She looked up at him after he finished. “Aren't you going to eat something?” She blushed beautifully. “Oh, never mind.”

Kearnyn waited until their wine came before he leaned his elbows on the table. He wanted to be closer to her, he couldn't help it. “How long have you known Lily Bellum?”

She sighed, rolling her eyes. “Geez, a long time it seems.” She laughed at her own joke. “I guess it's been close to ten years now. I met her at one of the succubus balls they throw each year. Her father took her and her sisters.” She sipped her wine. “How long have you known the demon Telal?”

Kearnyn laid his hand flat on the table, halfway across. Was it obvious he wanted her to put her smaller hand on top of his? Probably, but he didn't care. He wanted to touch her. “Oh, I met Telal in the mid-fifteen hundreds*. He'd come for a meeting with Commander Tyrian and while he was there one of the warriors picked a fight with me. Don't even remember what it was about. Telal saw my fighting skills, then coerced me onto his team.” He grinned at the memories.

“What did he do to persuade you?” She finished her glass of wine so he refilled it for her.

“Money.” He flashed a wicked grin. “Sounds petty, I know, but it's the truth. I came from poor stock; the kind of money he was talking about was nearly enough to convince me with just that.”

“Nearly enough?”

He shrugged and finally pulled back his hand. “Even I needed a bit more than that. He told me his future plans of getting the rift back open. Though I'd been a member of the Atal Warriors for a long time, I knew that keeping the demons in the rift was wrong. Next thing you know, I'm switching sides and guarding the big demon himself.”

Her meal came and then Kearnyn had to sit there and watch her eat. Who knew that could have been a kind of torture? Fuck, it was, though. Each little bite sent her eyes fluttering shut and a soft moan from deep in her throat. Even the way her throat tightened, convulsed after each dainty bite fired his blood.

Her eyes flicked up to his, and for a moment, he panicked. Busted. But then her eyes softened, blazing with what could only be pleasure, and this time she had no food in her mouth.

“Come on, let's dance.” He stood and held his hand out for her. She took it and he led her past the tables and onto a dance floor where a soft passionate song about love and loss played. Kearnyn tucked her head under his chin and swayed with her to the soft beat. She fit against him perfectly, chest to chest, hip to hip.

Growing warmth filled him. It was a comfortable, good feeling that she stirred inside him.

“You feel good, Rosa.”

She pressed her cheek to his chest. “You do, too.”

After four more songs, he led her back to the table . Her eyes shined bright with excitement and energy. Kearnyn couldn't hold back the question that had been rattling around in his head for days.

“What did you see between us in your vision, Rosa?”

She choked on her wine.

“Damn,” he cursed and came around the table to pat her back as great whooping coughs came out of her. “I'm sorry. I wasn’t trying to kill you.” He cringed at his own poor joke.

She chuckled as she got her voice back under control and took a tentative sip of her wine. She looked up at him with a big grin. He realized he must look possessive—or worse—because her grin quickly faded.

“Sorry,” he mumbled and took his seat again. God, he was going to ruin this. Maybe it was time to call this whole thing quits and just take her home.

“It's fine. You're question just surprised me.”

Kearnyn flagged the waiter down and asked for his bill. Rosa sent him a wide-eyed look.

“We're leaving already?”

He paused reaching for his wallet. “I thought you'd want to. I'm not...good at this.”

“Oh.” Her dejected look cut straight to his heart.

“Come on. Let's dance some more.” He tossed some bills on the table and led her once more off to the dance floor.

The soft song that had been playing changed to something much more rhythmic and upbeat. Rosa's eyes lit up and she spun around in his arms, her hips swaying, knees grinding as she writhed up and down his body in time to the music.

Kearnyn's cock lengthened, turned hard as stone watching her move. She grabbed each of his hands and wrapped them around her squirming waist. He couldn't dance for shit like this, but still he found his body moving with hers until they created an undulating sensual rhythm and he forgot all about not being able to dance. He simply moved with her flexible little body, curving around her as she dipped and bent.

The first press of her ass against his cock made him groan. There was no way she didn't feel that. She had to have noticed it but didn't care because now she pressed herself against it again and again, rhythmically undulating her hips against his cock until breathing grew difficult. He found himself moving back against her, thrusting and rubbing himself as his hands rubbed around her stomach, catching her hips and feeling her muscles flex and move under his grip.

The song neared the end, slowing the pulsing beat, and she swayed one last time in his arms before spinning around and wrapping her arms around his neck. Their eyes met, locked. Passion and desire clung to them. She kept her hips pressed tightly against his; until his cock dug into her. She didn't seem to mind though, at all. The song ended and they stopped dancing but their eyes didn't leave each other’s.

A loud shrilly laugh cut the connection. Kearnyn's gaze flicked to the drunken woman giggling madly at something her date said, and glared.

“Why don't we go?” asked Rosa.

Nodding mutely, he took her warm hand in his and led her back to the SUV. Getting her into the vehicle turned out to be one of the most erotic adventures of his life. As he opened the door and stepped back to help her inside, she turned to him, stepping close. Her body pressed against his, soft breasts flattening against his chest and pushing them up and out of that dress. It took effort not to stare at the delicious swell of flesh.

Her hands pressed against his chest then drew upwards until her fingers curled around the lapels of his jacket. His breath caught, his cock aching as she gently, steadily tugged his head down to hers. Their lips met. Soft, warm lips pressed against his like a feather, then gradually pressed harder, deeper until they were fused together by the seam.

Kearnyn’s blood ran hot like lava in his veins. Need pounded inside him, drawing his sac up tight with the urge to release. A groan left him as his arm curled around her waist, crushing her to his chest. Her moan sounded like a dream come true to his ears.

Their lips parted at the same time and tongues met, hers so much softer than his abrasive one. She tasted delicious—her own unique flavor mixed with the rich red wine she'd drunk. His cock seemed to have a direct connection to his tongue because each time she swirled hers around his, licking at him, his cock throbbed, pulsated.

It took every ounce of strength inside him to remind him where he was and stepped back. He blinked as he realized he had her pressed up against the car door. People walking up and down the street stared at them with grins or disgusted glares as they passed by.

“Get inside,” he said, his voice shaking. He couldn't even help her into it he was so rattled. He just walked to the driver's door and got in, buckling his seatbelt in a mechanical motion. He briefly looked over at her to make sure she had hers on before he rolled the engine over and drove off.

“Do you still want to know what my vision was?”

His hands squeezed the steering wheel. “Now?” he asked, his voice hoarse.

“Now or never.”

He sent a look her way to judge her expression and found her eyes alight with mischief and arousal. It was a heady combination to be aimed at him. For a moment he debated saying never; he honestly didn't know what her vision entailed, but he had an idea.

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