“Jude, stop skulking in the shadows,” Seven scolded.

Sure enough Jude walked into sight with a somewhat embarrassed expression on his face. He didn’t seem ready to meet my gaze either. But to be fair, I was actually trying to make his head explode using my nonexistent telepathic powers.

“Hey there, Jude,” I said evenly. “Just out showing your school pride?” I waved a hand at the quiet stadium.

“Definitely,” he half chuckled. Finally he met my eyes but instead of seeing the same sheepish expression, his eyes were hard and his jaw clenched tightly. “Go Raiders.”

I was actually surprised he knew our mascot.

“What are you doing here, Seven?” Seth cut in, sounding annoyed.

“Came to fetch you,” she turned back to Seth and smiled charmingly. She looked more like a child than ever in a ruffled party dress that poofed out at her hips and ended mid-thigh. She was wearing five-inch Mary Janes and her hair was in a high ponytail. She looked nice too, but in a stripper playing out a fetish fantasy kind of way. I just did not understand her.

“So why is he here?” Seth gestured at Jude.

“You’re trading places, baby brother,” she smiled at him haughtily. “We don’t want anything to happen to your precious Star. Jude’s going to make sure she gets home alright.” She brushed her hand across his chest this time, swiping away more invisible dirt. He seemed to soften under her touch.

Seth snorted and then met me with those cold eyes again.

“I can get myself home,” I said calmly. “I don’t need Jude’s help.” I shot a nasty look his way before returning to hold Seth’s stare.

“We’re not going to risk it,” Seven chided me playfully. “You do know what’s at stake, don’t you? If something were to happen to you?”

“I’ve been informed,” I growled, refusing to let go of Seth’s gaze.

“Then you know how much we value your life….. for now.” I heard the unmistakable smile in her voice and had the strongest urge to slap it right off her face; but I repressed it.

Because I was a better person.

And because there were more of them than me.

I finally ripped my gaze away from Seth and met Seven’s vacant stare, forcing her to focus on me. “I cannot wait to kill you,” I hissed at her.

She took three steps forward until we were only a foot apart and promised, “The feeling is so mutual. One day, Starling, I will tear the skin off your pretty face and feed it to the vultures.”

I stopped myself from shuddering and answered her threat, “I’m not interested in playing games, Seven. All I want for you is my sharp sword right across your throat. That will be more than enough for me.”

She looked just seconds from following through with her promise before Seth caught her around the waist and dragged her back.

“Alright, Sev,” Seth murmured soothingly. “She’s not worth losing Aliah over, is she?” Seven whimpered and then went limp in Seth’s arms. “You’ll have your day, soon. Just not today, Ok?”

“Ok,” Seven relented sounding one part gleeful and one part disappointed.

Seth set her down and took her hand. He started leading her away from me, back into the obscure night beyond my line of sight when suddenly, he turned around and threatened me in a low voice, “You’re mine, Stella. Do not confuse my absence for freedom.”

This time a shiver rippled through me before I could suppress it. What did he mean by that? Was soulless Seth also a controlling psychopath? Or was that a cryptic message I was somehow supposed to understand?

I didn’t know. And my head hurt trying to dissect it or process this night.

Gone was my post-victory glow and in its place was a cold confusion that rattled my bones.

“Well, he’s lost his mind,” Jude laughed. He was watching the place where Seth and Seven disappeared.

I wondered if that was true.

“You’re not riding home with me,” I said coldly. I pulled out my keys and opened my driver’s side door.

“I have to go home with you. Please tell me you’re finally understanding what’s at stake.”

“I understand that the Counterpart I used to know has lost his soul, possibly his mind and is someone I don’t recognize now. I understand that I’m under the protection of a contract that is trying to do more than keep me from getting hurt; it’s trying to control me. And I understand that you’re perfectly capable of flying, and therefore, can keep an eye on me from almost anywhere but in a confined space with me. So back off, Jude. I’ve had a very confusing night and I do not have the patience for you.”

“So mouthy,” he chuckled. “It’s alright. I can arrange my own transportation.” He lifted his arm and waved his keys around. A car honked in the background and I realized he had driven here too.

He was never planning on riding home with me- as in the same car as me.

I felt guilty for one second before my anger flared again. He was still my enemy. He was still the bad guy. He was still part of the attempt to control and manipulate me.

I didn’t even bother to reply to him, I just sunk in to the driver’s seat and jabbed the keys in the ignition. I was halted in my getaway, though, when Jude yanked open the door leaning one of his arms on it and the other on the hood of my car. He bent down so our faces were just inches apart and smiled at me.

“What, Jude?” I shouted at him. I was so over this day.

He stared at me for a while without saying something. His eyes dipped from mine to my lips and then back up. He seemed a little confused.

“I just wanted to tell you to drive carefully.” His eyes danced with humor and I knew he was being ironic.

“Got it covered.”

“Your lips are swollen,” he said out of the blue.

My hand immediately flew to my mouth and I rubbed at my lips. I tried to decide if I was excited that Seth had kissed me like that or disturbed that his enthusiasm seemed to have something to do with his missing soul.

“Isn’t it interesting that even without his wiser faculties, he seems to recognize you as his?” Jude dropped a hand and reached forward. I sat stunned by his boldness, not thinking enough to make him stop. He rubbed his thumb over my bottom lip and then smiled at me. “Fascinating.”

When he pulled his hand back I couldn’t stop myself from asking, “Did you call Seven here? Were you spying on us?”

“Stella, my contract says that I protect you from every threat. If you don’t see your boy as a threat yet, then what are you waiting for?”

His words were like ice water in my veins- the reality check I was ignoring.

Taking in my stunned expression he laughed, “This is fun, isn’t it?”

“Screw you.”

And then I stomped on the gas pedal and let the door knock Jude out of the way. I sped

recklessly out of the parking lot and onto the highway, never once letting my foot off the gas. I was desperate to get away from Jude and the world he represented. I felt used tonight and somehow violated, and I hated it.

I just wanted to get away.

But by the headlights that stayed behind me all the way home, I realized I couldn’t get away. Jude, Aliah, Seven and the Darkness that consumed them would follow me everywhere.

And now that Darkness included Seth.

This wasn’t my lot in life, this was my battle.

And it was time to fight it.

Chapter Twelve

“You blew off ice cream?” Piper demanded first thing the next morning. “How could you blow off ice cream?”

“I was tired?” That sounded too unsure. “I was tired.” I repeated for good measure.

“I guess,” Piper huffed. She swiped at her heavy bangs. She was wearing at least twenty bangles on each wrist and they clanked together with her movement. As usual her outfit was half artsy-eclectic and half small-public-school-chic. She wore a baggy, red school shirt over a black cami. The t-shirt had been cut into a makeshift halter top and then she’d cut long vertical slits in the middle. She’d covered her shoulders, per dress code requirements, with a knee-length cardigan. She finished her look with black shimmery leggings and knee high boots that could have easily been a Jack Sparrow wardrobe option. Her eye makeup was dark and heavy and she had these huge, chunky gold earrings to complete the look.

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