He soaped his hand again and leaned back against the wall. Legs taut with muscles spread open making Jackie stifle a moan. At this angle, he was practically parading himself for the whole room to see. He kept his eyes closed as he began in earnest to stroke his cock.

His free hand touched his chest, then slowly trailed down his hard abs to the top of his groin before curving underneath to cup his sac. He pulled at the taut flesh, rolling and squeezing the soft flesh between his fingers before cupping the soft mass. Her panties were flooded now as if she’d had two hard orgasms.

His big hand started pumping his cock faster. The muscles in his wrist and arm flexed and tightened as his fist pumped up and down. The suds guided his way so the ride was smooth and soft. She couldn’t hear his breathing, but judging from the way his chest moved in heavy falls she knew he was breathing hard.

His hand slid up and down his thick shaft over and again. Minutes passed and Jackie watched, desperate to see the climax. What was he thinking of? Some past fling that he could relive in his mind? A small part of her wanted him to be thinking about her, about what could be, but that would be hypocritical of her she quickly nixed the thought. He announced his need for her and she was the one who turned him down. It wasn’t fair for her to want him to think about her. Yet a small part of her still hoped.

He groaned, a brief sound that was so deep and full of hunger that Jackie moaned a little. Cursing herself, she slapped a hand over her mouth. God she really couldn’t risk getting caught like this. Not only would it be the most humiliating experience of her life but he’d never let her live it down. Worse, he might notice how much this affected her.

His thighs muscles bunched hard, hips rocking in a subtle thrusting rhythm that had hers rocking in time too. The hand between his legs stilled, cupping the sac in a grip that flexed the lean muscles along his forearm and bicep.

Then he pumped harder, faster. His strokes not designed to play, but to get off. He squeezed his cock harder then pumped in a quick up and down motion that bumped over the blunt tip of him again and again. She could practically feel his orgasm building.

He concentrated his strokes on just the tip of him now, working the flesh. Jackie watched as it happened, could see the utter pleasure transform his face into a mask of ecstasy. His stomach muscles bunched and flexed, hips jerking, and then he let out a hoarse cry as his fist bobbed over his cock.

White streams shot out from him. He worked his cock in fast strokes until all the cum was shot onto the wet tile floor and washed into the drain.

Jackie was shaking. Her entire body trembled like she was out in the cold without a jacket. Except she was far from cold. Her skin was damp from the sensual haze and her skin burned as if she’d just spent all day making love.

Thane rested against the wall as he seemed to collect himself. He washed under the water one time, giving her one last searing memory as he pulled his cock under the water to clean himself. He shut off the water then headed towards the bathroom stalls. Jackie tensed then looked around wildly before pulling away from the door and squatting over the toilet, hoping like hell he didn’t choose this stall.

She heard the stall at the far left of her open and she breathed a deep sigh of relief. After a minute, she didn’t hear the toilet or anything else and her gut tightened in worry; this couldn’t be good. Leaning forward again, she braced herself on the door and peered out the sliver of space between the door and stall. Maybe he’d grabbed some toilet paper to blow his nose or something and was back at his gym bag.

She found the bathroom empty. His gym bag was still open on the bench, the shower floor wet, and he was nowhere in sight. Maybe he was still using the bathroom...just very quietly.

Suddenly she felt as if a dozen pairs of knowing eyes were trained on her. She looked wildly up the stalls but didn’t see any dark-haired warrior glaring down at her, nor under the stalls was a head peering up at her.

Okay, get a hold of yourself, Jackie. He doesn’t know you’re here. She heard the creak of the stall door and almost sighed in relief. Leaning against the door again with her hands she peered through the slot to see.

Suddenly the door pitched open and she went diving face first towards the tile floor. A pair of hard arms wrapped around her waist a second before her face concrete, she was launched back up.

“I can explain,” she said quickly. She backed up against the corner of the stall door and never even felt it digging into her back.

Thane stood before her a naked, towering man with a blank expression on his face. Jackie trembled like a damn newborn babe. He took a step towards her and she took one back, only further lodging her against the stall. Eyes wide, she searched the room and considered dodging right so she could run out of the bathroom. His eyes narrowed on her as if he read her mind and then he caged her in. This was the second, or was it the third, time he’d done this. It managed to both fuel her with arousal and make her feel small all at the same time.

It seriously didn’t help that he was naked—and dripping—over her clothes as he leaned over her. She couldn’t help it; her eyes fell to his lips. The same lips she’d kissed the other night. His bottom lip was a little fuller than usual from his biting it. Seeing this gave Jackie the nearly insatiable urge to lick it and suck it into her mouth.

“Why hello, Jackie.” His voice was dark and alluring, husky either from the orgasm he had or because he was trying to sound sexy. She wished she knew which.

“Hi,” she squeaked. His lips pulled into a smile, a real one, not a grin. He pressed even closer, his chest now touching her, pushing the cotton of her shirt and the sports bra she wore against her hard nipples.

“Did you like what you saw?”

Her eyes widened and she quickly shook her head. “Excuse me but I have to go.” She started to duck under his arm, but then he pressed his entire body against hers. She was too short for him so he bent his knees until they were neck to neck.

“Don’t leave so soon, Jackie. How about I help you with that?”

“With what?” she said, genuinely confused, happy that the squeak in her voice was gone. He pressed his lips to her ear, a soft kiss.

“With that wet pussy you have.”

Jackie stiffened so hard her neck flared with pain. “Fuck you. This was all your fault.” Her cheeks were so red they burned like a sunburn. He smiled down at her, his hands squeezing her hips, pulling her towards him. She gasped at the sensation. He was hard again. Hard as stone and pushed right up against her needy core. She forced her gaze to the far wall, anything to distract herself.

“How was it my fault that I came here to take a shower and you happen to be watching me?” His voice was so husky and dark. It sent shivers down her spine.

She glared at him. “You knew I was in here the whole time?”

One eyebrow cocked and a grin formed at his mouth. “Course I did.”

Jackie swore fumes actually came out of her ears. “And you—and you did that knowing I was here?” She practically screamed the words she was so angry. He pressed his hips hard against hers, lodging his cock against her sex, and making her eyes flutter.

“Sure did, baby, and you liked it so much you’re dying to be fucked.” Jackie’s heart pounded at his words. It was a combination of his language, meaning, and the fact that he wanted to have sex with her that drove her to use all her strength and shove him away.

He went back a foot and she escaped to the side. She refused to run from him, but she sure as hell walked fast. He came up behind her, quiet as a stalking cat and twirled her until she spun back into his arms.

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