He snaked his arms around her waist, pulled her breasts into his chest. The soft globes flattened against him and hard peaks rubbed against him. For some reason, he felt the urge to tell her the truth. He didn’t want their last angry words to be hanging between them.

The words spilled from him. “I wasn’t wiping your taste from my lips.”

Her hands stilled in his hair. “What?” He heard the passion, thick and husky, in her voice.

“I was afraid you’d taste the blood on me. I don’t want you to taste that.”

Her eyes widened with a feminine softness, and then she rubbed her wet naked thigh on the outside of his.

He couldn’t wait anymore.

* * *

Nothing had ever felt more right. There were times in life where Abbigail had been in just the right situation to have something good happen to her, and when that something good happened, a euphoric giddiness filled her. She could hardly stop smiling. Right now in Alrik’s arms, she felt that same feeling.

Alrik wasn’t just some coincidental event. He was a flesh and blood demon who was trying so very hard to resist her. She could see the war in his eyes, the way his gaze darted to the shoreline and around them as if trying to search for a reason to get away from her. He wanted her. He wanted her as badly as she did him. She was done fighting it.

At first, it’d been anger that made her stomp down to the riverfront. She was gonna give him a little piece of her mind, but when she’d watched him, naked, vulnerable and wearing a grimace on his beautiful mouth from the pain she knew she couldn’t do it. No way, it didn’t feel right. She knew exactly what she did want to do.

She dropped her clothes among his on the ground then, and before she knew it she was in his arms with his hard chest pressed tightly against hers. She shivered at the touch. Her nipples took in every single touch of them and shot spikes of pleasure to her needy center. She wanted to rub her chest against him to alleviate the burning wet, pulsating heat inside her. Her hands were soapy, entwined in the soft strands of his hair.

“You’ve made your decision, Abbigail. There is no taking it back.”

Her heart stuttered at his words. She’d been playing it so casual as if she got naked in front of men all the time and just threw herself at them. When in fact her heart raced wildly and her body shook with need. He was so much bigger up close and naked. The man had a powerful, strong body. A warrior’s body that needed a woman’s touch. And she was going to give him what he needed.

She licked her dry lips a second before he groaned and crushed his mouth onto hers.

Yes, yes! she wanted to scream.

His kiss drove her mad. His kiss consumed her body and mind. Her hands tangled in his hair to keep him from moving. Their lips meshed and when his tongue slid along her lips, she parted them so he could enter. The kiss turned consuming, their breaths mingling, tongues exploring tastes. His was masculine, heady...sexy.

They fought for the kiss, heads turning left then right to get the better angle. He was trying to outmatch her, but she refused to roll over for him. Well, unless he asked her too.

Their tongues twined, wet lips fusing and sucking. A deep groan growled from his chest and reverberated all the way down her spine. She squirmed in his arms needing more. The kiss wasn’t enough. His touch made her wet and ache to have him between her thighs. She needed to be touched.

She slid her hands out of his hair and down his chest. Her hands had a mind of their own. She had to feel him everywhere. Finally, she had her hands on him. His skin was hot, smooth, and firm at his chest. But that’s not what she wanted to feel. Tongues rolling together, she slid her hands down low, leaning back just enough to slip her hands down his hard chest, over the hard rolls of muscles. His stomach twitched under her touch and a sense of power flared inside her.

She could do this. She could make this big, bad demon unravel beneath her very fingertips. With that thought, she reached down to encircle his shaft.

He tore his mouth away on a growl; she moaned. Her fingers didn’t even touch around his thickness.

Their eyes locked and she said the first thing that came to her mind. “You’re big.”

His hands slid down and squeezed her ass, his touch not gentle but hard and possessive.

“Oh God,” she moaned. She loved his rough touch. Would he be rough in all ways?

Then she was thrust away from him.

“What’s wrong?” she breathed. Fire burned in her veins. She waded towards him but he shook his head stopping her.

He ducked under the water and she saw the soap bubbles float up to the surface. Then he burst to the surface, swam towards her so fast she could only gasp as his shoulder hit her stomach and he lifted her over his shoulder and carried her back to shore.

“Oh!” Yes, she liked this, she thought. They needed a hard surface. A soft moan left her as she trailed her hands up and down his strong back. Muscles rippled under her touch. He was so solid and built. She wanted to feel his heavy weight on top of her, wanted to feel his big cock thrusting inside her. Reaching even further, she cupped his tight ass.

He growled, the sound like a warning and then she was flipped around and her back hit the grass. He stood above her, his gaze devouring her. It was the look in his eyes that made her heart feel so full. He looked at her as if he’d never seen a more beautiful woman in his life…like he’d never wanted one so badly. Surely he had, she was hardly model worthy with her plain brown hair and simple figure, but under his gaze she felt like the goddess Aphrodite.

He dropped to his knees in front of her. Of their own will, her legs spread open bearing herself to his gaze. His eyes dropped to the neediest part of her, and if possible, his gaze burned brighter. His tongue darted out to lick his lips and she squirmed.

“You light me on fire,” he said in a hoarse voice.

Abbigail shivered but not from being cold. “Then touch me.”

Alrik in all his dark beauty bent over her, his hands cupping her thighs, his gaze locked on that center part of her. The first touch of his lips to her thigh sent her muscles tightening. She squirmed and wriggled, her thighs fidgeting but his grip only tightened, trapping her for his touch. He pressed kisses up her thigh, so close to the hot center of her. A soft moan escaped her. Her pussy was on fire, her bud swollen and throbbing to be touched. Instead of touching her there, he moved to her other thigh and pressed kisses up it.

“Beautiful Abbigail,” he murmured huskily.

His words made her heart jump. He never said things like this to her. They softened her heart, and melted her.

Her nipples pulled into aching hard points. They were so hard they hurt. She cupped them, pinching her own nipples to ease the ache, but Alrik caught her hands and with a growl, shoved them away to cup her breasts himself. Rough hands squeezed and plumped her, and then finally his fingers found her hard nipples and pulled. Pleasure mixed with just a hint of pain and a flood of moisture filled her sex.


She lifted her weak neck to look at him. He looked like a man lost, his eyes hazy with passion, and his chest moving hard to breathe. Then, in a jerky move, he moved back between her legs, kept his hands pawing at her breasts, and then she felt it. The first fluttery touch so soft she almost missed it. Her entire body tensed, waiting for it.

It came again. The soft pass of his tongue over her. The hunger in his gaze belied the slow and gentle movements. The difference threw her, left her confused and yearning. She didn’t want soft and gentle, she needed hard and firm. As if sensing her turmoil he gave her the opposite. Soft and wet his tongue passed in long swipes against her flesh, sucking her lips, then gentle nudging her bundle of nerves. She quivered. If not for his arms keeping her down she would have jolted up to hold his head to her.

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