“Oh, calm down,” he shook his headand gave me a wide smile, accentuating his dimpled cheeks. His mischievous babyface contradicted strongly with the rest of his toned physique. “If you woulduse your magic and let me communicate telepathically with you, I wouldn’t haveto say things loud enough for the entire world to hear.”

            “Oh, I see. It’s my fault. Youknow that I’m not supposed to um, let my guard down,” I said softly, still notsure why Principal Saint had been so insistent upon my mental defenses.

“I know that, I’m just giving you ahard time. Chill out. But what I really need to know is if you have somethingnice to wear tonight…. something um, more grown up?” Now that he was forced toask me his bizarre question face to face, I realized that he was a little shy.I inwardly felt satisfied to witness Avalon’s small embarrassment; although itcould never equal my seemingly constant humiliation.

“That depends on what you haveplanned,” I doubted any good could come from whatever scheme he was devising.

“I, of course, can’t tell you,” hereplied dramatically. “It’s a surprise,” he looked around us as if to make sureno one was paying attention. “And really, it’s no big deal.”

“Oh but you expect me to get alldressed up?” I asked hoping to get more details.

“Well, it’s just that…..” hehesitated, and looked around again. “Do you have something sexy or not?” he wasbarely able to say the word now that we were face to face.

“You are awesome at asking a girlout,” I was a little irritated with his funny behavior.

“This is not a date!” Avalonblurted out a little too loudly. My face flooded with heat immediately and Icouldn’t look him in the eyes.

“I was just joking.” I mumbledpathetically. I knew that it wasn’t a date from the beginning. It wasn’t likethat with Avalon…. but he didn’t have to react so strongly.

“I’m sorry,” Avalon calmed down andsaid softer, “Eden, I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. It’sjust that, you know, we’re only friends right? I mean good friends… bestfriends…. but just friends,” I nodded my reply, instantly forgiving him, but Ifully planned on milking this just a little longer. “Besides, this is amission.”

“A mission?” curiosity made mecompletely forget feeling sorry for myself. “For what?”

“You’ll just have to wait and see,”Avalon responded mysteriously, flashing his big dimples at me again. “Remember,look like a grown up. I’ll pick you up at eight,” he stood up and headed forthe door. I was once again left to wonder at the strange behavior of highschool boys.


I checked myself in the full lengthmirror once again, not fully buying what I saw. Aunt Syl was working tonightand so I had full access to her “grown-up” wardrobe per request from Avalon. Iobeyed his appeal to find something more mature, but left him waitingimpatiently in his truck while I found the courage to leave the house.

The dress I chose to wear couldhave had many descriptions; some might have called it “sexy”… I called it“midnight hooker.” Somehow I thought Avalon would approve. The all black dresswas simple, maybe too simple, but definitely mature. The short skirt coveredjust enough, leaving my legs bare, but looking extra-long. The dress coverednothing behind me above my low hip-line and I prayed it would remain tactfulalthough completely backless; I was thankful that the neckline of the dress wasjust below my throat. My arms were sleeveless and the only thing keeping thedress on my shoulders was a thin ribbon that tied at the base of my hairline.

I resisted the urge to let my hairhang down covering the open back, and instead pulled it over one shoulder in aloose and low pony tail. I stepped close to the mirror and applied some bubblegum pink lip gloss. Looking over myself for a final time I realized I hadforgotten shoes.

I ran back into Aunt Syl’s closet.My eyes quickly assessed the racks of designer heels and fell on a pair of sixinch hot pink stilettos. I pulled them on immediately; fully aware I wouldregret the decision later. I grabbed a silver clutch on my way out of themassive room and went as quickly, but as carefully as possible down the stairsand out the door.

Using magic to lock the house, Imade it to Avalon’s truck before I realized there was no way in hell I couldmake it up into his cab with class. I opened the door of the truck and eyed thestep. I looked back down at the long heel on my beautiful shoes and then at myshort tight skirt and laughed out loud.

“You have got to be kidding me.” Iturned my eyes to Avalon and shook my head. “This is impossible.”

“You’re right,” Avalon turned offthe engine and jumped down. “I said look grown up, not like a prostitute,” hehurried across the street to a silver Lexus parked on the curb. “Whose car isthis?”

“I think my neighbors. You don’thave to be rude. I can go change,” I called after him; my insecuritiesconfirmed.

“Nah. You’re fine; I was justkidding,” he opened the door of the car easily; I had expected it to be locked.Avalon took another look around and sat down in the driver’s side seat. “Comeon.”

I walked over to the car with mymouth open. There was absolutely no way I was stealing this car. I halfexpected Avalon to rip the wires out of the steering column and do some fancytrick to hotwire it. Of course he just used his magic and turned the car on withoutany sign of vandalism.

“There is no way I am going to bean accessory to grand theft auto!” I shook my head and crossed my armsstubbornly.

“Come on, we’re going to be late,”Avalon ignored my objections.

“I’m serious, Avalon,” I triedagain, but he threw the passenger’s side door open and revved the engine.

“Seriously Eden, we will bring itback completely unharmed. If you like, I’ll even fill up the gas tank. Now getin,” he said it firmly and I realized that he was going with or without me so Idecided to get it in. Hopefully my magic would be enough to repair any majordamage Avalon was able to incur.

Avalon played with the dial of theradio, until he found something he deemed suitable. The loud music reinforcedthe point that this was definitely not a date and I realized once again that I wastotally fine with that. My interest was raised however, and I couldn’t evenimagine where he was taking me.

Avalon drove out of my neighborhoodand towards downtown. I lived nearly exactly midtown, in an area called Dundee,so it only took fifteen minutes or so before we were driving on the old brickstreets through the Old Market. Shops and restaurants surrounded us on bothsides of the old fashioned part of town.

We drove slowly to avoid themeandering pedestrians and occasional horse and buggy. Cops sat on streetcorners talking casually with street artists and a group of musicians playedthe blues with an open guitar case set out in front of them.

Although the weather was stillfairly warm, the days were growing shorter and it was already dark outside. Mymagic was pulsating and my senses were heightened. I could feel the pull ofstrong magic in the direction we were driving causing my heart to beat evenfaster.

Eventually Avalon pulled over in amore deserted area of downtown. My pulse quickened as we stepped out of thecar. I could tell where we were going now from the draw of magic beneath theground, but I let Avalon lead the way.

I followed Avalon to a darkeneddoorway that appeared to be locked; the door was made out of a strong wood buthad been painted black. A brass door knocker sat in the middle shaped into thesame image that Avalon had tattooed on his left wrist: a large snake wrappedaround an apple, eating its own tail. A chill ran up my spine; I was notentirely sure what I had just gotten myself into.

Avalon gripped the doorknocker inhis palm and held it for a few seconds. The brass turned to gold and thenilluminated the doorway for only a second before dulling back into the brass wefirst encountered. I heard the lock click and the door opened partway. Ifollowed Avalon into the building realizing he had given me no explanation asto what was behind this door.

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