Aiden cleared his throat next to me. “So, Starbucks was a good call I take it.”

“Yeah, I am kind of a caffeine addict.”

He laughed. “Don’t worry Umm Sam, so am I.”

I smacked his shoulder. “Are you ever going to stop teasing me about that?”

“Hmm, that would be a yes and a no. Yes, for as soon as you drink said needed coffee, and no, for when I feel like teasing you in class Wednesday morning,” he said with a smirk.

He was fun to be around, and his brand of humor was exactly what the doctor ordered.

“Well, Aiden Thompson, I’m glad we met. It’s nice to have someone around who understands my addiction.” I giggled.

He smiled, and I could see the hopefulness in his eyes. I knew I’d need to be clear from the start that I wasn’t looking for a boyfriend. There was no way that was happening. I was in love with Emmett, and that wasn’t going to change. Ever. I figured I could work it into a conversation. I didn’t want to lead him on. We sat outside at one of their little tables.

“So, tell me about yourself, Sam.”

“Well, now that I’m just Sam, I’d be happy to,” I joked. Continuing in a more serious tone, I said, “There really isn’t much to tell. I’m studying to be a psychologist. I’ve always wanted to help people. I’d also like to be an advocate for people with mental illnesses. I want the world to stop looking down on them and recognize that it’s as valid as any other disease out there.”

“That’s great, Sam,” Aiden replied. “You have a good heart.”

I smiled, “Thanks, what about you?”

“Oh, me? Well, I don’t really know yet. My dad wants me to be a surgeon like him, but it’s not my thing. So, I’m going here to spite him, and be closer to my mom. They’re divorced. My mom is the most caring person in the world. She’s never said a mean thing to anyone.”

“Did you grow up around here?” I asked.

“Sort of. I spent most of my childhood floating between Auburn and Maryland. Mom lives here, so I’m staying with her while in school. Dad lives in Maryland, and works at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore.”

“I’m sorry. That sounds stressful, Aiden.”

“Eh, it’s okay. Anyway, as for what I’m going to school for . . . my MR degree,” he finished.

“I thought you said you didn’t know what you were going for.”

“Well that’s true, I did say that, and I don’t know, but I may as well work on my MR degree while I’m here. You know, MR, as in mister, as in looking for my Mrs. Right,” he chortled.

I shook my head, laughing with him.

“Oh my God, Aiden. You’re too much.” I laughed again.

“Tell me about you, Sam. I want to know about you as a person.” He winked.

“Oh. Well, I’m kind of in a relationship . . . sort of,” I answered.

His eyes grew wide as his brow scrunched together in confusion.

“We’re just taking a break.” I sighed. “Look, it’s really a long, sad story, and I don’t want to get into it right now.”

“It’s okay. We don’t have to talk about it.”

“Thanks. I’m not looking for another relationship now, that’s for sure. So if that’s what you’re after, we may as well stop right here before anyone gets hurt. I’m broken Aiden. My heart’s taken, and that’ll never change.” I dropped my eyes to my lap.

He reached across the table and gently lifted my chin up so my eyes had nowhere else to look but at him. “That’s not what I’m after, Sam. I mean, you’re absolutely gorgeous, but if you only want to be friends, that’s okay with me. Let’s just be friends.”

I smiled at him. “I’d like that very much.”

“Maybe someday, you’ll tell me this long, sad story of how you’re kind of in a relationship. I have to admit, even taking a relationship break, that’s a new one for me.”

“Yeah, maybe someday,” I said. “Look, Aiden, I’m gonna go. I want to stop by my apartment and check on my dog. I’ll see you in class on Wednesday.” I got up and slung my backpack over my shoulder.

“Okay, Sam, see you Wednesday.”

From that point on, Aiden and I had Starbucks together after class every Monday and Wednesday. He took my mind off Emmett, and that was what I needed, because when I wasn’t hanging out with Aiden, I was sad about Emmett leaving me and worried I’d lost him forever.

He was so funny and full of life. It was a relief just being around him. On Tuesdays, I couldn’t wait for Wednesday to get a good dose of Aiden Comic Relief.

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Love's Secret Torment _6.jpg

A month had passed since Emmett had left, but I was getting by pretty well. I still had my moments when reality would smack me upside the head and say, “He’s gone!” I’d inevitably break down in the ladies’ room or while sitting in my car at a stoplight. It was never a nice reality to face. But I had to face it . . . repeatedly. Fate was a cruel bitch, and I’d had enough of her games, constantly toying in our lives. I wondered many times if fate was a real, breathing, conniving thing. I mean, it had to be with the level of turmoil it had caused Alec, Emmett, and me.

I thought about Emmett every minute of the day, wondering how he was coping with Alec’s death, how he was he able to get by each day dealing with it alone. We’d barely survived and recovered from Alec’s death when we were together. I couldn’t imagine facing that without Emmett by my side.

I wanted to call him. It was a battle I won every day to not call and check up on him. I knew he had to be suffering, but also that I couldn’t help him. Otherwise he would have stayed. He wouldn’t have walked out of my life and left me alone. All of our friends were great about checking on me. They said Emmett was hanging in there when I’d ask about him. Emmett deserved better than just ‘hanging in there’ though. He needed his life back. He needed me, and I needed him.

I was meeting Aiden for a study-lunch for an exam we had coming up in English Lit. When I pulled up to the restaurant, I saw his sporty, little car parked in the back. He got out when he saw me. He really was cute, and I tried to think of who I could set him up with, but all of my friends were already in relationships.

“Hey, Sam!”

“Hey, Aiden. Ready for a mad study-lunch combo?”

“Yup. Let’s go get a table.”

We walked inside the bistro and waited to be seated. The hostess came pretty quickly to lead us to our table. As we turned the corner, I felt Aiden’s hand at the small of my back, and tingles spread across my limbs. I was so startled by it, that I tripped, causing Aiden to catch me in his arms.

“Oh! Sam, are you okay?” he asked as he helped set me straight on my feet.

“Yes, I’m fine. Sorry. Trippy feet is all,” I murmured, embarrassed.

We sat down across from each other in the booth, and I struggled to look anywhere but directly at him. I needed to regain my composure.

“Alexis will be your waitress this afternoon. Can I get your drink order to start with?” she asked us.

“Yeah, I’ll have a Coke,” I said.

“An iced tea, please,” Aiden replied.

She gave him a flirty smile. “Would you like that sweet or unsweetened, sir?”

“Oh sorry, I’d like that sweet. I need all the sugar I can get,” he said, winking at me.

I laughed. I couldn’t help it. I loved it. Aiden was constantly making me laugh and have happy, relieving moments. The hostess shook her head with a giggle and walked away.

“So,” Aiden said.

I peered over my menu and waited for him to continue.

“There’s a frat party on Saturday night. You wanna go? We can flip a coin for designated driver.” He smiled.

“Okay. Sounds fun. But why don’t we take a cab so we can both have a drink,” I suggested.

He winked. “Sounds like a plan, Sam.”

The waitress came and took our order. We discussed the English Lit exam study guide while we ate.

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