“If we crash it's your fault.” It was a bit of lie; he'd never lose enough focus to endanger her. Still, he narrowed his eyes on the road and concentrated harder.

“Is that a yes?”

He jerked his head in a sharp nod.

She spoke in a quiet, steady voice, her accent thicker. “I saw you licking me between my spread legs. I saw myself writhing in pleasure at your touch. I-I saw you holding me closely thrusting inside me.” Her voice trailed off until the gentle roar of the engine was the only sound in the suddenly tight confines of the SUV.

Kearnyn's mind felt dazed and spinning around in his skull—mostly with the images she'd painted for him. Belatedly, he realized he'd missed a turn and took the next available one to get them back on course. Everything she'd just said was not only things he desperately wanted to do, but they had been his own fantasies as well.

“Are you going to say anything?”

He blinked and jerked his gaze to hers. He hadn't even felt her gaze watching him. His eyes caught hers and his heart started pounding in his chest at her look. Her deep brown eyes were glowing with need all focused on him. He tore his gaze away.

“You shouldn't look at me like that.”

“Why not?” she asked softly.

He debated over his answer for, oh, half a second. “Because I have half a mind to pull this car over and take you up on at least one of those things.”

She heard her breath catch. And then he heard movement, the rustling of clothing, tight clothing. A part of him didn't want to look, but hell, he was lost to her. His gaze glanced out the corner of his eyes and he stiffened—his cock growing twice as thick and he swore he almost came in his pants.

She'd pulled her top down to expose her lush, brown breasts. Sweated beaded his brow and his muscles pulled tight with the need to reach over and touch her. He focused back on the road, on keeping the car straight in his lane. When her hand touched his thigh, he jumped and barely managed to refrain from slamming on the gas with the motion.

Her warm fingers curled around the hand on his leg and his fingers instantly curled with hers. “You don't know what you're doing.” Hell, he didn't know what she was doing. Trying to make him crash? Trying to make him lose his mind and take her in the car in the most unromantic place possible?

“Yes I do.” She tugged on his hand and he resisted for a moment before giving in and letting her guide him. His breaths came in great heavy pants. She uncurled his fingers, spreading his palm open and then led his hand to her breast. All air left his lungs in a rush.

Soft, warm skin filled his palm. The hard bead of her nipple pressed stiffly against his palm. Damn his soul but he couldn't keep himself from touching her, from squeezing her pliable breast between his fingers, tracing the contours of her lovely shape. He could hear the sound of her breathing growing deeper, sexier.

When her hand went back to touch his thigh, he didn’t even jerk. He wanted to kick his legs out, sprawl back and let her do whatever she wanted. As his hand shaped and cupped her, pulled her hard nipple between his fingers, hers traced up and down his thigh. Slowly that hand dipped deeper, higher, her touch growing stronger.

He found his own perverted hand touching her harder, pulling that stiff little nipple repeatedly. When a car horn blared at him, he cursed, tearing his hand away from her. In a quick move he pulled up into an alleyway between two stores and shoved the car into park.

“You deserve better than this.”

“This has nothing to do with deserving and everything to do with how badly I want you right now.”

He'd barely comprehended the words before she unbuckled her seatbelt and started unbuttoning his pants.

“What are you doing?”

Her eyes flicked up to his, dark and aroused. “I want you. Now.”

“Not here, Rosa,” he said, his tongue feeling dried up and twice as thick. He grabbed her wrists when she tried to tug his zipper down. He gulped at the sight of her full heavy breasts spilling out from her dress. He had to slam his eyes closed before he could speak. “No.”

He heard the seat compress and his eyes opened to find her nearly in his face. Then her lips slanted across his, her wicked tongue finding its way in his mouth and working a magic of its own. He groaned, his hands tunneling into her hair to take control of the kiss.

When he felt her slender fingers reaching for his zipper again, he didn't stop her. He might be a perverted bastard, but damn did he want whatever she wanted to give him. The zipper released and instantly he could breathe easier as the pressure along his cock eased.

Her moan covered his groan as she cupped him through his briefs, tracing the outline of his cock and squeezing his shaft. He kissed her hard. Licking all the corners of her mouth and sucking on her sweet little tongue. Their breaths sawed together in a hot mist, lips meshing in a hungry kiss.

Finally, thankfully, her hand delved inside his briefs and released him from the harsh cotton material. The cooler air did nothing to stanch the flow of blood raging in his cock. In a gentle caress, her fingers curled around his girth, squeezing gently.

He had to tear his mouth away to breathe. “Ach, God.”

Her lips detoured down his jaw, his neck, kissing and licking him until the temperature in the car skyrocketed. He wanted to rip his shirt off, shove her back against the seat and slide inside her sweet heat.

“You are gorgeous,” she said against his neck, then sank her teeth in.

He groaned as her hand started to slide up and down his shaft, slowly squeezing him tighter, moving faster. “Hardly, Rosa. You're the one that—”

She nipped at his jugular. “Stop that. I do not lie.”

“Yes, ma'am,” he muttered over her chuckle.

Her hand scraped through his hair, her nails trailing along his skull and another groan left him. Everything she did drove him wild. Her palm slid over the crown of his cock and stayed there just working the tip of his shaft in a squeezing motion with his own pre-cum gliding the way.

Suddenly her breath was gone from his neck and then she was scooting down in his lap. She gave him only a moment to register what was happening in shock, before her tongue darted out to flick across the tip of his cock.

“Rosa!” his hand curled in her hair to keep her still, to keep her from taking him inside her sweet hot mouth. If she did, then he'd be gone. No way could he not spend himself inside her wet mouth. She only laughed, a husky, rich sound—the little witch—as he held her still. No matter, she simply swirled her tongue around the tip of him, and her dainty breaths tortured him worse than he could ever have imagined.

She flicked her tongue across him making an mmm sound. “I can do this all night, baby.”

Maybe it was her determination or maybe the sweet nickname she called him, but he released his hold on her hair. One hand curled around his cock and then her mouth surrounded him in a wet, suctioning hold. All the nerves in his cock danced at the erotic sensation. Her little ministrations sent his orgasm rushing to the forefront, ready to explode from his body.

He bit down hard on his lip, the little ounce of pain it gave him, enough to force away the orgasm...for now. Her mouth glided over him again and again, her tongue dancing along his shaft, coaxing the same orgasm he was trying not to have. When her hand started into a steady pumping motion at the base of his cock he cursed.

“If you don't stop...” he warned.

Her mouth released him and he sighed with relief while his cock screamed in protest. His eyes flared open then as she scurried into his lap, shoving her tight dress up to her waist and exposing a sexy white thong that looked very feminine and wicked against her darker skin. She straddled his thighs, poised above his cock, then looked him straight in the eyes.

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