Asa groaned into her mouth, “You’re so wet, so hot. It’s so good.” Her skin pebbled and he nipped her bottom lip. “On your back.”

Slowly, as if she were just a little tipsy, she moved off his lap and settled, her back against the pillows.

“Normally I’d order you to make yourself come. But right at this moment I want to make you come.”

Her smile was patient as she waited. That would change, though. She’d get less patient the longer he paused. It was one of his favorite things about her. He licked around her knee, watching her nipples draw tighter and get darker.

“Hands over your head.” He loved the way that position accentuated the arch of her back, the beauty of her curves. The cant of her hips that opened her up perfectly to his mouth as he slid his lips over her pussy and then parted her with this thumbs, exposing her clit to his tongue.

The sound she made seemed to slice through him, letting all that yearning he felt for her spill out.

The span of his hands as they lay on her thighs, holding them wide for his mouth, made her nearly as breathless as whatever he was doing with his tongue.

He was so fucking big. In every way. It rendered her a little giddy each time he touched her. Even when he was rough or ordered her around, he never used his size against her.

Even today, when she knew he was really angry, she never felt unsafe with him. It made her feel… cherished. Adored.

One of his hands slid up her belly to her nipple. She blew out a breath when he pinched just shy of pain and then backed off.

She hummed at the heat sliding all through her. He was just so good at eating pussy, she didn’t know what to do with herself other than let him do whatever.

He nuzzled her clit until she was right on the very edge of climax and then paused, making her growl her dismay.

“Ah-ah-ah. I’ll let you come when I’m ready. I like to tease you until you get really demanding.”

She craned her neck to look at him better, without moving her hands, of course. He’d totally stopped fucking her the first time she moved when he’d told her not to. That had sucked. But only for about five minutes, because he wanted to come too.

His smile told her he knew she’d stopped herself from moving because she remembered that.

He got back to it, sliding his tongue deep and then swirling it up to her clit, circling over and over until she came so hard she was a mass of twitching muscles and warm, pleasured female.

He rolled her over to her belly, kissing her shoulder as he did. “I liked that,” she mumbled.

He rustled in the nightstand and she smiled, coming out of her stupor a little as she heard the cap of the lube click open after the crinkle of a condom wrapper.

“Mmm.” It seemed like that sound was better than any word she could have said. And since he’d left her sort of dopey postclimax, she’d happily leave it at that.

Then the lube, cool and slick, spread over her asshole and she made a markedly less enthusiastic sound. She’d withhold judgment to see what he planned to do with all that lube. Fingers, maybe. Cock? Nope.

He moved closer, pulling her hips up, also a very good sign. Until he circled the head of his cock around her asshole. This time her sound was a full-on no thank you grunt.

Asa, being Asa, must have taken that as a challenge, because he pressed in and as she’d remembered, it hurt, and not in a good way.

She made another sound, damn the man, and scrambled up the bed to her knees, facing him. “I’m on the train to nopetown with that.”

“I take it you object?” He smirked. Smirked. And it worked on him. He was delightfully mussed up. His hair was down and it managed to tumble over one of his eyes and make him look ridiculously hot.

Still, she needed him to know she didn’t answer knocks at her back door. “Asa, when it comes to butt sex, my philosophy is this.” She indicated her body, and his attention followed, his gaze blurring. “ ‘All these worlds are yours except Europa.’ ” She pointed to her ass. “ ‘Attempt no landing there.’ ”

He’d never in his life had a romantic partner quote any book to him while fucking, much less use a science-fiction novel quote to tell him no thanks to ass fucking.

It was just such a PJ thing that all he could do was burst out laughing, pulling her close. “There’s nothing else I’d rather be doing right this moment.”

It was her turn to laugh. “Nothing? Me saying no to anal is so amusing?”

He nodded, kissing her. “Everything you do is something I’m interested in. That you quote Arthur C. Clarke underlines my very good taste.”

He wasn’t so hot to fuck her ass that he was actually disappointed. He liked what he liked, and he had to allow her to feel the same.

“Joke time is over. Hands and knees. I’m all suited up, let’s not waste a condom.”

With a lazy smile, she complied, thrusting her ass out the way she knew he liked. He petted down her sides and over the curves of her hips, brushed kisses down the long line of her spine as he pushed into her balls-deep with a groan.

This was what he was meant to do. Exactly who he was meant to be with.

He let the pleasure build nice and slow. Or rather he did for several minutes, until he couldn’t stop going deeper and harder. She battered his control on every single level.

His fingertips dug into flesh and muscle at her hips as he held her, thrusting to the hilt over and over. The need to roll around in her, to rut and fuck, to bite and lick and mark forever crawled over his skin as he reached up with his right hand to grab a fistful of her hair, hauling her back as he pushed forward.

“Going to be soon. Make yourself come.”

There was no doubt she’d obey him, so he knew that first clasp of her inner walls was coming. He cursed as it did, that rippling squeeze that told him she was stroking her clit like he told her to.

Yes. His.

He lost himself in her. In the labyrinth of her beauty and sensuality, of the way she felt around him, and when she came in a hot rush, her body squeezing his cock, she pulled him in with her. He came so hard his teeth tingled, the sweat on his thighs sliding against the sweat on hers.

He pulled out and she stretched, watching him walk into the bathroom, then grinned as he returned her way.

PJ handed him a beer. “Let’s finish these so we can move toward round two.”

She truly was perfect.

Chapter Seventeen

Come out to dinner with me and my friends tonight.”

PJ looked up from the stencils she’d just laid down for the first layer of flames on the hood of the ’58 Ford Fairlane she’d been working on for the last day or so.

Even after eight months of knowing him, each time she caught sight of Asa it made PJ’s breath hitch. It didn’t seem to matter that they spent at least five days a week together since that night at the Ditch a little over a month before.

He still managed to get her worked up just by looking at her. Or really, if she was being honest, he still managed to get her worked up just by looking at PJ.

Even when they were both busy they’d find the time for a meal or a cup of coffee. It gave him the opportunity to glower at her if he thought she wasn’t taking care of herself. She found the kinds of juice she liked in the fridge at Twisted Steel, and there was never a shortage of chocolate-dipped-in-dark-chocolate ice cream bars in the cooler.

He didn’t make a big deal out of it, but he did the same thing at his house. Little touches here and there that made it clear he’d been thinking of her comfort or pleasure when he was grocery shopping or whatever.

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