“Come on. I want to take you somewhere.”

She barely had the “huh” out of her mouth before he led her upstairs and ordered her to wait. He bounded up the stairs, came back a few minutes later in thick winter wear and boots. He carried a woman's snow coat in his hands and a scarf.

“Put this on.”

“Whose is it?” She put the dark purple coat on. It felt cozy and soft and had a hood with white fur trim lining it. The white scarf didn't fit easily around the bulky coat but he helped her to wrap it around.

“Chloe's. She said you could borrow it.”

Two guards were stationed at the front door, if one could call it that; the two massive doors were made of some dark metal with gothic designs carved into it. The handles themselves with large rings that the guards grabbed and pulled open.

Telal grabbed her hand in his, the heat of him instantly warming her as they stepped out and into the snowy landscape of northern Norway.

Lily let out a sigh of wonder. She'd seen the view from her window a time or two, but it was another to really see it. To feel the cold biting at her cheeks and hands; to see the puffs of smoke coming out from their mouths. Snow seemed to go on forever as if the entire world was covered in it.

They walked down the steps and the first crunch of snow under her shoes made her smile. The snow didn't cover as much here. They must shovel it to keep it from getting too deep because from the castle to the fence which looked like it belonged in a high-security prison, the snow never looked to go much deeper than ankle deep. Yet, outside the gates the snow looked higher, climbing up nearly halfway up the gate.

“You like the snow.”

“Not usually but this is something else. The snow we get in Georgia is usually accompanied by ice and a lot of car wrecks. Out here,” he paused, “just listen how quiet it is.”

She did. The air seemed still but alive, the wind blew in the distance kicking up clouds of loose snow. It was quiet, peaceful.

Suddenly her heart felt like it was going to burst. “I love you!”

His jaw dropped then he fixed it. He rubbed the bridge of his nose. “I know.”

Fine, she'd let him get away with that for now only because they were sharing a moment together that she loved. Under her breath she said, “I know you do too.”

He didn't laugh but she caught his grin. “Come on, let's walk around.”

They kept near the castle where the snow only reached their ankles. The place felt like something out of the Dark Ages. The castle had parapets with armed Atal Warriors carrying bows across their backs and along the wall and even more guards paced the perimeter.

“Tell me about your life in the rift.”

He grimaced and didn’t speak for so long she didn't think he'd answer. “My parents weren't in my life much, but my father coached me to be a king. I spent hours every day learning how to govern people. When I grew older I realized I didn’t like how he'd been doing it.”


“The rich got to live in this lavish lifestyle while the workers who provided the jewels and clothing from hard-earned time got nearly nothing, living in decrepit houses. I hated it. Made me feel guilty.”

The castle was so large it took them nearly five minutes to reach the back of it. Only more snow met them. Lily could easily see a pretty little garden, maybe even a barbeque pit out here, but not with the snow. Maybe a hot tub, she'd have to mention that to Chloe.

“Alrik used to follow me around. Wanted to be wherever I was, used to hang on to every word I'd say. He also used to get me into a lot of trouble.”

Lily laughed thinking of the time she'd made it look like her sisters had trashed the bathroom while she'd been asleep. They'd gotten in trouble but later fessed up to the deeds. For which her sisters responded in kind by giving her a tittie twister and a noogie. Sigh, good times. Innocent times.

“Do you know why he changed...physically?”

His lips tightened. “I've given it some thought.” He said it so casually she knew he probably hadn't stopped thinking about it. “Either he's truly become corrupt in his heart and the evil of it has metamorphosed to alter him physically, or he's under a spell of some kind. I wouldn’t doubt either one.”

“What kind of spell?” Telal turned to look off in the distance and Lily suddenly had a great idea. Kneeling down, she scooped up some snow.

“One to control him, change him. I don't know. I know some dark magic but nothing like that.”

“Who would?” She packed the snow into a tight ball between her hands. The snow froze her skin, melting a little in her palms.

His shoulders tensed. “My mother and some of the royalty come from a strong line of black magic users.”

The snowball sailed through the air and plopped against the back of his head. Lily giggled, her hands flying to cover her mouth as powdery snow clung to his hair falling in specks onto his jacket. He turned slowly and her heart pumped faster.

The evil gleam in his eyes made her squeal and she took off running as fast as she could with the snow slowing her down. The snowball landed square in the middle of her back and she yelped even though it didn't hurt, falling into a fit of laughter. She turned to see him barreling after her. She knelt and deftly made another snowball. She threw it but he dodged to the side and missed it. Her heart raced even harder now, her laughter unstoppable. She made another and let it fly. The snowball landed straight in his face in a puff of white dust.

He plowed into her laughing. The sound so free and wonderful she laughed with him. He shook his head like a wet dog and the snow fell onto her face making her squint and jerk her head around to avoid the cold flakes.

Their eyes caught and laughter slowly died. Everything tensed between them, even the air and wind didn't bother them. His head came down so slow as if he had all the time in the world or was ready to savor it. And then his lips crossed hers. Her arms pulled him down, melting them together, pressing their bodies as closely as possible.

Warm and wet his tongue felt so much hotter against the cold of her cheeks and nose which had surely turned pink by now. A hot, raw sensation built in her belly. Each time his tongue darted, circled, pulled back to only sweep in again, she grew wetter. The demon could kiss.

He pulled back, his eyes dark with arousal. She shivered under his gaze which clearly stated I'm going to take your clothes off now.

“Let's go inside.”

She nodded and let him pull her off the ground. She laughed as he patted her back to knock the snow off and in the process managed to grab her ass several times.





She glared at him as she struggled to think of another name. “Rogue!” He laughed at that one and pulled her inside the castle. He started to lead her upstairs when Tyrian stepped out of his office at the end of the hall.

“We need to discuss some things.”

The happy feeling inside her died just like that. Telal nodded, gave her a quick kiss then left her. Right before he went into the study he turned back and gave her that sexy look again. “Be naked when I get back.”

She laughed and darted for the guest room.


“Hey you!” Lily stopped at the top of the stairs as Rayn came around the corner.

He grinned and eyeballed her outfit. “Been out playing?”

“Yes and it was great. How you doin'?”

“Good and happy birthday to you, Ms. Bellum. Have you gotten to wear that little lingerie number Chloe got you?”

She laughed. “God, I'd completely forgotten about that; it's back at home. No, I haven't worn it yet.”

“Well my offer to see you in it is still up.”

“And so is mine. You try it on first and then I will.”

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