“So beautiful.”

His finger caressed her between her cheeks, rubbing and rubbing until she was arching back against him, panting like a dog. She’d never felt anything like it. It was as though that one spot was directly connected to her clit and deep inside her.

She cried out as his finger slowly started filling her. She had no idea how far he slid in but she felt as though two cocks were filling her. He gently rubbed her in and out, teasing her new flesh with his touch. His breathing turned harsh and heavy.

Willow struggled to speak words but the only sound that came out was gasps and moans. He rocked his finger in time with his cock, squeezing through her tight flesh in unison. Willow couldn’t take it, her body was on fire. An orgasm rushed through her like a lit fuse and she convulsed as screams tore from her throat for the second time.

Lyonis lost it. He worked his finger faster inside her tight hole, felt her quivering, tight muscles stroking him, and finally slammed deep inside. He roared as her body tightened over him, ripping his release from his body.

He came in hard, long jets inside her, filling her again and again, as his shout finally faded.

Willow fell back down to earth like a leaf floating in the wind. Her arms gave out and she flattened her sweaty cheek against the mat. She felt his cock soften inside her, could feel his hot seed seep out of her as he withdrew himself. But still his finger lingered inside her, stroking softly until she moaned. He gave her one last lingering touch before he pulled away and laid down beside her.

Willow met his satisfied gaze and smiled. He leaned close and pulled her into her arms; she had no energy to protest let alone move a muscle, so she let him. He was warm and smelled delicious.

He kissed her on the mouth then simply held her.

Chapter 17

“Where is she?”

The young bartender recognized him immediately and nodded towards the back of the room. Thane followed his gaze until he found the one he was looking for.

He didn’t bother to say thanks, but set after her. What the hell was she thinking? They had a job to do and here he was pulling her drunken ass out of a club. Fucking woman.

Thane stopped some distance away. He told himself it was so he could judge her condition, but he knew it was more than that. Ever since they were young, he and Jackie had something different between them. He didn’t know what to call it or even knew if it had a name, but every time he was around the strong redhead she pushed something inside him.

He’d never been quick to anger with anyone before, unless it was an enemy. Yet the moment she opened her mouth he wanted to shake her, push her away, and kiss the hell out of her all at the same time. Yeah, not a good idea. He’d lose his position in the pack faster than Jackie could slap him. And that would be the least of his problems.

Thane growled and pushed himself away from the wall. What the fuck was she doing here alone and drinking anyways? He went to her table and slid into the seat across from her.

Judging by the empty beer bottles, shot glasses, and mugs on the table, she was deep into her cups. Yup, he thought, as she slowly dragged her hazy gaze up to meet his. She squinted at him as if she’d forgotten her glasses—which she didn’t wear—then gave a nasty sigh.

“What are you doing here?”

“Someone had to come get your drunken ass. What the fuck are you doing here, Jackie?” She reached for a shot glass filled with amber liquid and downed it like water; she didn’t even cringe. In fact she sighed as if it was soothing.

“What does it look like I’m doing, genius?” She let out an unfeminine burp and Thane covered his laughter with his hand. Her eyes were lined with red from the alcohol, cheeks flushed, eyes glossy, lips wet.... Thane’s thoughts derailed instantly.

“Quit staring at my lips!”

Thane sat up straight, jerked his gaze away. “I wasn’t. You’re just drunk.” She waved a finger at him over the table like she was casting a spell.

“Ha! I saw that look. You give that hungry look to all the free bitches in the pack. Don’t think I haven’t seen it before.” In a high-pitched, girly voice she said, “Oh Thane, you’re sooo strong. Oh Thane, you’re soo hooot!” She shoved a finger down her throat and made a gagging noise. Thane couldn’t help it, he grinned.

“Spying on me now or just jealous of the tail I get?” Her eyes flashed with anger, her beast lurking at the edge. Damn that alcohol, if she wasn’t careful she’d end up shifting right here in the club—a club half-filled with humans. Wouldn’t that just make this night even better?

“It’s hardly spying when I go to the gym to get a little workout and you’re boning some princess behind the door.” Thane gritted his teeth. God this always pissed him off. He shouldn’t give a fuck what she thought, but he cared. Why? Because she was his partner, dammit.

“Yeah, well she was a little hands-on if you know what I mean. Besides I didn’t fuck her.”

Jackie’s mouth dropped open in mock surprise and then she rolled her eyes in the back of her head. “Riiiiiight. Listen Thane-o, why don’t you do me a favor and, oh, I dunno, leave. I don’t need you here. I came here to be alone.” Jackie lifted a slender beer bottle and chugged the contents in big gulps.

Dammit, he couldn’t watch this. It was bad enough knowing she was doing this, but seeing it was another torture entirely. Thane snatched the bottle from her and slammed it on his side of the table. Her eyes and mouth slowly widened at him. He would have laughed if seeing her like this didn’t bother him so much.

“Listen, I’m your partner. I’m the one you come to when you’re troubled.”

She tossed back her head and laughed so loud that people turned to stare. Thane tossed them a glare that sent them back around, and damn if the lights didn’t catch her red hair in golden streams. He wasn’t lying when he told her he liked it. Hell, if only she knew what he dreamt of at night.

“What are you my mom? You’re not a shoulder for me to cry on and you’re not someone I’d ever go to to talk.” She squirmed across the table, reaching for the bottle he’d stolen so Thane snatched it up and downed the contents.

“If I was troubled and came to you to talk would you listen?” he said.

She rolled her eyes. “Oh, please, Thane. As if that would ever happen. You’re too fabulously controlled to let that happen.”

Thane didn’t like that. Didn’t like that at all. “Just answer the question, Jackie. Would you?”

She rocked left and right in her seat as she thought about it. “Umm, yeah, I guess. Don’t matter though, 'cause it’d never happen.”

Thane grew serious and leaned forward in his seat. “Talk to me, Jackie. Tell me what’s going on so I can help.” Her mouth flattened into a disbelieving line then slowly pulled down into a disgusted frown.

“Fine I’ll tell you but after you’re outta here,” she said flinging her arm out in the opposite direction of the exit. Thane nodded though he had no intention of leaving her here.

She let out a long dramatic sigh then slumped back in her seat, her chin falling to her chest. She mumbled something.

“Huh?” Thane said loudly, a grin spreading across his face. She looked up at him and narrowed her eyes into points.

“I said I’m jealous.”


Thane closed his gaping jaw. Well, if that didn’t surprise the shit out of him, and poof up his ego like a peacock.

“Of what?” God, he must be a sick bastard because he hoped like hell it was about him.

“The Alpha and his mate.” She looked away like she was ashamed. Thane’s mood deflated fast. Was he a selfish bastard to want to be in her thoughts like that—yes?

“What about them? And since when do you start referring to her as his mate. I recall the term future mate being prevalent in the situation.” She scoffed noisily and slammed her forehead into the table. When she came back up, misery was in her eyes. She looked haggard, alone. Thane wanted to crawl across the table, ask her what he could do to fix it, and solve all her problems. Course if she knew that, she’d skin his balls and wear it as a hat.

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