He looked her helmet over once they’d gotten back to his bike. “I don’t like this one. Why do you have it?”

“Um. Wow, you’re pushy as hell.”

He pulled her close. “I’m testy because I want you so much. Also, this is a shitty helmet. It’s not safe.”

“You could have had me at least a dozen times over the last six weeks, mister. So don’t get testy with me. And the helmet was some sort of freebie I got at work.”

“You can’t use it. Nope. You can have mine. I have extras. We’ll get you a better one soon. There are plenty of great days left to take a bike trip.”

He handed her his helmet again and tossed hers in a nearby trash can. She had no idea why it was so bad. She rarely used it, but the two or three times she had it had seemed fine.

“You okay wearing the backpack?”

She tiptoed up to kiss him quickly. “I’m fine. God. Get on and let’s go.”

He raised a brow. “There’s something really wrong with me, but I missed your attitude.”

“You got some of it over the last month.”

He grinned, kissing her one last time before he got on the bike. She put the helmet on and climbed up behind him. “I don’t like it that you’re not wearing a helmet. I can use that other one until we get to your house.”

He keyed the bike on. “It’s a ten-minute drive. We’ll be fine. If I get a ticket you can say you told me so. Or smile really pretty at the cop and get me out of the ticket to start with.”

Chapter Eleven

He wasn’t sure why, but as they pulled up his driveway and into the garage he was self-conscious. Hoped she liked his place. Hoped she liked what he had to say too.

He took the helmet she handed over and hung it on the grip like he usually did. “Come on.”

He led her up and into the house and she paused after he took the backpack. “Wow, this is a gorgeous view.”

“I bought this house and then spent several years gutting it and rebuilding it. The view though, I didn’t need to do anything to that.”

When he’d first bought the house it had been in terrible shape. The prior owners had trashed an already outdated house. But he loved the neighborhood in Cedar Heights with its views of Lake Washington, sort of a mirror of her view, only to the east instead of the west.

“Want a tour?”

She nodded and he took her hand. “Living room. Kitchen through there.” They walked through and she peeked in here and there until they reached his bedroom, which took up the entire third floor of the house.

He put her backpack on a chair and opened the French doors to the deck. The scent of very late night wafted in.

She faced him and he tipped her chin up with a finger. “Want to talk outside or in here?”

“If I talk to you in here, I’m going to be distracted. Your bed is there.” She pointed. “And you’re naked there. Also distracting.”

“Go on out and sit. I’ll get us something to drink.”

“I’ve had plenty to drink.” A claim and also a way to set him straight. She expected him to be up-front and open and not play around.

He followed her out, lighting the candles on his deck and choosing to sit next to her on the smaller chaise. Now that he’d made his move, he wanted to touch her. Plus, she was prickly, which to his horror only seemed to make him hotter.

“I was wrong about you,” he said.

She continued to watch him. She wore her glasses that night, so the blue was extra vivid, outlined by the black in the frames. Her body language was open but a little guarded. She smelled really damned good and was all curvy and sexy and he wanted to dirty her up at least three times.

If she was open to what he liked, he had plans for the crop that’d just arrived in the mail the day before. He breathed deep to relax, but all he got was a huge whiff of her and his cock ached.

It would happen. They both knew it. That knowledge became a physical thing as the space between them got smaller and smaller.

But she wasn’t going to make it easy on him.

“I should have given you, this, us – whatever – a chance instead of blowing it off.”

“Because I was too young to know what I wanted.”

Okay then, he just had to own it. “Yes. I misjudged you because of your age. And I don’t know why, because from the beginning you’ve known what you wanted just fine. I have a sister who is a little younger than you, okay? I just don’t want to be that old guy banging young chicks.”

She frowned a moment and then burst out laughing. “You’re not old. I’m totally young, but it’s okay for you to think that’s hot. I want you to think I’m hot. That’s sort of what I’m aiming at.”

“I totally underestimated you. I’m sorry.”

“And the whole co-workers thing?”

“Yeah, I kinda blew that when I kissed you several times in the middle of the bar back there. Maybe I don’t like it when clients hit on you.”

“So you think they won’t if you kiss me in public places?”

“Since I’m groveling and all, I should probably tell you something.”

“Which is?”

“I like it that people know you’re with me. I like it more than I’m totally comfortable with. Before, I said you didn’t know what you wanted and that was unfair. But it’s too late now. The truth is, you may not be ready for what I am once I decide something belongs to me.”

“Are you trying to scare me?”

“No. Just trying to be honest. I like you. I didn’t lie about that before. I’ve missed our friendship, and the other stuff.” The naked stuff as well as hanging out and eating ice cream. “I can’t promise I’ll be easy all the time.”

She kept smiling, cocking her head as she looked at him. “I never would have guessed.”

He grinned. She really had no idea what she’d just agreed to. If she thought he was protective about his machines…

“I accept your apology, and we’re cool. But I need you to know I’m dealing with my family, who don’t take me or my ideas seriously. Now that we’re doing this, whatever it is, I won’t take that from you. But let’s be clear, I’m not afraid to let you whip me, tie me up, hit me with a crop.” One of her brows rose and he growled, hauling her into his lap.

“You’re playing with fire, so get to your point if you have any more to say.” He ground his cock up into her pussy, the seam of her jeans pressing against her clit hard enough to feel really good but not hard enough to get off.

Her eyelids slid halfway down and those luscious lips opened on a gasp.

“I forgot my point.” She licked her lips and he groaned. “Oh yes, so I’m down, let’s do it. But I won’t be with anyone who doesn’t take me seriously.”

He stilled, reaching up to cup her cheek. “PJ, I take you seriously, or you wouldn’t be here. I’m sorry your relatives are being assholes, but you know I’d hire you any day of the week. Hell, I do it now.”

She watched him for long moments, and he’d begun to mentally compose his next volley when she took her glasses off and set them to the side.

He’d done a good grovel. It had been heartfelt. He’d listened to her. Now she really wanted to move on to the naked part of the evening. “So, tell me what you’re going to do to me. Are we going to get all wild and kinky tonight?”

He stood, keeping her in his arms. He dipped to grab her glasses, then took her back into his bedroom and put her down near the bed.

“You carry me around a lot.”

He paused and nodded. “I like the way you feel in my arms.”

Okay then. It wasn’t like she minded. It was sort of awesome that he was that strong. And hot.

“So.” He circled her, leaning in to pull the headband from her hair. He dug his fingers in, massaging her scalp until she groaned. Those fingers tightened and he yanked her head to the side, exposing her neck.

Her breath caught, but not from fear. Desire raced through her, sharp and dark.

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