Rosa nodded, her eyes sharp with knowledge and power. “Let's go.”

It took much longer than she liked to prepare two protection spells, gather the enchanted daggers and the potions she'd made before. Lily and Rosa pulled on a shoulder bag and stuffed their items inside. Each had a potion that would take them and her mother into the rift and one to take them out.

Lily had never seen Rosa look so resolute. She moved calmly but her power practically glowed around her.

“The protection spells won't last long. If we get hit physically or with magic, it'll take the brunt of a few blows, but depending on how hard or powerful it is, the spell won't last. We need to get in and out.”

“Got it,” Lily said.

They each double-checked their items and Lily wondered if Rosa's stomach tossed and turns like hers did. Sweat beaded her brow and her heart wouldn't stop pounding.

Chloe and Willow came forward. “Be safe,” Chloe said. Lily returned Chloe's hug and inhaled the fragrance of her sister’s hair just in case.

Willow hugged her even harder with her strong arms and she thought she heard a sniffle but when she pulled away Willow’s eyes shone clear. “Stay strong and tough. And do not give up.” Lily understood these words came from experience, from Willow's own dark experience under the rift.

“I will.”

Rosa pulled her in for a hug too. Surprised, Lily wrapped her arms around her long-time friend. Guilt ate at her with sharp teeth. She had brought her only friend into danger. If something happened to her... God, she didn't want to think about it.

Lily stiffened as Rosa whispered in her ear. “Remember my warning.”

I die from a dark man on a dark throne.

Lily knew that but she also believe she had a say in her own death. Visions can't always be accurate and if she had to prove it herself, she would. She needed to help Telal, and she needed to save her mother. That was more important than anything else. It’s what Papa would have wanted.

She already had the plan in her mind. Rescue her mother, send her back with Rosa, then go and help Telal. She didn't know how she knew it, but he'd need her help; all the evidence she needed was sitting right there writhing around in her gut. He'd need her.

Lily felt the need to say something back, but she stumbled over the words. Eventually she pulled away. “I love him, Rosa.”

She nodded, her lips pulled into a sad smile. “I know.”

They locked hands together, picked up their potions, and then drank the vile sludge. They both gagged and forced the drink down. Her stomach rolled and flexed trying to push the sludge back up her pipes and spew but she kept her lips sealed shut to keep it down. A hard gulp later and together they read the spell aloud. When the last word left them, the world spun, and darkness enveloped them.


The team conspired in the study in the middle of the night. Lyonis and his main lieutenants Jackie and Thane hung together, battle ready with armor and tight fitting clothing. Telal hadn't anticipated shapeshifters coming along but their skills could be a great asset. The demons didn't have any practice or experience fighting with shapeshifters, their great sizes, speed, and strength would help them much on this night.

Telal ran a hand across his mouth, still feeling the lingering taste of Lily from when he'd kissed her before he snuck away. He'd debated leaving a letter, even using the pen she'd bought him which had easily become his favorite utensil. But something had kept him from doing it. Whether the thought that he might not come back and she might cling to something so negative or because he might not have been able to leave if he stayed there for much longer.

He'd done one thing right at least. He told her he loved her. And he did. So much so that he planned behind her back to leave early while she slept. He knew she'd still try to come. It was in her nature to want to help him, protect him and even others. She was the same way with her sisters, her friend Rosa, wanting to help and protect anyway she can. This wasn't her battle though, and the thought of her being down there while battle raged on made him cold with sweat.

Everyone spoke in hushed voices or not at all. Tyrian was armed with metal gear over his shoulders, chest, and legs in a modern take on a knight's outfit, and three of his best Atal Warriors stood quietly, lethally holding battle axes that shined to a point and swords at their hips with knives and God knows what else in that belt. They wore loose-fitting linen shirts and close fitting pants. Telal was as ready as he'd ever be.

He wore some of his borrowed clothes from Tyrian, boots, pants, and a shirt. In holsters over his shoulders he had an enchanted long blade he'd made himself, enspelled with the same electrical spell as the daggers he had at his waist. He'd meditated for an hour before the meeting to check on his power levels. He wasn't near one hundred percent capacity yet but he'd be able to do some damage.

The past week he'd lain awake at night sometimes falling into fitful dreams about his brother. He saw different versions of the night going down. In half of them his brother killed him, and in the others he finished off his brother. Were they prophetic? Possibly.

What had surprised him though were his thoughts tonight. None of them catered to his brother or the predictions of what might happen. Instead he'd kept his nose buried in Lily's sweet smelling hair and held her close. He did love her, the little wench. How could he not when she so obviously forced herself into his life, changing him? He wanted to do more now. Wanted to learn how to ride that damn bike so he could take her out on it. To impress her? Maybe.

Most of all, his thoughts had drifted to the thought of mating. It was a joke how easily he could picture her in the gauzy black mating gown, the sacred etchings painted on her hands, stomach, and feet. The words of possession, love, and trust sharing between them in front of the entire kingdom. He could almost feel the audience kneeling before them as they recited their sacred vows, then the eruption of applause as they kissed under the bright sky of the rift. Almost. It almost felt real.

“We're ready.”

Telal nodded at Kearnyn then checked over the team once more. “Let's go.”

The team moved into place, the plans and orders of the operation already predetermined and memorized. Telal took Lyonis and Tyrian; Draven took Jackie and Thane, and Rayn and Henry transported Kearnyn and the three Atal Warriors.

The night sky glowed brightly in the rift. The normal pink and orange hues of the daytimes were now hazy with a gray light. Night in the rift was much darker than on earth where the moon cast a bright silver light over the planes. Here, unless you were in the vicinity of a torch, everything was shadowed and dark. Telal and his team would use the darkness to their benefit on this night.

“Let's move,” Telal said.

The team had ported in near one of the closest villages closest to the castle. The small houses were really just shacks made out of dried wood and hay across the roofs. No one could even dare to build a fireplace in such a home so when the sky went dark, they lived in darkness.

They quietly ran towards the hulking castle in the distance, taking out the random guard when necessary. The castle stuck out in the dark landscape like a flashing beacon. Torches hung on the outside of the castle in metal rungs; the firelight dancing against the dark stone. Kneeling down behind a hill of trees Telal counted the guards on the west wall. There were eight of them. When he'd come before there hadn't been one. Telal's muscles flexed with the urge to fight.

“He's expecting us.”

The team didn't have to nod to acknowledge they heard him. Telal wanted to embrace them all for their bravery, for helping him when not too long ago he couldn't say he'd return the favor unless he could get something out of it.

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