He wanted to tear his head away, bury his fangs in her throat, and sink his cock into her wet folds but he didn’t want to end the kiss. The taste of her flooded his tongue. He’d never tasted anything so good. She tasted like sweet passion and gentle woman.

He knew then he’d do anything for her. He’d kill and fight. He’d lay down his life for her. He’d take his people to war for her.

Anything for her.

Because for the first time in his life he felt something for another person that was so alive and real inside him that he knew he’d never find this again. This wild passion, this need to know her, to have her was a new, foreign experience he wanted to savor. Even as they strained against each other, ragged breaths mingling, hands clenching, he knew this singular feeling would never come again. She was meant to be his.

Nothing else could explain the nearly uncontrollable craving roaring in his head that screamed at him to fuck her right here, to plant his seed in her. He wanted that. He wanted a child with her, no, several children with her. He didn’t know why, but with her tongue softly snaking across his he didn’t question it.

Then kissing her wasn’t enough.

He needed to feel bare skin, to feel her warm flesh thriving against his palms. Deftly, he slipped his hand under her dress and cupped bare, glorious flesh in his palm. The tips of his fingers felt the scratchy material of lace resting between her cheeks. A damn thong. He groaned like a dying man. She was surely trying to kill him.

She broke away, her glazed eyes staring at him with hunger. Her eyes were low-lidded, expression soft but needy. Her lips were wet and swollen. The tips of her little white fangs peeked out from beneath her top lip and his cock leaked at the sight.

She was so damned beautiful. He’d never seen anything lovelier. Little white fangs. Such a young vampire, couldn’t control her response with how aroused she was. As her lips parted to accommodate her panting breaths, he couldn’t keep from tugging her hair to study those beautiful sharp points.

“I want your bite,” he growled.

She blinked slowly with surprise, and then her eyelids lowered again into a smoky expression. Her eyes dropped to his neck and her pink tongue darted out to lick her lips.

“Yes,” she said, her voice nothing more than a breath.

His sac pulled up firm and tight. He might not make it through her bite but hell if he wouldn’t try. “Do it,” he said.

A different kind of hunger flashed in her eyes, beautifully mixing with the sensual haze. She nodded again and he guided her to his neck by her hair.

He hadn’t anticipated it.

He didn’t know what it would be like.

It’d been so damned long since someone had taken from him.

He’d forgotten how fucking great it felt.

Felicity buried her lips against his neck in an open-mouthed kiss, her heavy breaths panting against him. Her sweet little tongue licked up, preparing him for her bite. He kept his hand on her ass, rocking her against his cock.

Fuck he was going to come from this. He just knew it. And he couldn’t wait.

Sharp points grazed his skin. One nicked him like a razor blade and she let out a fluttering sigh as her tongue lapped at him.

His patience snapped. “Fucking hell, do it already!”

She moaned then pressed her fangs to his neck and slowly, so fucking slowly, started to sink them into him. She wasn’t that eager because she was savoring this like it was a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Her fangs were halfway in, his cock was ready to explode, the heavy scent of their arousal saturated the room like a sensual cloud when the door opened and ruined everything.

Felicity jumped back from him nearly tearing his neck in the process as she guiltily pressed as far back into the wall as she could to keep from being seen.

Dom was much slower to turn.

He might very well take off the person’s head who dared to intrude on them.

Turning, he put room between him and Felicity, albeit not much. He intended to finish what they’d started, and it would end with his cock buried deeply inside her and his fangs in her throat.

His mother stood at the door with a blank expression on her face. A look that said she could have walked in on them playing a game of chess for all she saw. Lady Blackmoore had a hell of a poker face.

“What do you want?”

She lifted an envelope. “Ms. Shaw’s pay. She needs to begin work immediately. The ceremony will be in a month just two days before the election. Her family has agreed on the date.”

Felicity walked past him. Her cheeks burned red, her hair was a mess in an unmistakable way, but still she held her chin high. Damn, he was proud of her. Not many could keep their cool around his mother let alone in a situation such as this.

“Thank you, Lady Blackmoore. I’ll need Lady Greenwich’s contact information so that I can deal directly with her,” Felicity said.

Dominic strode forward. “That won’t be necessary. You’ll be going through me for this job.”

Felicity and his mother turned to him with arched eyebrows. “You want me to plan the bonding ceremony with you?” Felicity said slowly.

His mother narrowed her eyes on him. “You know nothing of planning an event like this.”

Dominic crossed his arms. “I’ve been to as many events and bonding ceremonies as you have, mother. I want a say in what goes down. You have Julianna’s colors in mind. Unless you need to ask her something specific, you’ll go through me.”

Anger flashed in Felicity’s eyes making the light blue color turn darker. He liked that about her too. She had expressive eyes.

His mother handed Felicity the envelope then grabbed her by the arm. “I’ll just see her out.”

“That won’t be necessary,” Dom said between clenched teeth.

His mother already had Felicity to the door. “Why don’t you just relax, honey, you’ve had a long day.”

With that she closed the door and took his woman away.

His woman.

He liked the sound of that.

He smiled not knowing just how wicked of a smile it was.

Chapter 6

The following day a messenger showed up with an envelope carrying two tickets to see LBB at the Coyote Theater downtown. The Blackmoores had their own messengers—nuts.

Felicity had a lot to do. She had only a month to plan the wedding of the century to someone she feared was getting under her skin in a bad way. She had to get Beth over ASAP to dish about what happened last night.

Felicity sighed as she opened a can of cat food and scooped some out for Hugo.

Well, the dress had worked.

It apparently had worked quite freaking well, because without even touching her, as in really touching her, he’d nearly made her come last night. She grew wet just thinking about it. He’d turned her on that badly. She’d been putty in his hands needing him to touch and mold her to his fashion.

God, she’d begged for it. Begged for him. Worse, she didn’t know if she’d be able to turn him away if he did it again.

She’d taken his vein! Something so cherished and revered among their kind. What was wrong with her?

She exhaled as she jumped into the shower. Hell, she knew what was wrong with her. Dominic Blackmoore. It wasn’t even the attractiveness. Honestly, his brother Lucas was better looking, but nothing about Lucas made her quiver with need or want to melt at his feet. All Dom had to do was give her that look.

The look.

The look that said: I want to bury myself so deep inside of you right now.

He’d pretty much even said as much last night. The man was not shy.

This was all wrong. He was being mated to Julianna freaking Greenwich in a month’s time. She had to put a stop to this...thing happening between them.

Why was that so disappointing to think about?

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