The best, most intense thing was the way he gave her all his attention, even when they were just doing something simple.

Asa didn’t pay attention to too many things. It took a great deal to get him to stop thinking about fenders and engines. Most people and topics didn’t get that full Asa-Barrons-is-listening-to-you-with-all-his-being look. It made her feel special.

And slowly but surely she’d become part of his circle. They’d watched her carefully at first, these guys who looked like hard cases but had squooshy insides and big hearts. They didn’t know what to make of her, or of the way Asa had sort of claimed her and that was that.

By that point though, most of the guys at the shop talked with her or waved at her or included her in invitations for Asa. Part of it had been cars. Their shared language¸ she supposed. Duke had been great, and even Mick had loosened up.

PJ stood tall, stretching her arms above her head to loosen the knots from being bent over the tape-and-stencil application. Plus it made her boobs stick out and she never planned to miss a perfect opportunity to remind Asa what she brought to the table.

His eyes glazed over a moment and he smiled. “Naughty.”

“Will you discipline me?” She caught her bottom lip between her teeth.

He moved very close but didn’t touch her. “Funny you should mention that. I have some new toys. You should stay over after dinner tonight.”

Her breath caught and he groaned.

“You just full-on flushed. Your pupils got big. That makes you wet, doesn’t it? Trying something new?”

She nodded, trying to ignore the fact that just behind him, just outside the bay she worked in, there was a whole crew of guys doing their jobs too.

“Are you wondering what it could be?”

She nodded again.

“Good. I’ll pick you up and we’ll head over together. Sushi okay?”

“I’ll meet you at your place. I’m going over to Audra’s tomorrow, remember?” Her friend was having her wisdom teeth pulled in the afternoon and so PJ planned to spend the night there to keep her company.

He frowned, clearly unable to understand. It always seemed to confuse him when he couldn’t get his way. As if the idea of anyone not just giving him exactly what he wanted was incomprehensible.

Amused by how adorable he was and how annoyed he’d be if he knew she was thinking about his adorableness, PJ gave him a mock pout. “We’re at work or I’d pet your beard to soothe that frown away. Sushi is great. You get to drive from your house to the restaurant. That’s good, right?”

“You do realize I know you’re managing me, right?”

She laughed. “I should hope so. You’d be very stupid if you didn’t. I have better taste than to date a stupid man. What time should I be at your place?”

“I’ll leave here at six or so. We’re supposed to meet up at seven thirty.”

“All right. I’ll see you later.”

He gave her the super-hot Asa sex face. Every dirty thing he’d done to her and imagined doing in the future seemed to broadcast over his features, and it never failed to make her hot.

His smile told her he knew it too. “Come to my place with me now. I’ll make you a sandwich. After.”

She shook her head and took a step back. “Stop it, you. I have to get the orange down so it can dry. This is work. You can molest me later.”

“I plan on it.” He turned to go and she watched his very fine ass until he’d turned the corner.

PJ had been looking down, zipping her bag after she’d dropped her keys in it. She’d knocked on Asa’s door, but when she finally straightened it wasn’t Asa there, but a woman. A really pretty young woman.

“Uh…” PJ paused and the other woman smiled.

“Sorry! I’m Asa’s sister, Courtney. Come in. He said to tell you he’d be back shortly.”

PJ went inside and dropped her things on the bench in his front hall. “I’m PJ Colman. Is everything okay?”

“Our mom. She’s been having trouble with one of her faucets. She doesn’t need it right now, but it makes her happy to know he’d come over, and he likes to be needed.”

Well, that was pretty freaking sweet.

“I’m glad everything is okay. He sent you over here? He could have just texted me.”

“I was here when my mom called. I borrowed his tent and was returning it, so I said I’d stay and wait to tell you in person. Anyway, it gives me a chance to meet you.”

“Oh. Well, hi. I’m glad to meet you too.”

They settled in his kitchen.

“Can you believe this was actually a wall with a tiny window when Asa first bought the house?” His sister waved a hand at the wall of windows leading out to a deck spanning the entire length of the second floor.

“Why would someone do that?” The view was spectacular. Lake Washington glittered in the distance with the Cascades’ white-tipped mountains farther beyond that.

“Right?” Courtney shook her head. “It was dark and it seemed way smaller too. Asa has a way of seeing right to the heart of things. He has a great instinct like that.”

PJ grinned. “That was an awesome way to compliment and warn me at the same time. Bravo.”

Courtney tipped her head back, laughing. “He said you were smart and funny as well as pretty. Come on then and let me keep poking into your life. I need to report back on you to my mom and sister. We’re all dying for details.”

“He must love that.”

Courtney nodded. “Yes, of course. He’s so serious all the time. Always was. He worked extra jobs so he could help my mom get us into a better place to live. Even when he enlisted, he sent nearly all his money home to us. But we’re grown, my sister and me, and our mom is fine. He needs to lighten up in ways that don’t include driving too fast.”

“Ha. Don’t hold your breath.” Asa liked to live on the edge. Fast was like breathing to him.

“At least he has a thick skull. When he was a kid he was legendary for how crazy he was. We didn’t have a lot, but our mom found the money and the parts and stuff so each one of us had a bike. Asa rode his off the top of the roof of the church. He rode it off things. Into things. There was a public pool we’d go to all summer long. He and his friends would sneak in at night and ride into the pool on their bikes and skateboards. Then it was dirt bikes. He broke his arm twice. Anyway, then he went into the army and we worried, but it gave him direction and some control. He’s still crazy, but racing on a track is better than on a street.”

“Safer too. Have you seen him out there?” When Courtney shook her head, PJ continued. “They have an emergency team at the track for every race. A medical team, fire suppression crew. They wear some protective gear.” Not as much as she’d hoped, but she knew who Asa and his friends were. They’d be safe – within limits – but still push it as far as they could. “He’s really good at it. And when he comes off the track, he’s totally full of joy. It’s worth the nervousness when I see that expression.”

“He’s so fearless when he’s on wheels of any kind. But… I like the tone in your voice when you talk about what makes him happy.” Courtney paused and then went back to the subject. “Mainly I’ve accepted it. Drives my mom crazy, but he tries to shield her from most of what he gets up to.”

Ha! PJ bet.

“Anyway, so Asa says you’re amazing with custom paint. He showed us some pictures. He’s proud of you.”

PJ blushed. “He is? Well, wow, that’s nice to hear.” It was sweet that he showed her off like that. There was an Asa very few people got to know. One who was soft and tender all while being very protective. It was something she yearned for. Each thing he shared, every moment they reached a new level of trust and he let her in a little further made her greedy for more.

“It’s pretty cool that I get to do what I love. It pays my bills and that’s nice too. I get to be around cars, also a plus. Asa tells me you’re a dental assistant.”

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