“I think we’re both about as prepared for this exam as we’re gonna get,” I said.

“Yeah, it’ll be cake.”

“What time should we meet Saturday?”

“I’ll have a cab pick you up at seven pm.”

“Ok, see you Saturday, Aiden,” I said, waving goodbye.

“Saturday it is,” he said, smiling.

He had to be one of the most carefree people I’d ever met. I just hoped he really realized I meant it when I said we needed to just be friends. The occasional touches here and there had me worried. I drove home and parked. I couldn’t tear my gaze away from Emmett’s empty parking spot. The lightness I felt at Aiden’s humor was instantly gone, and my heavy heart returned.

I walked into my apartment, and Gage met me at the door, wagging his tail.

“You want to go for a walk, buddy?” He started jumping around with excitement when I grabbed his harness and leash. I hooked him up, and put a couple poopie-bags into my jeans pocket. I grabbed my ear buds off the counter on my way out. I fished the wire down the front of my shirt and stuffed one of the buds in my ear, leaving the other one hanging so I could still hear traffic. I turned on my playlist and, with music in my ear, lost myself in my walk with Gage.

We walked down to the dog park where I let him off his leash to run and play. I saw a text come in from Heather.


Hey girl, how ya doing?


I’m good. At the dog park with Gage.


Cool. You coming to the frat party Sat night?


Yeah. Aiden asked me.


Whoa. You’re hanging out with that dude a lot. Anything I should know?


No. We’re just friends. It’s all good. He makes me forget the pain sometimes, and I kinda need that.


No judging. You can do what you want to, but . . . if you’re so quick to defend your friendship with him, maybe you should look a little deeper at your feelings. There could be something meaningful there.


No. Really, he’s just a friend who makes me laugh.


Ok. So I’ll see you at the party then?


Yup. See you Sat.

Heather was perceptive. But she was wrong this time. I only had room in my heart for Emmett. Well, and Alec, but he had a corner that was all his and always would be. Emmett understood and was okay with that. I sure as hell didn’t have room in my heart for another guy. While Aiden was attractive, he wasn’t my Emmett. My eyes started to fill with tears as I thought about Emmett again. It was that way most of the time. It was like he’d taken a piece of my soul with him when he left.

I called Gage over and hooked his leash back up then walked us back home. I couldn’t shake Emmett from my mind. I hoped, wherever he was, that he was okay. I curled up and watched a movie with a spoonful of mint chocolate chip ice cream. After waking up on the couch, I got up and turned the TV off, went into the bedroom and pulled my PJs on before dropping into bed. With tears in my eyes, I stared at the empty space where Emmett should have been and dozed off.

Love's Secret Torment _10.jpg

I’d just finished getting ready for the party when I heard a horn honking out front of my apartment building. I grabbed my compact and lip-gloss and stuffed them in my jeans pockets along with a key to my apartment and my phone.

Locking the door behind me, I turned around to see Aiden, sitting in a cab, waiting for me. I ran over and got in. The driver took off to the address Aiden gave him.

“You look fantastic, Sam,” he said.

“Thanks. You, too,” I replied.

We arrived at the party, and it was an event to behold. There were cars parked everywhere in the street, and even a couple almost up in the front yard. The music was thumping, and there were people standing inside and outside of the house. It was a complete contrast to the first frat party I’d been to the night I met Emmett. Thoughts of him started to turn my mood somber, so I pushed them right out of my head. Tonight was supposed to be fun, and that was what I was going to do. Have fun.

“You really do look fantastic, Sam,” Aiden said, leading me into the house.

“Thanks, Aiden. Um, look, I really want to be sure you understand I meant it when I said we could only be friends.”

“Sam, when are you going to open up about what this guy’s done to you?” he whispered.

“I’m not. I told you, it’s not up for discussion. It’s a long, complicated story anyway. Besides, we’re at a party. Let’s have some fun.”

“Yeah. Okay,” he murmured.

We made our way through the house to the kitchen where Aiden grabbed us each a beer. They were playing beer pong in the dining room, but we passed through to the back so we could go outside. There were people dancing in the grass and lying on lounge chairs by the pool.

A couple was in a kissing embrace in the pool. The DJ started a new song when the last one finished, and even more people started dancing. Aiden and I danced our hearts out. After consuming a few more beers, we ended up sitting next to each other in lounges by the pool to catch our breath.

“I think I’m ready to go home, Aiden.”

“Okay, I’ll call a cab to come pick us up.”

It was a fun night, but I was exhausted and ready for an eight-hour nap. Good thing it was night and well past my bedtime. I remember thinking that, for once I would just pass-out and not have to cry myself to sleep like every other night. Maybe there was something to Emmett and his turn to whiskey after all. I’d file that away for evaluation on another day.

We took a cab to my apartment building first. When the cab stopped in the no-parking zone, Aiden got out and opened my door for me. I held onto his hand as I climbed out and felt those now familiar tingles spread up my wrist and arm. I think Aiden felt it, too. He startled before giving my hand a light squeeze as I stood to my feet.

We got to my door and stood there a minute while I reached into my jeans pocket, pulling my lip gloss and compact out to get to my key.

“Here it is,” I said, giggling as I held my key up in the air.

“Good thing. For a moment there I thought I was gonna have to take you home with me,” Aiden taunted.

I glanced up at him. He was staring at me intensely.

No, please don’t do this. Don’t ruin our friendship.

I broke the moment by turning back toward my front door. The heel of my boot caught on the uneven pavement where the step began and I dropped my stuff and key and stumbled toward the ground. Aiden caught me at the last second before I hit the pavement.

“You know, we really have to work on your walking skills. It’s a good thing my arms are always around to save you,” he teased.

“Sorry. It’s that damn step. I’m going to have to call maintenance and report it. Maybe they can level it out somehow.”

As he stood me up straight, my face was an inch from his. My nerves were shot, and I couldn’t move. I continued to stare at him as he stared back. Our lips were so close, I could smell the orange Tic Tacs on his breath. He leaned into me, and our lips touched as our breathing sped up. Closing his mouth over mine, his hand wove into the back of my hair, and I reveled in the feel of affection . . . until I began to panic. I pulled away and stepped back. With my hands fidgeting, I hurried to unlock my door then stepped inside.

“I’m . . . I’m sorry, Aiden. That shouldn’t have happened,” I blurted.

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