Dominic entered the receiving room to find Felicity smiling up at his brother as if he’d just said something to make her laugh. A knot formed in his chest and he started for them with only one thought in mind—killing his brother—when Julianna stepped in front of him.

“Mr. Blackmoore,” she said softly and bowed her head. “If it pleases you I’ll take my leave to the bedroom now. I am very satisfied with the planner. Thank you.”

Shit. Dominic had almost forgotten about her. New bruids always moved into her soon-to-be mate’s home before the ceremony. It was a period for them to get to know each other better.

He inclined his head. “I’m glad it pleases you.”

She smiled again, somewhat stiffly, and though her looks were in abundance, nearly perfect, nothing in him stirred for her. Nothing at all.

She left and then Lucas started speaking. Dominic didn’t like several things about this.

For one, he didn’t like how close he stood to Felicity.

For two, he didn’t like how his brother used his charming voice to get into women’s beds. Which was exactly what he was doing right now.

For three, he absolutely wanted to slam his fist into his brother’s face at what came out of his mouth.

“I’ll tell you what. I’ll get you two tickets for my show tomorrow night. It’s a smaller gig down at the Coyote Theater. You can bring your friend you were telling me about.”

Felicity looked like she’d just been notified she’d won a large sum of money. Dom closed in on them.

He couldn’t keep the growl out of his voice. “What’s going on here?”

Felicity jerked at the sound of his voice and he instantly cooled it, not liking the unease flashing in her eyes.

“Lucas was just inviting me to a concert of his tomorrow.” She turned back to Luc. “I’d love to go. I mean really, I can’t even tell you how excited I am! Beth is going to go nuts.” She had a bright, captivating smile and even her eyes glittered when she smiled.

The fact that Lucas put that look on her face sent another growl from his throat.

Lucas sent him a real look this time. Not one with a stupid grin. “Ne yanlish?” he asked in their native tongue of Turkish. They rarely used it anymore but in times of discretion, it worked nicely.

O benim.” She is mine, answered Dominic.

Lucas straightened slowly from Felicity, his eyes darkening. “Dikktali Olmak.” Take care, he said in Turkish, a gentle warning.

“I will,” he answered in English.

Lucas left and the door closed locking him and Felicity in the room.

She noticed it at about the same time as her eyes widened then darted about the room realizing they were alone.

His body started to burn as he breathed in her feminine scent. He liked it best this way. Her scent, not mixed with the others’. It saturated the room with its soft femininity. The pulse at her throat thumped faster and all he wanted to do was wrap her hair around his fist and plunge his fangs into her neck. Taste her. Drink her. She would like it. He knew it somewhere deep inside him. Her sexy little fangs would drop as her blood grew warm and her sex wet as her blood coated his tongue.

His cock grew hard in his slacks.

“Ms. Shaw,” he said, loving the way she shivered. “You got the job.”

“I-I think I’ll just be going.”

She tried to dart to the side but his hand shot out and curled over the shawl on her shoulders. Her chest rose and fell in hard waves. She felt this too. This incredible connection that existed between only them. He could howl his joy to the world. It wasn’t his lust-clogged mind, devoid of sex for so long that felt this longing. They both felt it. And it was real.

“What are you doing?” she breathed, her eyes skidding longingly to the door.

He took a step closer and she backed up. This went on several more steps until her back hit the brick fireplace.

“Something I’ve wanted to do all day,” he said honestly.

Her eyes locked on his—bright, wide eyes he could stare into all day.

“What’s that?” she said, whispering.

Dom leaned into her, loving the way her body cradled his so well. As if they fit. He wanted to savor this moment, to savor her. It was a fierce need starting to boil inside him that urged him to touch her everywhere, to learn her, to run his lips across her body, to taste her warm skin, and to breathe in her luscious scent.

He curled her into his body. She made a soft noise in the back of her throat. He wanted to hear more of those sensual sounds and to be the one making her do it.

Using his nose he pushed her wavy hair off one shoulder then buried his face in her neck. Her body shuddered against him, her rapid pulse beating against his lips revealing her excitement. He breathed in her sultry mix of musky woman and sweetness. God, how good she would taste. His mouth watered and he didn’t hesitate to run his tongue up the column of her neck.

Another shudder.

She latched onto the lapels of his jacket as if to keep him from leaving. Fine by him. His body more than agreed—it insisted.

Her hips arched against him and he growled. Keeping one arm squeezed tightly around her so she couldn’t go anywhere, he grabbed a fist full of her thick curling hair. He loved the way it felt in his fist.

“Do you have any idea what I want to do to you?” he said against her neck.

Mutely, she shook her head. Her heavy breathing teased his ears.

He tugged just enough to arch her neck, bending it to elongate the beautiful creamy flesh. He ran his tongue across her thumping pulse as his fangs extended, pulsating like his cock, urging him to bite down.

He ran his fangs across her trembling throat, grazing the surface. “I want to penetrate you. I want to fill every part of you.” She made a soft mewling noise that fed the beast inside him. “I want your neck, in your body, in your mouth, everywhere. You’ll give it to me, won’t you, Felicity?”

She trembled, her hands shaking against his jacket.

He grazed her again with his fangs as his other hand slipped down over the soft material of her clingy dress to cup her backside. They both groaned. He palmed her, learning and loving the feel of her plump flesh. It had just enough give, more than enough give actually, to drive a man wild with ideas. Ideas such as spanking her rounded flesh and watching the little waves spread across one cheek to the other, or of nibbling the flesh before sinking his fangs inside a trembling globe.

He’d always enjoyed a nice handful in the backside but now he fucking loved it.

His tongue snaked along the shell of her ear. “You’ll give yourself to me, won’t you?” he said, demand lacing his words.

Her hips pumped subtly against him, searching for something he was more than ready to give her.

“So eager, sweets,” he said kissing his way down the other side of her neck. He loved the way she trembled beneath him. It made him feel powerful like he could knock down a sixty-story building with the flick of his pinky. Fuck he felt alive!

“Dom.” Her voice was a ragged whisper laced with need. A need he more than understood. His name on her lips broke something inside him. It broke something he hadn’t known he’d been holding back—his control.

With a throaty grunt he snapped her head back by her hair, found her eyes with his, and then crushed their mouths together. She responded first, arms sweeping up around his neck to pull him even closer, crushing her soft breasts against him. Then her tongue thrust into his mouth licking at him with sensual strokes.

He went wild.

Using his hand on her backside, he cupped her then pulled her up against his erection, rocking her. She made another soft sound, one so fucking hot he wanted to remember it forever, then she started grinding herself against his cock. She aligned the parts just right so she could grind herself up his length and bump against the head of him. Perfect.

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