “The only way we make this work is with your disguising power enhanced with an infusion of Ancestral power. I truly doubt we’d even be able to find them otherwise. But once I rise to this level, nothing will stop us from finding the weapon. I’m sure of it. As far as my biggest concern goes, I have no idea which way this will fall.”

“You mean whether the new power level will somehow seduce your dark side?”


“But you’re willing to take the risk.”

“I am, but are you? This could backfire and you could get hurt.”

She took his other hand and held his gaze with all the ferocity she could manage. “With all my heart, I believe you’re incapable of resembling anything like Daniel Briggs.”

* * *

From the time he could remember, Lucian had fought his basic nature, the one that matched Daniel Briggs point by point: his level of rage, his desire to hurt, his willingness to fight anyone to the death. He was more vampire than Claire would ever understand, and to some degree, when she questioned his civilization, she had it right about his species. What else could account for such a vast network of human trafficking in his world?

His gaze settled on the double-chain. The new set would hit him about three inches below the well of his throat and were just big enough to slide over his head. And Claire would wear the matching one in order to sustain their bond. She would continue to siphon his power, but otherwise the primary changes would occur within him.

He couldn’t believe that after four hundred years, he was making the Ancestral leap. But it had to be done. If he had any hope of stopping Daniel from getting the extinction weapon, he needed to be at Ancestral level right now and he needed Claire with him.

He turned toward her, meeting her steady gaze.

He picked up the set meant for him and for the strangest split second wished Claire stood beside him. Then suddenly she was there and touched his shoulder.

“I can feel the difference and you haven’t even put them on.”

He breathed hard now, because he was feeling it as well, the potential in the double-chain. His life would change from this moment forward. Nothing would ever be the same—and even more troubling, he’d never be able to go back. He would become an Ancestral. Once his power rose, he would be born into that new realm.

He stared into Claire’s light-brown eyes, still breathing hard. He’d resisted and feared this moment his entire life: The double-chains would make him Daniel’s equal, his competitor, his true enemy.

And once the chain was on, Daniel wouldn’t be far behind.

But would the rise to Ancestral status make it impossible for him to battle the constant evil that threatened to take him over? Or would he become a sadistic killer? Would darkness rule his mind and his thoughts the way it did his father’s? Or was he truly the man Claire believed him to be?

Claire’s beautiful voice eased through his mind. Are you ready?

He nodded slowly. I am.

Lucian drew the chains close. He could smell the power of them now, what they would bring him. He wanted that power—and here was another of his truths: He’d longed for Ancestral power from the moment he’d first learned of its potential.

He drew in a deep breath, one that went to the base of his lungs, and without any more questioning of motive or purpose he slid the double-chain over his neck.

On instinct, at the same moment, he took the single-chain off and tossed it onto Rumy’s desk.

Then he waited.

He met Claire’s gaze.

The first thing he felt was the absolute purity of her soul. The second thing he knew was his complete unworthiness of being with a woman like her.

Then the power struck like a blow to his head, and he fell to his knees. He hadn’t known what to expect, but the sheer level of the power felt like a tornado in his body. Some deep part of him resisted.

Claire’s hand was on his arm once more, and she squeezed hard as she knelt beside him. Lucian, listen to me. I can feel that you’re holding back, but you have to let go, let the power become part of you.

I can’t. I’ll become like Daniel.

Gray spots flew through his vision. He’d lose consciousness soon.

She shifted to get in front of him, then put both her hands on his face. Look at me, dammit. Lucian, look at me. You can do this! You’re not Daniel. You think you are, but you’re not, and that’s something both Rumy and I agree on. You’re worthy of this power and this power will change your world for the better. I know it will.

Her words started filtering through the spots. Somewhere in the middle of the power crushing him and his fading consciousness, he decided to believe her.

He opened his lungs wide, arched his neck, and let it come.

Ancestral power, what had been his from the beginning, now flooded him in waves, perfect and beautiful, like an old friend returning to have a long brilliant conversation.

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