It wasn't until night fell and she'd calmed down that a thought struck Arianna. Did he think that being with her would cure him? The thought staggered her so much, she righted the chair she'd kicked over and sat in it. Did their...experience together somehow help to bring him back from whatever dangerous cliff he stood on?

“What if I can help him?” she whispered, her wide eyes trained unseeing on the wall. What if he wants me to help him?

Arianna tucked herself into bed that night with an all new perspective on the wicked king.


Kearnyn waited in the small living room of Rosa's shop feeling more nervous than he ever had. He hadn't even been this nervous on his wedding day. All of that had been planned and understood. He and Moira knew exactly how the day would precede even leading up to the consummation of the marriage that night. Even then, he hadn't been so nervous.

Now he pulled a kerchief out of his suit jacket and dabbed at the sweat beading his temples. God damn. He had to get a hold of himself. He'll be a pile of sweat by the time she got out here.

After the meeting at Tyrian's today, he'd asked her on a date tonight. They both understood it'd be a real date, not some out-in-the-daylight-at-a-cafe date. He told her to wear something nice. Already he was thinking this was all a shitty idea. He wore his best suit and, god, did he hate it. It made him feel like a giant fucking penguin with the matching jacket and pants and tie. Still, he wanted to do something nice for her. He wanted to get her to loosen up and talk to him. He craved hearing her voice, knowing more about her.

He froze in the process of dabbing his sweat when he heard footsteps. No, not footsteps. The soft tapping of heels. He almost groaned at the thought of her in sexy shoes. God, this was a really bad idea. How was he supposed to talk to her when he had a hard enough time keeping his dick under wraps, and that was when she wore a loose unflattering dress. Heels...dark long legs...were they slender, muscular, or rounded and curvy? God, he didn't even care. He just wanted to runs his hands and tongue all over them. Pervert.

The soft sound came closer and he actually forced his eyes closed as she came through the beaded partition. He didn't want to see. He didn't want to know how difficult this night was going to be.

“Kearnyn?” she asked in a shy voice.

Taking a deep breath, he opened his eyes. And nearly groaned. This was going to be a really long night.

“ Uh, Rosa, you...” he sighed as he fumbled for words like an idiot. “Yeah, you look really great.” He hoped that didn't sound as lame as he thought it did, but his tongue didn't feel like cooperating just yet.

A sultry smile lit up her face as her head bowed at his look. She wore a white dress—if that little scrap of clothing could be called as much. Was she trying to make him lose control?

The top of the dress stopped at the top of her breasts—completely strapless—and it fitted to her surprisingly curvy body in a way that made him drool. The white dress contrasted perfectly to her darker skin, seeming to make her glow. And it didn't stop there. The dress stopped at the top of her thighs and he couldn't help but think that if she bent over, he'd see her bare ass. Another thought rammed into his skull: did she wear panties under that dress?

Breathing became difficult, but he forced his gaze back to her eyes where they belonged. Beautiful, chocolate eyes that watched him with a sultry tilt. He couldn't help but wonder if their shared kiss had broken some defense in her. Shit, he couldn't even say honestly whether he was happy or not about the change. Right now, he just knew that he was happy he wore his tight briefs or else his cock would be pitching a damned tent right now.

Her hand ran down the side of one hip. “Do you like it?” she asked shyly.

He opened his mouth to reply but closed it, afraid he'd garble nonsensical words at her and instead he nodded, quickly. He wanted to ask her if she was ready to go but just jerked his head toward the door instead, not trusting his mouth to form real words.

Thank God. She got the picture and crossed the floor to him. Every muscle in his body tightened at the sight. Her long hair sat around her dark, creamy shoulders in curly waves that he wanted to bury his hands in. And those heels—dark red like blood—only brought out the white of her dress even more and ruby at the end of a necklace around her neck.

She reached his side and smiled up at him. The look in her eyes said she knew exactly the effect her dress had on him. Suddenly he laughed, grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the shop. He waited for her to lock up before he helped her into the SUV.

Moving slowly as she got in, the short skirt riding way up her thighs, revealing more smooth leg. Once she got situated, he closed the door and went around to his side, pausing for a moment to take a breath before he got in.

Starting the engine, his eyes skipped over to her legs, then up to the swell of her breasts that peaked out generously from her top. Holy hell. The date hadn't even started and he was ready to jump on her.

“You look very nice, too,” she said.

He couldn't help but grin. “I feel ridiculous.”

“I'm not surprised, but the look suits you.”

He smiled at her compliment and her cheeks colored until she looked away, blowing out an uneasy breath.

“So where are we going?”

“Food, drinks, and then we'll see.”

She turned to him, one knee coming up on the seat. He ripped the kerchief out of his pocket and scrubbed his face with it. God, he could just see her inner thigh. She had slender legs with curves and thickness in all the right places.

“And anything else?”

He cocked a brow. “What else would you like to do?” If she said have sex, he'd pulled the car over right now and bury his face between her legs. Shit. Get a grip.

She shrugged a bare shoulder. “It's just that last said you'd kiss me.” She didn't sound as shy now but curious.

“I'd love to do that again.” His husky voice showed just how much. He'd had to yank himself away from her last time. Her lips had been so soft and pliant, her gentle tongue meeting his eagerly. She'd made this throaty noise, somewhere between a growl and a moan. It'd nearly made him take her right then, push her right up against the bookshelf and plunder. So he'd torn himself away from her and beat feet out of there. It was too soon, even he knew that.

“So would I.”

They drove in silence the rest of the way to the club. When they arrived at the brightly lit club her eyes widened with a mixture of apprehension and excitement.

The Grind? I've only ever heard of this place,” she said.

“Good, then I'm the first one to bring you here.” And hopefully the last, his mind finished for him. He tensed as he reached her side of the door, but hell, he was right. If he could keep this intriguing creature for the rest of his life, he'd do it in a heartbeat.

Tucking her hand in his elbow, he cut to the top of the line and handed a stack of Benjamins to the security guard.

“Nice to see you, my man,” the guard said and let them through the partition.

The Grind was a classy club, not one that many youngsters could get into. The dress code was elegant, the music smooth but good, and the drinks were never free or on sale. But for the atmosphere alone, the price was worth it. A maitre'd led them down a short hall painted in deep browns and black creating a classical and romantic atmosphere with the soft sconce lighting and murals on the walls. They took a seat at a small table with a white tablecloth and two candles with a little bundle of flowers in the middle.

Kearnyn ordered a bottle of wine and let Rosa over her dinner.

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