“Please,” she begged, barely recognizing her own voice. She wanted to tell him that she didn’t need all this foreplay. She was already so close to coming, she just needed his cock inside her and she’d explode.

Then his tongue dipped across her in earnest. He narrowed in on her bud and flicked it gently, swirling slowly around her neediest part. Where he touched her became the focal point of all feelings. One hand traveled down over her stomach. His fingers spread out on her stomach making her realize his hand was big enough to almost cover her and then his hand massaged her inner thigh while his tongue tortured her.

“Faster,” she panted.

Just a little bit more and she’d fly apart. Just faster, a little harder, and all the pent-up energy boiling inside her would spill over.

But he slowed down his movements instead. His tongue twirled around her lazily, torturing her. A finger trailed over her wet slit, pushing slowly inside. Her breath caught as a new fullness filled her. Then he pressed deep, all the way in and she moaned, her head whipping side to side. Her hands curled into the grass and she yanked out chunks. Sweat beaded on her skin. Warmth filled her chest and face, flushing her.

Then something magical happened. His finger curled inside her and stroked something raw and erotic while his mouth latched onto her bud and sucked hard. He had known exactly what he was doing this whole time.

Her body arched off the ground as a strangled cry tore from her throat. He brought her up to peak hard and fast. Her cries rang in her ears as her body swept up to a great peak and shattered. Her body clung to his finger, massaging it; her hips jerked and shook against his talented mouth.

He gentled his movements, slowly thrusting his finger in and out and languidly licking at her as he brought her back down to earth.

The pleasure faded slowly like it didn’t want to leave. It lingered. She tried to open her eyes but it took several tries before she could actually do it. Her whole body felt relaxed and lethargic. Still, she was ready to have him inside her. She lifted up on her elbows and looked down at his dark head between her legs.


His eyes flicked up to connect with hers but he still licked at her as if he had all the time in the world. Then he pulled his finger out from her and she watched with a soft moan as he sucked her wetness from his finger.

“Your body burns for me, Abbigail.”

He lifted up onto his knees and his head fell back as if he was looking up at the stars. She licked her lips at the sight of all that strong muscle, then her eyes locked on his cock, hard and erect standing straight out from his hips. Her sex quivered at the sight. She wanted him to fill her up. Sitting up, she reached forward and grasped him in her hand.

His head jerked forward and he looked lost for a moment, and then his lips crashed down on hers. The kiss was fierce and hurried, their tongues whipping at each other. She couldn’t keep from stroking him, from squeezing his girth, and wetting her palm with the liquid at the tip. Pulling back, she looked into his lost eyes.

“I want this inside me.” She squeezed his cock for emphasis.

His eyes darkened, smoldered. “Are you sure about that?” She stroked him up and down, loving the way he shuddered under her touch.

She gulped and spoke honestly. “I don’t know if I’ve ever been more sure about anything.”

That was answer enough for him because one second she was sitting before him, cupping his erection, and the next she was flat on her back, his heavy weight pressing her into the ground. She spread her legs wide to fit his hips and still it was a tight fit. His shaft explored her entrance making her breath catch.

This was so different from anything she’d ever done before. They were eye to eye. Her hands swept up into his long hair to hold him and he fisted his hands in the ground by her head. She felt completely caged in, safe, and her heart pounded from it. The heavy weight of him covered her in a primitive way.

His cock bumped her, slipping inside slowly. She couldn’t hide her surprise. He didn’t plunder her as she’d thought he would. Instead, he slowly filled her up and spread her open. It was a tight fit, but she couldn’t complain at the feeling. Her moans were testament to that. And when he thrust that final way in, they both stared into each other’s eyes.

“Abbigail,” he groaned, lines creasing his forehead. She could feel the restraint in his body, in the way his arms trembled and his eyes warred with him to thrust and take.

“Alrik,” she answered. Then she leaned up and caught his mouth.

They were connected in all ways—bodies pressed tightly together, lips locked, sexes joined, and only then did he move. He pulled his hips back, his cock dragging through her wet, tight flesh causing a symphony of erotic sensations flaring through her body. Then he plummeted back in on a groan that she kissed away.

Something moved in her heart at his movements. He wasn’t fucking her, wasn’t just taking from her. He was seeing to her pleasure first. Even if she’d wanted to, there was no way to keep her heart from leaping in her chest at the close connection. This wasn’t fucking. She just couldn’t dare think what it was instead.

He moved faster, his rhythm building, their kiss never breaking. He felt so good inside her; so full, thick, and hard. Nothing had ever felt so good. She didn’t want it to end. Every time he filled her he pushed her closer, his hips grinding against her bundle of nerves. She lifted her hips into him, accepting him, taking him.

He breathed raggedly. His muscles flexed so hard and tight she could feel his muscles trembling from the effort.

Finally, she tore her mouth away to breathe and he buried his face in her neck panting. Then he let himself go.

He pounded into her, moved hard and fast just the way she needed…almost to the point of overwhelming her. Her nails scraped down his back at the feelings racing through her.

They were wrapped in the moment together, bodies fighting to obtain release, breaths scattering in the wind. When his rhythm faltered, she knew he was close. She arched her hips into him at each thrust, her breath catching as her pleasure mounted. Then he filled her on a hard thrust, and she was torn apart by the seams. She screamed, heard his name leave her lips, heard his groan as he slid deep and spurted inside her, shaking like a leaf in her hands.

The moment faded slowly. Her breathing slowed. Their temperatures returned to normal, but she didn’t want to let him go. He felt so good in her arms. She hugged him to her, felt his lips kiss her neck, and then he pulled away, and slipped out of her. She winced at the action knowing she’d be sore after that, but it was worth it.

He dropped to the ground beside her and she didn’t hesitate to crawl over him, tossing an arm and leg over him, and burying her face in his neck. She loved his scent, so masculine and raw. She’d never really noticed it until now. Now things were different though. He pressed a kiss to her temple and she let sleep take her knowing she was safe in his arms.

Chapter Fourteen

The next morning Abby woke up feeling refreshed and excited. She couldn’t hide her grin seeing Alrik still asleep beneath her. It was a small victory, but a good one to have finally woken up before him. Quietly, she pulled on her clothes, pressed a soft kiss to his lips, and then darted into the woods. She needed some time to think and her belly growled like a grizzly bear. For once, she was going to bring the food to him.

Now that the fog of lust had faded she had no idea where they stood. She really wanted to find out though. Now that they’d crossed that particular boundary, she wanted to discover what else was there. She liked him. The thought had her laughing, but it was true. She did. She really liked him. She liked that he could be sweet with her. She liked how tender he’d been when he touched her. She liked his strength and the way he’d fought to win that challenge for her—which she had no doubt he would have won if they hadn’t cheated.

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