We all settle in and I offer to grab us some drinks. Bright asks for a beer, and I look toward Nicole. I can feel Kensington watching me, which is why I’m making her wait until the end. “Nicole?” I say her name in question. She just shrugs and says to bring her a beer as well. I then turn my gaze on Kensington. I take in her blue eyes and high cheek bones. This chick really is a stunner. I lean in close and whisper in her ear, “What about you, what do you want?” My voice is gruff as I place a gentle kiss just below her ear. I feel her stiffen. What the fuck? It’s been a while since I’ve been out. Have I lost my touch?

“I’m actually the DD, so just a bottle of water please,” she replies, not making eye contact. She’s looking at Nicole. I watch as Nicole mouths the words “Are you okay?” Kensington nods once. If I was not so enthralled with this chick, I would have missed it.

Without another word, I stand and make my way to the bar. I order three beers and a bottle of water. Two lovely ladies dressed in clothing that leaves nothing to the imagination saunter up on either side of me. I offer the blonde a wink and she moves in closer. She runs her nails up and down my forearm. “Hey handsome,” she coos. I want to roll my eyes at her antics. Instead, I wink at her and watch as her eyes light up. It’s easy to see that if I wanted her, I could have her. I glance over my shoulder at the table and see Bright and the girls deep in conversation. I’m not sure what this girl’s issue is, but it bugs the hell out of me. I wrack my brain trying to think of if I’ve met her before. Did I sleep with her and not remember? It wouldn’t be the first time. No matter how much I like to avoid that situation, it, indeed, has happened a time or two. Her eyes pop in my head and I know if that were the case, I would remember. You don’t forget eyes like that.

The bartender passes me our drinks. I give him some cash with a hefty tip and turn to leave. Blondie stops me with her hand on my arm. “Got one of those for me?” she asks. Surely her voice isn’t naturally that low. She’s trying way too hard and my already surly mood from Kensington’s brush off isn’t earning her any extra points.

“No can do, these are already spoken for.” I hate being a dick, but sometimes it’s just the way things need to be.

I make it back to the table and pass out the drinks. Both girls are laughing at something Brighton has said and that irks me even more. I take my seat next to Kensington and she acts as if I’m not even there. The DJ says he’s going to slow things down, which prompts Bright to hold out his hand to Nicole. She doesn’t hesitate. She places her hand in his and allows him to pull her to her feet. She glances over her shoulder at us and Kensington offers her a small wave.

I stand up and offer my hand as well. Seems it’s working for Bright. My usual game doesn’t seem to affect this chick. She stares at my waiting hand, but makes no move to accept. “Dance with me?” I ask.

She studies me for what seems like hours then says, “No, thank you. I’ve had a long day. I think I’ll just sit this one out.”

I give her a nod that I understand and turn and walk away. I don’t need this shit. I don’t know what crawled up this girl’s ass, but I’m so fucking over it. I have not had a night out in months and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let this girl ruin it.

I find myself back at the bar ordering me another beer. I killed mine on the way here. The blonde and her friend are still there, still on the prowl. At this point, I don’t care. She’s offering what I need.


Maybe that’s why I’m letting this Kensington chick mess with my head. It’s been way too long since I’ve been buried deep. I catch the bartender’s attention and motion to the girls. He nods in understanding. They both move in close and thank me. “Trust me, ladies, the pleasure is all mine.” I can tell they know the score. I only need one of them. I’m not greedy. The blonde doesn’t seem to be holding a grudge from my brush off earlier. After the bartender serves their drinks, she picks it up and downs it. I follow suit and slam back the beer I just ordered. She grabs my arm and pulls to me to the dance floor.

I don’t think about how rude it was of me to leave her sitting there by herself. I don’t think about how pissed Bright is going to be that I left her there. All I think about is the warm willing female grinding against me, giving me a preview of what’s to come. The release I have been yearning for is right in front of me and that’s all I want.

Levitate _8.jpg

MY EYES FOLLOW him as he walks away from the table. He is definitely not someone who will take me as I am. I can’t believe he’s pissed off that I didn’t want to dance. Sure I wasn’t exactly Miss Hospitality, but his cocksure attitude rubbed me the wrong way. I could tell from the moment he saw me what was running through his mind. I don’t have the time or the energy to be another notch on his bedpost. Maybe it’s just that I’m not in the best of moods today, but he’s arrogant! The blonde at the bar slides up next to him, pressing against his arm. Maxton says something to her; she smiles and licks her lips. He stands and I can’t pull my eyes away as he leads her out to the dance floor. She grinds up against him as his hands roam her body. I watch in fascination as they move to the beat. Strangers… touching, grinding, and groping as if they have been intimate for years.

I watch as his big hands glide across her back. Yes, I noticed the size of his hands. How could I not? He’s a big guy. Well over six feet tall, broad strong shoulders and chocolate brown eyes. Just because I think he’s an arrogant ass munch doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy the view.

I want to look away, I do, but my eyes are glued to them. Their bodies move in sync, like they’ve moved together a thousand times before. My eyes follow the muscles in his arms as her pulls her tight against his chest. The way his jeans hang, just right on his hips as they grind and roll into hers. For an instant, I envy her. I’m jealous that his hard muscular body is not grinding up on me. When Maxton turns and catches me staring, he smirks, leans down, and kisses her neck. GAH! Cocky bastard.

My envy turns to pity. I feel bad for her that she has so little self-worth that she feels like she has to offer herself on a silver platter to guys like him. Then again, who am I to judge? To each their own.

Still, the way he smirked at me, like he could read my mind, pisses me off. I hate guys who think they’re God’s gift to women. What happened to romance, to conversation, getting to know someone? Old fashioned? Maybe. However, with my past, I need that. I’m not looking for love, but I’m not opposed to it either. I just need to be able to fully trust, and that’s hard for me.

Suddenly, I feel warm breath on my ear. “Dance with me,” a deep voice rumbles. I turn my head to catch a glimpse, and the guys… not bad. He’s about six foot, dirty blond hair, and by the way his shirt is pulled tight against his arms, I can tell he’s built, although a little too preppy for my taste. I start to say no, and then I remember the look on Maxton’s face when he caught me watching. No way am I going to let him think I’m pining away for his affections. This is what I came for. To break out of the sorrow that this day holds. To continue living one day at a time. Besides, I love dancing.

“Lead the way,” I reply with a wink.

Mr. Preppy grabs my hand and leads me out to the dance floor. I get a whiff of his cologne as he pulls me against his chest. He smells good. Leaning down, he whispers in my ear. “By the way, I’m Lance,” he says in his deep voice.

Not giving him the chance to stand to his full height, I turn my head and reply, “Kensington. Nice to meet you, Lance.”

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