Much less give him the smile she just gave him.

That smile said they had some history. Some intimacy. Had they slept together? Had Craig seen her naked with that look she got right before she came? Had she licked down Craig’s spine? Nibbled the backs of his knees? Which, by the way, had been an unexpected pleasure.

Asa frowned.

She had a fantastic smile. A fantastic mouth.

He flashed back to the first time they’d been together, that mouth of hers wrapped around the head of his cock. Her tongue dancing over his piercing.

It had been so fucking good he’d reeled for days. And now she was… with someone else. And he realized suddenly that wasn’t okay after all.

Craig leaned down from where he stood behind her, sliding an arm around her waist. He spoke in her ear and Asa could see her blush from where he stood.

“Excuse me,” he said to the group of people he’d been standing with as he moved away from them and toward PJ.

He could hear her laugh as he approached, like a hook; he was caught until she looked up from what she’d been doing and noted him standing there.


Those big blue eyes peered up at him. He held a hand out and she took it without any hesitation. He pulled her to him and danced her away from her admirers. Stealing her away all to himself.

“I surrender,” he said in her ear.

She turned so they were nearly nose to nose. “Yeah? What does that mean?”

“It means I want you. It means you want me and I’ve been dumb to think I could cruise on by and let you go. I don’t want to.”

He kept her close and she didn’t make any attempt to move away from him. Damn, he liked the weight of her against his body. Couldn’t wait to get her back to his place so they could continue in private.

However, he got the sense it was going to take more than a squeeze and saying he wanted her to get past the wariness in her eyes.

“Can we talk?” he asked.

“Aren’t we talking now?”

“You’re going to make me work for it, aren’t you?” He couldn’t stop his smile of appreciation. She was so much stronger than he’d given her credit for.

“Everything worth having is worth working for, don’t you think?”

He kissed her. In front of everyone in the club. In front of all her friends and every man who even entertained a fantasy that he could have her the way Asa did. He claimed her.

Oh yeah, this was much better than the last discussion she’d had with Asa, that was for certain. He’d hauled her close and hadn’t let go, and then the kiss…

He tasted her for a few moments. It was sweet, gentle. She sighed into his mouth and he gripped her a little tighter as everything sweet and gentle fled. His kiss heated to scorching, carnal hot as his tongue slid into her mouth and owned it.

This wasn’t just a kiss of reunion. This kiss told everyone in that room that she was with him. Seemed like her plan to awaken his possessiveness had been pretty effective.

It sent shivers all over her as his taste settled back in to her system. She wasn’t prone to making out in public, but wow, this was pretty fantastic. She might have to reevaluate her prior stance on it.

He nipped at her bottom lip and she stared up at him. “I’ll make it worth your while if you agree to come to my house so we can talk. We could go to your apartment, but I don’t want to walk up the hill. And all my gear is at my place. I have champagne and beer and food and a lot of condoms.”

“I’ll agree to the former. We’ll see if you get to use the latter after I hear you out.”

His grin told her his thoughts on the matter, and truth be told, she wanted him. This was what she’d hoped for. Now he needed to grovel a bit and they could get on with the fun part of the evening.

“I need to tell my friends I’m leaving.”

“Okay.” He spun her neatly, his arm around her shoulders, holding her close as they headed through the crowd.

Craig’s eyes widened as they approached and Asa stiffened, so he’d clearly seen that they’d been flirting. Hell, Craig had suggested they go back to her place and finally actually fuck to see if they had something.

It had been halfhearted, but a nice thing to hear anyway.

“Hey, Asa,” Craig said.

Asa tipped his chin as a hello. PJ turned to him. “I’ll be right with you. Just need to tell Audra I’m going.”

He kissed her again and she avoided rolling her eyes. If he wanted to mark his territory she’d let him. Temporarily, until she got a better read on whether he was in this all the way or just to get his dick wet.

“Well, that worked.” Audra handed over PJ’s stuff before hugging her.

“Maybe. We’ll see.”

“I got you on that. Don’t go through with it if he’s an ass. I know it’s a great ass, but you can get great ass without letting him walk all over you.”

PJ snorted. “Thanks, Mom.”

She waved at everyone else and headed back over to where Asa and Craig remained chatting.

“Ready. See you later, Craig.” She shifted to hug him and at first Asa held on, but then he let go.

Craig hugged her quickly and stepped back. She’d have to get the story later on what Asa had said.

“I’m glad you’re not wearing a skirt because I’m on my bike. You can have my helmet,” he said once they reached the sidewalk.

He’d come to her bar. Clearly he’d hoped to see her. She’d have been more impressed if he had two helmets, but then again she might have thought he brought it for another woman and that would have sucked.

“Can we stop by my apartment so I can grab a jacket? I also have a helmet, so then you wouldn’t be doing something dangerous to keep me safe.”

He indicated his bike and she paused, mouth wide open for a moment. A custom Softail. Matte black. Simple and super badass. Masculine. Yum.

“It makes me hard to see you look at a machine like that,” he murmured into her ear before he licked it and made her wet.

“Did you build this?” She ran covetous fingers over the seat.

He handed her the helmet and she got on after he did.

“I did. It was one of my first projects. Come on, let’s get your stuff.”

The ride wasn’t nearly long enough, less than a minute to get from where he’d parked his bike to her driveway. PJ promised herself she’d get a heaping amount of hanging on, plastered to his back, when they left for his house.

Sure, she didn’t actually need to hold on at all. But she would, because hello.

When he keyed the bike off, she slid free and handed his helmet over. “I’ll be right back.”

“I’m sure you will be.” He swung his leg over and stood, taking her hand. “Let’s go.”

Okay then.

“It’s a mess, I’ll warn you now.” She unlocked the door and they went inside.

He looked around and rolled his eyes. “This is messy?”

“My laundry is on the couch unfolded. I have work stuff all over my table. My shoes are everywhere. I was rushing around this week.”

He pulled her to him. “Do you have to work tomorrow?”

“Yes. In the afternoon, most likely. You should know, I’m using a painting bay at Twisted Steel.”

“Stay the night with me then. I’ll take you to breakfast before I drop you either at the shop or here.”

“Your tune changed.” She put a hand at her hip.

He sighed. “Pack a bag. We’ll go to my house and talk. Okay?”

She hoped like hell he was going to take responsibility for this and that she wasn’t making some fruitless trip to his place only to have to call a cab and leave.

He looked really good and she wanted him so much, but she couldn’t let her hormones make her choices right then.

She shrugged after giving him a close look and then headed to her room. And he followed her and tossed himself onto her bed as she grabbed a change of clothes for the next day and tossed them into a backpack. One quick trip to the bathroom and she was ready to go.

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