“Yesterday, she went to him. The way they held each other...I could just feel that something between them. I don’t doubt it now. She’ll be his, and they’ll be happy together.”

She looked far to the side and Thane saw her blinking fast, eyelashes wet. God dammit. With a low growl, he crossed to her and pulled her into his arms. She fought it but with her unhappy drunken state, she eventually gave in and let him hold her.

Thane hated the silence that followed. He’d never comforted a woman before that wasn’t his mom or sister. What the hell did he do? So he kept her close and rubbed her arms and back, while her head tucked up under his chin in a way that felt...nice.

“They will make a fine couple,” he said eventually.

“Yup, they sure will.” Bitterness coated her voice. She pulled back from him sharply and scooted to the other end of the booth. It only separated them a foot but to him it felt much further. He scooted up against her and she shot him a dirty look. Now she was backed up against the wall and had nowhere to go. His beast purred his approval.

“Why does that make you jealous?”

She looked surprised. “Why do you think, Thane? Do you think I like being unmated? Alone. No one chases my tail as you’ve crudely put it before.”

Thane winced. Yeah, he’d said that before but damn she’d made him mad. Guilt ate at him even more as he remembered he’d said that after she’d interrupted him with the princess in the gym. Even then he’d felt guilt and shame, something she’d always made him feel with a single look.

“You’ll find someone, Jackie. You’re strong and beautiful. Any man would be happy to have you.”

She laughed the sound hollow. “Apparently not, Thane-o. Listen why don’t you go now. I told you my stupid problem. Just leave me in peace.” She sounded so sad it broke his heart.

“No way. It’s time to get you back to the pack and into bed.” He stood and started pulling her out of the booth. She came but it was like pulling a limp noodle out of a bowl of water. He held her up to him so she wouldn’t fall.

“Whatever, anything to get me away from you.” Thane ignored her biting tone and wrapped an arm around her shoulder and waist. As he tugged her through the crowded club he couldn’t help but notice how soft her body felt against his, how small she was in comparison to him. Yet underneath that, she felt sturdy and strong. The contrasts spiked his senses and he realized he liked it.

They came through the front door and her steps became heavier and heavier. With a sigh, he bent down and lifted her into his arms. She slapped her fists against his shoulders.

“Put me down dammit, I can walk.”

“No you can’t,” he said easily. He had to park a good block and a half down the street so he made his steps fast. After a minute, she finally gave up her fight and relaxed, letting her head rest against his shoulder.

“I’m too heavy,” she whined. This side of her was brand new to him, if only it wasn’t alcohol that made her show her true colors.

He laughed at her. “Not even close. You weigh nothing, sweetheart.” She scoffed at him and wrapped her arms around his neck. His mind told himself it was just so she could hold on, but his body didn’t take it that way. It flared up, heated with sexual anticipation. Even his cock hardened.

God was she playing with his hair? She’s drunk, his logical mind screamed at him; it didn’t mean anything. Didn’t mean it didn’t feel good as hell though.

“Where are you taking me?” she said wistfully. Thane swallowed before he could answer. His hands curled over her thigh and back and he could feel the heat of her and the soft pliancy of her lithe muscles. He closed his eyes for a moment and reminded himself that he preferred curvy women that wore makeup and perfume. Not natural women like Jackie.

“To the jeep, it’s not too far.” Damn, even his voice was aware of the woman in his arms, having gone deep like he was about to take her back to his place and not put her drunken ass in bed where she belonged.

He raced to his jeep when he spotted it. He set her down, gently lounged her against it while he opened the passenger door. As soon as he let go of her she started sliding off to the side.

“Whoa there.” He caught her and she fell against him, her hands catching his thick sweater at the shoulders. Then she looked up at him and he lost himself in her eyes. Baby blues, bright and red rimmed from alcohol and still she took his breath away.

And scared the shit out of him.

She looked at him with innocent eyes, not the seductive ones like the women he usually went with. She wasn’t coy or playful but damn if it didn’t arouse him more than all those other women combined. What kind of animal was he to be turned on by a drunken innocent woman? Hell, his partner.

Her eyes fell to his mouth and Thane watched her expression change. He would have bet her to be an actress but he knew she wasn’t playing any games, not Jackie. She was straightforward to a punch. So when her eyes traced his lips and grew soft and low-lidded, Thane knew he was a goner. Was he an ass for taking advantage while she was drunk—yes. Did he care the least bit—hell no.

No longer capable of being gentle, he grabbed her hips and pushed her against the jeep. Her soft gasp brought even hotter thoughts flying through his mind. How would she sound when his head was between her legs? Would she wrap her legs around his shoulders or fall open and soft for him?

Cupping her head in his hand, he tilted her to the side, and slowly brought his lips to hers. A second before their lips met, her hands tightened in his shirt, eyes wide and panicked.

“What are you doing?” she whispered hoarsely.

Thane paused for a moment, struggling to think over the need roaring through him. His mind blanked for a moment and all he could do was answer honestly.

“Kissing you.”

And then he pressed his lips against hers and lost himself in a way he never thought possible.

* * *

Draven stopped outside their door. God what was with him and doing this? He’d been blaming Chloe for this whole disaster but really, that was a lie. Not that he’d alleviate her guilt and tell her that. No, it was his fault. He never should have asked Lucinda to be his frimar. Fuck.

If he were using his old ways, he’d already have blood coursing through his veins and be on his way to bed. But what the fuck was he doing? Pacing outside his frimar’s bedroom, their shared bedroom. As if it wasn’t bad enough having to babysit one of the Bellum sisters, at least that was a temporary situation. But Lucinda? Temporary?

Vampires signed on with frimars for a long-term arrangement. If he were to release her now, she’d be forced to find another. Draven’s hand curled into white-knuckled fists. God dammit. Every time he so much as thought about another man’s mouth on her neck, her wrists, her thighs, he shook with rage.

What the hell was that? He never felt that before, not even with his previous frimar. Draven smacked his head against the wall and slid down it. He was just asking for trouble...again. They both had so much in common. From their manners and dress to the way they spoke.

Lucinda wasn’t anything like Charlotte in many ways. She wasn’t an evil lying whore. Draven pulled out one of his invisible daggers he kept at his waist. The blade was lightweight but had enough mass to feel satisfying. The cold metal warmed in his hand easily. Draven relaxed muscle by muscle as he focused on something else. But soon the thoughts crept back up.

Lucinda would never take a knife to him. She was too sweet, didn’t have a mean bone in her body. You thought that about Charlotte, too.


Draven stood and clenched the blade. He heard footsteps coming towards the door. God dammit, quickly he palmed his blade, watching as it went invisible with his magic. Most days he forgot he was part demon, but thinking of Charlotte always managed to remind him of the uglier side of life.

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