He pressed a fist over his heart. “You wound me, Lily. What does a man gotta do to get you naked?”

Lily rolled her eyes. “You are such a flirt and a bad one too.”

He smiled big. “That's not what women tell me.” He backed her against the wall and leaned one arm above her head caging her in. “I hear I'm pretty good at it.”

She laughed at his attempt at a deep and sexy voice. “You are so ridiculous, really.”

“How about a kiss for old time's sakes?”

She pushed at his chest. “Oh please, we've never kissed to begin with and we're not starting now. I happen to be in love.”

He shook his head, his eyes turning sad. “There's nothing he can give you that I can't. Besides, I'm heading into the rift soon and I might not come back.”

He'd meant it as a joke but her smile dropped. “You'll come back.”

“Damn, sorry, didn't mean to kill the mood. Now I'll never get that kiss.”

“No you won't,” said an angry voice. Lily and Rayn turned to see Telal there just as his fist came flying. It connected with Rayn's jaw and sent him stumbling, his back nailing the wall and shaking the paintings hanging on it.


Her plea went unheard or ignored because Telal advanced on Rayn and socked him in the mouth, hard. Rayn groaned and dropped to the ground, his hand cradling his face.

Telal pointed at Rayn. “Never touch her again.”

Telal grabbed her hand and dragged her down into their bedroom, the door slamming behind him. He cornered her, backing her up.

“Who's he? Why did he almost kiss you?” He looked wild, crazed.

“He's one of Tyrian’s guards. I met him a year ago here at the castle. He's just a friend, barely that.” She realized she had her hands up in a protective stance and forced them down to her sides. Even though he bristled with anger he'd never hurt her. “You didn't have to hit him.”

His jaw clenched so hard she was surprised teeth didn't break. “You're mine and no one else gets to touch you. Do you hear me?”

She thought about it for a second. “Maybe if you phrase that differently then I'll hear you.”

He shook his head. “What are you talking about? I don't play around and neither do you dammit.”

“Tell me how you really feel.”

He rolled his head around in a circle. “I am telling you. Are you listening to me, Lily?”

“Yes and that's not what I meant. Tell me how you feel about me.”

That snapped something inside him. He took a step back as it registered. He looked away then his gaze crawled back to her, possessive and menacing.

“Take off your clothes.”

He reached for his and started peeling layers revealing golden skin, a royal tattoo, and pierced nipples she wanted to flick with her tongue. “Not until you admit it.”

He glared at her. “Take. Them. Off.”

For some reason she obeyed. Her fingers shook as she took off the coat and shoes but she stopped there. “Say it, Telal.”

He stood there butt-ass naked and tossed his head back with a frustrated shout. When he looked at her again his breathing had deepened, sped up. “Fine.”

She pulled off her shirt and pants, leaving her in her bra and underwear. “Fine what?”

She had the pleasure of watching his cock lengthen as he looked her over with his hungry eyes. “Just...fine.”

“Just fine doesn't do it for me.” She lifted her chin a notch.

He marched to her so fast she didn't have time to back up. He cupped her cheeks in his hands and looked her in the eyes. “I love you, all right? You good now? Because I'm ready to fuck.”


Telal pulled her panties down her legs and unsnapped her bra in a matter of seconds. He grabbed her by her ass and lifted her, her legs naturally winding around his ass. He gave her no warning. He speared inside of her. A harsh moan left her. He didn't move slowly but thrust into her with hard demanding strokes. Their mouths met, fused together. Passion encased her like a dense cloud. An orgasm rose inside her. His cock swelled even more and she knew he was right there with her. She had to jerk her head away, her arms squeezing tight around his neck as her core shuddered, milked, and came.

“Lily!” he called out, his voice laced with lust. His hips picked up pace and his gliding strokes prolonged her orgasm into drawn-out erotic rush.

They fell onto the bed, each helping the other up to the pillows. “That was...”

He grunted and buried his face in her hair. “Fantastic.”

“Yeah, that's about right.”

Lily's muscles felt warm and she yawned as her body melted into the bed.

“You meant what you said?” she said.

His lips kissed over her ear soft and gentle. “I do.”

Her heart felt like it'd burst from her chest. “I love you, too.”

Lily curled up against Telal, and when his arm easily went across her waist to hold her, she smiled. Everything was finally looking up.

Hours later, something woke her. A sound, or a creak in the floorboards, something. Night had settled in casting the moon's glow through the window and creating shadows in the corners.


Lily patted her stomach but didn't feel his arm. She turned around on a sigh and tossed her arm over him. Her arm landed on cold bed. Her eyes flew open.


She was out of the bed and in the bathroom, and finding it empty in seconds. Her hands shook as she pulled on her clothes. She couldn’t seem to move fast enough. In the process of pulling on her underwear she snapped the seam.

“Damn it!”

She ran down the hall, her bare feet slapping on the cold stone floor. She came to Rosa's room and banged on the door with her fist. “Rosa! Open up now. Rosa!” She heard movement inside but couldn't stop her hand from hitting the door.

The door swung open hard and she couldn't halt her fist. Her swing glanced off Rosa’s cheek.

Rosa’s eyes darkened into a scowl. “What do you want?” Her accented voice sounded heavy from sleep.

“Telal's gone. Where's Kearnyn?”

“He's—” Rosa paused then ran back inside. Lily followed, flipping the light on. “He-he left?” Her big brown eyes shimmered with tears.

“I'm going to search downstairs maybe they haven't left yet.”

Lily searched the castle up and down. Her mind racing faster and faster. He couldn't have left yet? He wasn't supposed to leave until tomorrow. He just told me he loved me! How could he do this?

She woke Chloe and Willow and found them both surprised that Tyrian and Lyonis were gone.

Lily's panic transformed into anger. “You really didn't know they planned to leave a day earlier?” she said to her sisters.

They shook their head. “No,” Chloe said, “Tyrian said they were leaving tomorrow. It looks like they fooled all of us.”

Lily ground her teeth until her jaw cracked. “Come on, Rosa.”

“Where are you going?” Willow called out.

“I'm going down there with them.”

Willow pulled her arm bringing her to a stop. “You can't go down there. They are trained warriors; there's going to be a battle down there. You'll get yourself hurt.”

Lily shrugged off her hand. “I can take care of myself. I'm going to get mother out. I promised her I would.”

“Take me with you,” Willow said.

Lily slowly shook her head. “No, Willow. You have a baby. Stay here with Mary and wait for Lyonis.” Willow looked like she'd argue but her eyes softened and she nodded.

“You're right, Lily.

Lily let out a deep breath she hadn't known she'd taken “Chloe, you're staying too.”

Chloe threw up her hands. “Fine with me, I didn't want to go in the first place.”

Lily laughed, she couldn’t help it. Chloe laughed with her and some of the tension inside Lily eased. There was only one last person she needed to talk to. Lily turned to Rosa. Her eyes looked hardened now, the tears long gone.

“Will you come with me? I could use your help but if you don't want to, I completely understand.”

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