His arms arched over his head as he stretched and Jackie wanted to moan at the sight of the flexing bulges of warm skin and sinew. God, what was wrong with her? She’d seen him without his shirt hundreds of times before. They’d worked out together at least a thousand times, most of it with his shirt off.

That was before he kissed you.

Jackie’s eyes closed in memory. That was also when she’d still had her mind blocked off to him. He had been in a permanent “friend zone” of sorts and with each new woman he slept with, he got further and further into it.

Then they’d kissed. Yeah, how many times had she thought about that since her stupid drunken night? One thousand and seventy-two, her brain answered. Shut up. She couldn’t even keep her own thoughts under control when he was near.

She waited for him to turn towards her hiding spot and see her, but he didn’t. He stretched out his arms some more then kicked off his shoes and socks. Jackie’s fingers curled against the bathroom door as even more dark skin was revealed. His hands hooked into the band of his shorts, holding onto them for a moment, then pushed them down.

All the air left her in a whoosh. Jackie’s body came to life so quickly, her body struggled to keep up. Her breasts grew heavy and full and her sex flooded with cream. Jackie closed her eyes and desperately wanted to squeeze her thighs together to alleviate the ache but she was too afraid the toilet seat might move, and then he’d know she was here. Worse, he’d think she was spying on him, which she really wasn’t. She’d been trying to get away from him in the first place. She hoped this wasn’t classified as spying. Besides she was trying to make sure he didn’t spot her.

He was magnificent. This was something she’d never seen from Thane. With his back to her, he gave her the perfect view of his sinewy back, muscular ass, and strong legs. Jackie had always loved a strong set of legs and butt and Thane won the trophy in that department.

His broad shoulders tapered down to a thick, muscular waist. At the bottom of his spine were two delicious pools of indented flesh. Jackie almost panted at the sight of the bumps. She wanted to trace the dimples with her tongue, kiss each of them before sinking her teeth into his rump. A round, sculpted rump that flexed as he strode towards the showers.

Jackie almost didn’t pull her gaze away in time to see the front of him. His cock was long, swaying with each long-legged step he took. Closing her eyes, Jackie balanced one-handed on the door and reached between her legs to squeeze herself. The pressure both tormented and alleviated the fiery ache inside her.

The water switched on and she opened her eyes. He faced her now as the water sluiced over his body. The fogging steam enveloped his body like a cloud. His head tipped back and his midnight hair fell from his face in wet lines; water droplets raced down his chest and legs to see which one could hit the floor first.

Jackie didn’t pay attention to any of that though; her gaze watched his face. Eyes closed, lips slack in relaxation Thane was a fine looking male. Jackie really couldn’t blame any of the free bitches who took him. A small part of her had always been jealous. Very jealous. But she’d never been able to let go and just ask him. She was sure he’d do it, that was just the way he was. But no, she couldn’t. It didn’t help that he was her partner. How could she sleep with him then go to work with him the next day? She’d decided it was impossible a long time ago.

He grabbed a bar of soap off the shower wall and began lathering it in his hands to form fluffy white suds. He soaped his chest and shoulders. Jackie watched, enthralled. Something so simple managed to turn her on better than her most naughty fantasies. Her sex pulsed as he scrubbed his arms and chest, slowly working his way to his hips.

She swallowed hard over the dry lump sitting in her throat, the sound so loud, that she froze in place as if he might hear it. But he didn’t, not over the beating roar of the shower.

He lathered his hands up again then skipped by his groin to work down one leg and foot, then the other. She was squirming to see him touch the long heavy mass hanging between his legs. She wanted to see him hold himself and touch it. He didn’t though. He turned around and began washing his back in circles and then his tight rear.

Jackie wished she had a video camera. She didn’t have the greatest memory and she wanted to engrave this scene in her mind for the rest of her life so she could replay it as much as she wanted. His movements slowed as he reached for the hard round cheeks. He cupped them first then ran his fingers along the bottom in a massaging caress. Her body was awash in a sensual haze, nipples aching to be touched, sex ready to be penetrated.

He cupped his cheeks then dug his fingers in again as if massaging a sore muscle. Jackie was fueled with thoughts that that was what she would do if he were thrusting between her legs. She would reach down to that beautifully made ass and dig in, holding him close as he worked himself in and out.

When he turned back around, Jackie’s arm slid from the door and she nearly fell face first into the door. Her other hand skidded down the stall door producing a high-pitched screech. She froze every muscle in her body as she peered out of the stall, but he didn’t show any indication that he heard her. Thank God the shower was on or he would have heard her.

Unable to tear her gaze away from him, she silently righted herself so both hands were braced on the stall. Her lips rounded in surprise and if she thought she was wet before, she was wrong. Now she was positively drenched.

Thane Vanner faced her with a long, hard, cock that was as beautifully made as the rest of him. With shampoo now in his hands, he washed his hair but she couldn’t tear her gaze away from his cock. He was as thick as her wrist and pointed straight up towards his hard abs. Even his sac was sexy, pulled up tight against his body; and the black hair around his groin was short and crisp against him.

Jackie realized she was panting so she forced her mouth closed and reached again between her legs. This time she squeezed herself but didn’t stop. Her body shivered hard but still she held on, at least this was more tolerable than not touching herself at all.

He rinsed his hair one last time then lathered his hand once more. Jackie quickly raised her gaze to his eyes, she told herself it was too make sure he hadn’t spotted her, but it was actually because she had to know how he looked when he was aroused. His eyes were closed, head tilted back at a slight angle, and his bottom lip which she now knew was both firm and soft to the touch, was pulled between his white teeth.

Movement caught her attention. Eyes widening, Jackie watched as his left soapy hand reached and grasped his cock. He held it at the base in a loose, sexy, grip.

One thought spiraled through her mind. He couldn’t be...

Then he dragged his hand up the thick shaft to the head and back down again in a lazy stroke.

Jackie closed her eyes for a moment as she got her body back under control. The hand between her thighs squeezed again, this time in warning. Yet her pussy taunted her, her clit begged her.

Just reach inside and touch yourself. You’ll come so quickly, no one will ever know.

The thought was so strong that she found herself dipping her fingers underneath her jeans until she felt bare skin. A flash crossed her mind of Thane’s eyes opening and catching her. Even imagining the humiliation made her cheeks burn so she yanked her hand away. It was too tempting to hold herself even if it did assuage the throbbing need so she placed her hand back on the door.

Pressing her forehead to the stall, she watched enthralled as he began stroking himself up and down. Questions floated through her mind as he slowly worked the hard shaft. Did he normally do this in the gym shower? Anyone could come in. Sure he’d hear it and have a few seconds to stop, but how could he hide the massive erection hanging between his legs? But then all questions vacated her mind.

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