Once his resistance left, his spirit soared. He extended his arms up and out as though embracing all that there was in the world, in life.

Lucian, I can feel what you’re experiencing and it’s magnificent.

He opened his eyes and looked at Claire. He saw her as though surrounded by a halo of light. Even his vision had changed, sharper, clearer.

He rose up, lifting her to her feet at the same time. He turned to face her. He touched her gleaming auburn hair, letting the strands sift through his fingers. The texture was coarse yet somehow silky at the same time.

He leaned in and smelled her hair, then her forehead. The scent of her blood came to him like a sharp blade of sensation. He’d loved tasting her blood from the first drop in the Dark Cave system. He wanted more, but something stood in the way.

He eased his shoulders back and stood up straighter. He turned in a slow circle, just sensing his surroundings. He felt the club, even the miles of underground dwellings and theaters, even Rumy’s villa hidden in the center behind thick disguises, Rumy’s safe place.

So this was what it meant to have Ancestral power, to have all of his powers and abilities heightened. He was astonished at how far he could reach out to gather information.

He retrieved the second double-chain and put it over Claire’s head, settling it on her neck. As he’d done with his own, he took the single-chain and removed it at the same time.

She gasped then smiled. “It’s amazing, like hearing a choir of angels sing.”

Lucian felt nothing but gratitude as the bond between them strengthened. He drew her into his arms. For a long time, as his Ancestral power flowed and began to settle into every cell of his body, he held her close.

After a few minutes he drew back and saw that Claire’s eyes were full of fire. “What is it?”

“Let’s go get the girls.”

“Can you feel them? Do you know where they are? Rumy tells me that when Adrien and Lily formed a tracking pair, she could focus on a specific cavern and get a reading.”

He watched her turn her thoughts inward, but he could see that she still struggled to get a reading, despite the new level of power they shared.

“I don’t think I have Lily’s gift—or if I do, it’s not the same. What I sense when I think of Amber involves deep swirling patterns. I think I’m sensing the disguising pattern that keeps her hidden.”

“Can you tell if she’s in Hawaii?”

At that, she nodded, then smiled. “Yes, absolutely. I can at least tell you that much.”


Suddenly a new voice intruded straight into Claire’s mind.


A young woman’s voice. How was that even possible?

She drew back slightly. “Lucian, I think I’m hearing someone calling to me.”

He shook his head. “Who?”

“I’m not sure.” At first she thought it might be Zoey. But she focused once more on Hawaii and suddenly, Amber’s voice pierced her mind. Claire, is that you? Claire? Am I talking inside your head because I feel you inside mine? Claire?

Amber? Zoey’s sister?

She thought she heard a scream, or a squeal maybe, and she gripped Lucian’s arm hard.

“What is it, Claire?”

She shook her head in disbelief. “I’m communicating with Amber telepathically.”

He looked stunned. “This is a result of Ancestral power.”

Claire nodded.

His lips worked as though he ran through a quick litany of questions. Finally, he asked, “Does she know where she is?”

Claire asked her, but Amber’s response was cloaked in sobs. When Claire finally made sense of what Amber was saying, she addressed Lucian. “She doesn’t know. She smelled fruit of some kind, and some of it rotten, but that’s the most she could tell me.”

“We’ll figure it out. Tell her we’re coming.”

Claire nodded, then turned her thoughts toward Amber. It’s okay. We’re coming for you, sometime within the next hour. Be ready. We’re leaving now.

Thank God. Just hurry. Some of the women are getting hurt.

She ended the telepathy and yet again drew in a deep breath. “So, do you know where the Hawaiian cavern system is?”

At that, he smiled, a big perfect smile, something he did so rarely. “Hell, yeah.”

He turned toward Rumy. “Not sure when we’ll be back. Hold the fort and let me know if Daniel makes a move while we’re gone.”


Before Claire could prepare for what was about to happen, Lucian switched to altered flight. Suddenly she was streaking through solid rock then high into the dark night sky, gliding through space like it was nothing.

Feeling any pain?

She gasped slightly. Not even a little.

I’m so glad, Claire. I was worried.

She glanced down. Wow, look at the Atlantic. So we’re heading west this time?

Yep. Flying into the night.

The flight was so fast—even faster than when he’d flown them both out of the Dark Cave system—that she watched the earth below her in amazement. The Atlantic gave way to the Gulf of Mexico to Mexico proper then the Pacific, all in less than a few beats of her heart.

He began to slow, though she wasn’t certain why until she realized how easily he could overshoot the Hawaiian Islands.

He dropped closer to the earth as well.

Okay, Claire, you’re up. There are several disguised caverns along this side of the island, so focus on Amber because I’ll need you to guide me in.

She settled her thoughts on Amber as Lucian’s movements grew slower and slower.

I’m trying, she sent, but this tracking thing isn’t working for me.

Then try your disguising power. Maybe that’s the key.

The moment she shifted her focus toward her ability to create and detect disguises, the direction she needed to guide Lucian suddenly arrived.

Head toward the volcano. The caves nearby have unique, powerful disguises. I haven’t seen this kind before.

Once she’d set the end point, Lucian sped up. The next moment he said, Create a strong disguising shield around us.

The funny thing was, when her thoughts became fixed on Lucian, what followed was a sudden powerful need to protect him. Was this the chains talking? Or something more typical of the vampire culture and experience?

She was so intent on what she’d created that she didn’t realize he’d come to a stop, that they’d touched down at what looked like an enormous docking bay carved out of an equally large cavern.

She glanced around. Oh, my God. This is a real business. But where are they shipping all those pineapples to?

He moved her off his foot but kept a loose arm around her waist. We have thousands of legitimate businesses in our world. These pineapples are shipped everywhere. But I have to say that this new disguise you created around us is amazing. There’s actually a color now, sort of violet.

You’re right. But I wonder why that is.

Just probably part of your gift.

Well, I think that’s interesting.

What? Why are you frowning at me?

Because I’m starting to understand you. You’re generous with me, but not with yourself.

He stared at her for a moment, then shrugged. Not sure what that means, but let’s see if we can find Amber.

Good idea.

She turned her focus on Amber and extended her senses into the Hawaiian cavern system, searching as best she could for Zoey’s younger sister. From what she knew about all the systems in the vampire world, the caves could go back into the earth for miles, with layers of caves one on top of another, at times opening to massive caverns or at others shrinking to tunnels that would need work before being usable.

But as she focused on Amber and her long, thick black hair, she found herself moving yet not moving, as though some internal visionary part of her could see. A second-sight window opened, and she reached for Lucian’s hand. He gave her a reassuring squeeze so that while she experienced this strange split viewing, she felt grounded and secure.

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