“Yes. He’s been texting me all day asking if we want to meet up at Studio 57 tonight. I told him we couldn’t make it. He’s been trying to get me to change my mind all day.”

I can see she really wants to go. I think about the day with my dad and what he said. I do tend to shy away and keep others at arm’s length. I know he’s right that Mom would want me to live life to the fullest. “So tell him you changed your mind.”

“Kens, we always spend tonight together,” she says softly. She’s afraid that mentioning it will set me off. I’m just as shocked as she is that it doesn’t.

“Who says we aren’t? I have this new outfit that needs to be broke in. Put the guy out of his misery and tell him we will meet him there.” With that, I head to my room to shower and get ready. I pass a picture of me and my parents sitting on my dresser. I miss her so much. I miss our family. Today was the first day since we lost her that I felt like Dad and I are back to being us. It’s nice. I kiss the frame and place it back on my dresser. Time to strap on a smile and be the wing woman my bestie needs. I think I need this night as much as she does.

Levitate _7.jpg

THE DELIVERY TRUCK was late. By the time the truck arrived and I had everything signed in, the staff were starting to arrive to prep for the night. I was bombarded with questions, so I’m just now getting home at a little after six. I walk into the house and I can immediately see that Brighton is not in the best of moods.

“Hey, man, we still on for tonight?” I ask. I would love to grab a quick nap.

I wouldn’t really classify what comes out of his mouth as a reply. It’s more of a grumble with a little bit of a growl thrown in. I toss my keys, wallet, and phone on the table and head to the kitchen to grab a sandwich. I should have eaten at the bar, but I was in a hurry to get out of there. My staff is perfectly capable of handling things; however, they rely on me when I’m there. Me taking the night off is exactly what they need to learn how to step up and make decisions on their own. As long as they don’t burn the place down, everything else can be fixed.

I’m mid-bite of my turkey and Swiss when I hear Bright yell, “Hell yeah!” from the living room. I make my way to him to see what the fuss is about. I find him sitting in the same place grinning from ear to ear, staring at his phone. “What’s up, man?” From the sound of his yell, you would think he just hit the fucking lottery.

“She’s in. Apparently, her roommate changed plans so we could all meet up tonight.” He hops off the couch and passes me to head to his room. He slaps a hand on my shoulder wearing a smirk. “I’m hopping in the shower.” With that, he is gone and with a little more of a pep in his step. I do believe this Nicole has really gotten under his skin. This is going to be an interesting night.

I inhale my sandwich and grab a quick shower. The nap that I have been dreaming about all day will just have to wait. I throw on a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt. It fits tight against my arms; the ladies seem to love it, so I don’t bother putting forth any more effort. I run some gel through my hair, throw on my boots, and call it good. Bright is walking out of his room at the same time as I do mine. His grin is still firmly in place.

He’s completely distracted by his phone, so I head toward my truck. No way do I want to ride with his ass while he’s distracted by technology or maybe it’s not technology that he is so enthralled with. It might be female and have a completely different appeal.

We arrive at Studio 57 and the crowd is impressive as always. As we walk through the crowd to find a table, I observe the ladies who take in our appearance. Bright and I are not hard to miss. We are both well over six-feet tall and can’t help but stand out in a crowd.

While I appreciate the level of ladies who are undressing us with their eyes, Bright is busy scanning the crowd. He doesn’t seem to notice the come-hither eyes and fuck-me heels that are chomping at the bit to have a piece of him. No, he has singular taste tonight. That taste being a girl named Nicole. I’ve never met her, well, not sober anyway. Apparently, he introduced us at the bonfire; however, I was three sheets to the wind. I knew the next few months were going to be filled with twelve and fourteen hour days, seven days a week. I woke up in the bed of a red head that morning with no recollection of how I got there. I couldn’t even remember her name. I try not to make that a habit. I hook up, but I like to remember it. Hooking up with random girls while drunk is a risk I don’t like to take. You never know what they will try and to trick you into. You can’t trust women. My mother is a prime example. After, what she did to my dad, no how no way. I enjoy them, but I have no need for anything more than a roll in the sheets.

My buddy, on the other hand, I’m not so sure about. If you asked me before today, I would have told you we were the two amigos. Never going to settle down, never willing to fall into the trap of what a permanent woman in your life has to offer. However, watching him now as his frowned face surveys the crowd, I feel another of the mighty just might have fallen. My thoughts are justified as I study him and watch as his face lights up. I follow his gaze and see a blonde pixie coming our way. Her smile mirrors his and she only has eyes for Bright. I watch as she reaches us. She stands on her tiptoes as he leans down and places a kiss on the corner of her mouth. What the fuck? These two seem way too comfortable for just a few text messages and a coffee. I make a mental note to question him when we get home tonight.

I watch as she reaches back and places her arm around the girl who is standing behind her. She’s a fucking knock out. Brown hair that skims her shoulders and those eyes… blue—a sparkling blue unlike any I’ve ever seen before. I’m staring at her, because again she’s stunning. I feel a hand clamp down on my shoulder and I realize Bright is talking to me or maybe about me; hell, I have no idea. My brain just short circuited.

I pull my gaze from the friend to face Bright. He chuckles.

“As I was saying, Nicole, this is Maxton. Max, this is Nicole and her roommate, Kensington,” he introduces us, still smiling.

Kensington, fuck, even her name is hot. I extend my hand first toward Nicole; she accepts my handshake. This is not normally how I would say hello. Usually, I would just acknowledge them with a nod of my head, maybe hold my drink up in greeting. However, I know if I offer my hand to Nicole first and she accepts, then the lovely Miss Kensington will feel she needs to do so as well. This means I get to touch her. I need to establish that connection for what I have planned. I offer her my hand and she takes it politely in hers. When she goes to pull away, I tug her hand to my lips and place a soft kiss on her knuckles. I pull back just as fast, and act as if nothing happened. I watch as she fidgets from one foot to the next. Not the reaction I was hoping for, but we’ve got all night. I need to give Bright tomorrow night off. He just gave me an in with a beautiful woman who has my neglected dick standing at attention.

“Ladies, it’s nice to meet you,” I finally say.

They both smile in acknowledgement at my greeting.

“I called and reserved us a table,” Bright says as he places his hand on the small of Nicole’s back and leads our little party of four to the back of the club. I follow his lead and do the same with Kensington; however, my attempt is not as well received as Bright’s. I feel her entire body become rigid at my touch. This is not what I’m used to. I’ve never had a woman act this way toward me before. It doesn’t sit well with me.

We reach the table and Bright pulls a chair out; he motions in offering to Nicole. I follow his lead and do the same. I’m a little out of my element here. This girl has only been in my presence for ten minutes tops and has me off my game. I need to regroup. I’ve never really had to work for it. I’m sure once she warms up to me, it will be game on.

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